• 菲亚梅塔
  • フィアメッタ
  • 피아메타


Sniper — Artilleryman
Deals AOE Physical damage
  • LT11
  • Ranged
  • DPS
/ 90
[Code Name] Fiammetta
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 4 Years
[Place of Birth] Laterano
[Date of Birth] Apr 3
[Race] Liberi
[Height] 171cm
[Infection Status]
Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
[Physical Strength] Standard
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Excellent
[Tactical Acumen] Standard
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard
Fiammetta is a senior special correspondent of the Lateran Notarial Hall. At her request, her job title will be withheld here. She currently provides Rhodes Island with relevant services while receiving provisions from Rhodes Island in accordance with our cooperation agreement with the Lateran Church.
Apocalypse Punisher? And this is gonna get updated every month, too? If I'm supposed to add this stuff to the terminal archives, you might as well kill me now.
— HR Operator
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Fiammetta shows no signs of Originium Infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
Operator Fiammetta frequently ventures into dangerous environments with her coworker, camping in ruins or the barrenlands. Thankfully, she is in excellent physical condition. Perhaps she could take some time off for a holiday to improve her mental health, too.
As everyone knows, Operator Fiammetta can often be found working with Mostima. She claims to be Mostima's overseer and that she is in charge of making sure Mostima does not leak any critical confidential information about Laterano as she liaises with the outside world. However, we have observed that not all Apostolic Nuncios working outside Laterano have such an 'overseer' assigned to them. There is reason to believe that Fiammetta and Mostima's team-up is an exception rather than the norm, and there is no doubt that this has to do with Mostima's status as an fallen angel.
That said, Mostima alone is in charge of all the formal diplomatic responsibilities assigned to her as a Nuncio. As the 'overseer', Fiammetta never participates in the negotiations or discussions, instead standing by outside the venue. It seems her only diplomatic role is to demonstrate through her identity that the Sankta with horns can be trusted. Their relationship may be more complicated and ambiguous than the 'superior and subordinate' and 'overseer and executor' they appear on the surface. In her Operator tests, Fiammetta demonstrated impressive combat abilities and mobility. Considering Mostima's extraordinary destructive power, we cannot help but wonder what sort of diplomatic missions require the participation of members such as these.
When questioned further by HR about her responsibilities at the Notarial Hall, Fiammetta refused to answer on the grounds of papal confidentiality.
Workshop Use Logs:
A couple days ago, Fiammetta brought a Sankta firearm here and asked us to help repair it. It's not one of her two weapons registered as standard equipment, but her knowledge in firearms was really beyond my expectations. Personally, I'm not very fond of guns, but Fiammetta understood its structure, principles, and how to wield it like the back of her hand. Where'd a Liberi learn all that? With how knowledgeable she was, I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd picked it up and shot down three practice target drones right then and there. Of course, it's also nothing more than knowledge. It's obvious that she can't actually use a Sankta firearm in battle. As to where the gun came from, Fiammetta said it was entrusted to her by someone. She also said something pretty ominous about how this is a kind of 'price' that he would have to trade his life for. I didn't want to dig too deep into that. Everyone's got their obsessions.
What's really messed up, though, is that I know this gun. Back when I studied in Laterano all those years ago, I read about it in a book. This is a heritage gun. Or at the least, a very fine replica of one. I can't say for sure. It's been maintained very well. There's a high chance that the internal parts have been replaced before, but it likely isn't used very often.
The gun's original owner was very famous. If this is this real deal, it was once held by the saints themselves. The saint that wielded it was known for his generosity and piety. It was supposed to be sealed away under the Lateran Basilica after he passed away, but its whereabouts have been unknown ever since for whatever reasons. Until today, that is. Assuming it's real, I can't fathom how its owner found this old boy, or how Fiammetta got her hands on it, but I feel compelled to at least leave this on record.
I just hope this isn't some kind of stolen artifact, since it definitely belongs in a museum.
'Old friend, we agree with your opinion. Now that it has come to this, there is indeed very little chance of salvaging the situation. My intention was to simply give her an opportunity to hone her Arts and to get some achievements under her belt. That way, she would at least have some sway in the future and our two braindead colleagues would shut up. None of us could have predicted that incident, or her choices afterwards, but I still think you're a little too worried nonetheless. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. We were never going to be able to keep an eye on her forever.
I still support Lemuen's proposal of dispatching her to the pharmaceutical company. She's proven over the last several years that she can take care of most things herself. The best way to assuage your worries would be to give her greater support and a reliable guardian angel. Don't forget. She overcame her racial handicap and became a Gun-Knight candidate solely because she's one of our finest students. We should trust in her, and I hope you can reconsider and retract your opinion.
You should rejoice. We would've let her parents down if she'd grown up the way Laterano had intended. We must repay that favor, of course, but not this way. Give her time. She will surprise us both. We're old, and she's still young.
Also, you should pick her next codename. Something badass. Show Lemuen who's boss when it comes to picking names.'
This letter, written on a particularly dignified-looking sheet of paper, was found in the large stack of Lateran Church–Rhodes Island paperwork. It was unsigned.
From Fiammetta's infrequent mentions of the fallen angel incident and the clues we obtained via other channels, we have managed to piece together a decent picture of what happened during that operation.
The elite squad she belonged to was sent to carry out a cleanup mission, aiming to deal with the Sarkaz bandits that had been repeatedly ambushing Sankta caravans. Consisting of four of Laterano's elites, this tactical squad should've easily completed its objective. They followed the trail left behind by the bandits and tracked them down to the remnants of a building. The bandits were clearly using the ruins as a bunker, or perhaps some kind of defensive structure. Yet the team was unable to find any sign of the enemy there. The place was much more eerie than they expected. There were a large number of corpses present, at various stages of decay. The bodies were all in front of a sealed door, as though they came seeking something, only to never find the answer they sought. The deceased were of different races, ages, and even eras, but they all had one thing in common. In Fiammetta's words, 'They were all frozen in their own moment in time.'
There isn't a reliable report as to what happened afterwards. Fiammetta herself claims to have left the scene because of a fake transmission—later found to be a trap set by the bandits—and therefore wasn't present at the crucial moment when events unfolded. What we do know is that squad member Lemuen was bedridden in the hospital until recently, while Mostima became a fallen angel and left Laterano, followed by Fiammetta herself. Relevant intelligence suggests that the squad was led by a Sankta named Andoain at the time, but no information on such a person is contained in any official Lateran documents.
[Classified Log]
There is a rumor that once circulated among the gossip peddlers of Kazdel: somewhere in the barrenlands, there is someone who has exceptional insight into the past and future. His forbidden power and knowledge can guide you beyond the door of the truth, so long as you can pay the price.
After a certain point, this rumor abruptly stopped being spread. Evidence suggests that its source was very likely a certain Sarkaz gang that was suddenly annihilated.
Fiammetta seems to be weirdly hostile towards certain kinds of movies, especially the high budget, totally rotten flicks made in Wrankwood. The selling point of these movies are the pretentious titles, the excessive explosions, and 'Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.' At a classic movie night held by Nian, Lava, and Robin, Fiammetta—who was just passing by—had some really strong criticisms and unkind words for these movies. Still, it was pretty obvious from the conversation that she had a deep understanding of the genre and had seen an impressive number of films. Her disdainful insight into these trashy films is on another level. She could be complaining about how this kind of cultural filth is having an immeasurable negative influence on people's taste one minute, then reciting classic movie lines the next. She's even got a pretty amazing repertoire of villain quotes.
That said, she ultimately refused Lava's invitation to become the movie lover group's special commentator.
It doesn't matter whether she admits it or not, she knows her stuff.
ATK Interval
2.8 sec
70 sec


  • Sufferer of Tribulations
    Continually loses HP over time (HP cannot drop to 0 as a result of this effect); While HP is above 50%, this unit gains Vigor, increasing ATK by 25%; this effect is doubled above 80% HP.
  • Herald of Revelations
    While this unit has no skill active, ASPD +27


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • 'Provocate'
    Offensive RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    30 sec
    Attack range +1, ATK +100%
  • 'Paenitete'
    Offensive RecoveryManual Activation
    SP Cost
    Fires scorching bullets that leave incendiary marks at fixed distances as they travel. The bullets explode upon reaching maximum attack range, dealing 400% Physical Damage and causing incendiary marks to explode in sequence, dealing 200% Physical Damage
  • 'Reponite'
    Offensive RecoveryManual Activation
    SP Cost
    Continuously barrages a fixed area in front of this unit at max range, expanding explosion area and increasing ATK to 125%. Enemies closer to the impact site in a smaller area will instead take 220% ATK as damage.
    Unlimited duration, can manually deactivate skill


    Fiammetta's Badge
    Operator Fiammetta has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for inflicting physical casualties on multitudes of enemies.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Sniper Operator during field operations to exercise Artilleryman responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • ART-Y
    'Out-Law' Special Ammunition Surplus
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • ATK +48
    • DEF +26
    Artilleryman Trait
    Deals AOE Physical damage
    Attacks ignore 100 DEF
    • ATK +60
    • DEF +36
    Herald of Revelations
    While this unit has no skill active, ASPD +27; While this unit's skill is active, ASPD +5
    • ATK +70
    • DEF +43
    Herald of Revelations
    While this unit has no skill active, ASPD +30; While this unit's skill is active, ASPD +10
    It was a beautifully sunny afternoon years past, when the old man pushed a box before the still-young Liberi girl.
    She hadn't even had time to wipe the soot off her face. She'd never had the finest control over firearms, though the Sankta her age used guns as naturally as their own limbs.
    'Fia. I'm not going to say 'it's just a racial gulf' or whatever to try to comfort you, and I'm not going to proclaim that wielding guns is a Sankta-exclusive glory, like SOME cardinals. Practice will yield results, and you've as good as brushed shoulders with those results, even if it's not gone how you'd want.'
    'But there's still a different way, or maybe you could say a different TOOL that could help you move forward. This box holds something one of my mechanics tutors left to me. He's not coming back to Laterano, ever. He violated the law.'
    'But, child, law is not our everything. Now don't look at me like that—yes, you might go 'big whoop,' but nobody would say our everything ends at food and water either, right? They're just things we're forced to rely on to survive. There's always something that transcends the law, sits beyond it, and everyone has a different idea of what it is. Some call it righteousness, some call it sensibility, and some call it a vague hope.'
    'Don't panic, and don't worry. There will be times when wanting to do something will make you unstoppable.'
    The Liberi is no longer a girl; she's been more places than can be imagined, and seen more sights than can be believed, but afternoons in Laterano will never change. The sun is as fine and beautiful as ever.
    These two weapons have been by her side for longer than can be described; they have ensured her safety through danger, and mercilessly shot down the absurd aspirations of others.
    She carefully cleans the grime from her old friends, oils them, inspects the pressure in every last piece of ammo, and affirms again and again their ordering by type. She'll soon face her pursuer, her enemy of eight years, and there's no such thing as being overly prepared.
    There is always something that transcends the law.
    There's no vengeance in her heart, and no pity either. Only this: what must be settled will be settled, and those who must bear the cost will pay the price. She understands—this is an obsession, nothing more.
    She slots the final shell into her magazine.
  • ART-X
    A Long Journey
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • ATK +60
    • DEF +17
    Artilleryman Trait
    Deals AOE Physical damage
    Increases ATK to 110% when attacking blocked enemies
    • ATK +75
    • DEF +26
    Sufferer of Tribulations
    Continually loses HP over time (HP cannot drop below 30% as a result of this effect); While HP is above 50%, this unit gains Vigor, increasing ATK by 28%; this effect is doubled above 80% HP
    • ATK +85
    • DEF +32
    Sufferer of Tribulations
    Continually loses HP over time (HP cannot drop below 50% as a result of this effect); While HP is above 50%, this unit gains Vigor, increasing ATK by 30%; this effect is doubled above 80% HP
    'Relax for once, Fiammetta. Look on the bright side... next time, we can report to Lemuen about our work.'
    Velliv's poring closely over the papers, but tosses the remark out anyway, like she can read her mind. Fiammetta sighs—this is what she hates about Velliv. The Sankta get in on each other's emotions thanks to their empathy, and she's no Sankta, but she's never felt like Velliv couldn't see straight through her anyway.
    Velliv abruptly lifts her head, as if some thought has struck, and looks at her.
    'Speaking of which, Fiammetta, now's your chance.'
    'At independence.'
    'The team you and Mostima had going was a real exception, organizationally speaking—basically a custom set-up just for you two, not much flexibility. But now that Lemuen's joining, we've gotta shake up how it's structured. Perfect opportunity.'
    Velliv interlaces her fingers, props her chin up, and throws her a sunny grin.
    'Who's saying this? Her? Lemuen? His Holiness? Or is it just you?'
    'I'm not the type to stick my neck out. But it's not something I haven't thought about, you know.' She stoops down to pull a document out from the cupboard by her foot, which Fiammetta knows at a glance is the file on Andoain. 'After the incident at the Summit of Nations, they upped the risk level on Andoain a notch. If there was any hunter out there willing to devote her heart and soul to catching him, I'd sleep better at night for it.'
    'Sometimes, I wish other Laterans would care for Laterano as much as you do.' It's not a lie. Even on the work front, Fiammetta considers Velliv an admirable example.
    'So, what do you say?'
    'I refuse.'
    'Why? There's way more efficient ways to capture Andoain than working alongside Mostima, you know that.'
    'It's because Mostima's worse.'
    'Worse as in... Andoain's always gonna be there, but Mostima's the woman who might just vanish without a trace one day?'
    'No. I haven't heard her actually speak her mind even once since His Holiness gave her her mission. I don't care if it feels like I'm the only idiot still clinging to the whole Andoain thing, and I don't blame her or Lemuen for having other ideas. But,' and she speaks that 'but' like she tore it off and spat it out, 'whatever she saw in that staff, whatever she's thinking, whatever the hell it is Lemuen forgives or pardons Andoain for—she can tell me, Lemuen can tell me, but they have to tell me something. They have to tell me everything... they owe me that much.'
    'And what if they never ever tell you?'
    'I can wait. As long as I'm their friend, as long as they're my friends.'
    'I see. Well... it's looking to be a real long road, then.'
    'Way ahead of you.'

RIIC Base Skills

  • Self-Discipline
    When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, self Morale recovered +2 per hour, and cannot gain Morale recovery from any other source.
  • Communal Suffering
    When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, if this unit has Full Morale, swaps Morale with the previous Operator assigned to that Dormitory.