• 推进之王
  • シージ
  • 시즈


Vanguard — Pioneer
Blocks 2 enemies
  • GG01
  • Melee
  • DP-Recovery
  • DPS
/ 90
[Code Name] Siege
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 5 years
[Place of Birth] Victoria
[Date of Birth] Jul. 10
[Race] Aslan
[Height] 172cm
[Infection Status]
Non-infected as confirmed by medical report.
[Physical Strength] Excellent
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Excellent
[Tactical Acumen] Excellent
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard
Vina, codenamed Siege, citizen of Victoria, most records unavailable except for several unproven charges. Outstanding performance in assault, siege, and hard target missions. Admitted to Rhodes Island after excellent scores in multiple tests. Currently a vanguard and the captain of a Rhodes Island squad.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this Operator is believed to be non-infected.

Cell-Originium Assimilation: 0%
Siege shows no symptoms of Oripathy.

Blood Originium-Crystal Density: 0.14u/L
Due to Siege's peculiar pattern of activity, her risk of infection rises daily. Preventative measures are advised.

Siege is currently in excellent physical condition. Her physique, by way of a rigorous training regimen, is more than suited to the needs of Rhodes Island. Her fierce and sometimes reckless close quarters combat style has the medical staff very concerned about her frequent contact with the Infected... Very concerned.
—Medic Operator Myrrh
Siege leads a gang called Glasgow.
The Operators at Rhodes Island figured these former Londinium street punks must have fled and were forced to come to the Island, so expectations were low.
But when Siege and her gang underwent physical evaluation, the Operators discovered they weren't common thugs, but remarkably competent soldiers.
The medical staff even expressed doubt about their alleged background, as their incredible fighting skills went far beyond what one would expect from the hardships of the street.
However, Siege's assertion that they really did lead a rather normal life in Londinium rang sincere and true.
Mutual trust is the first step in building a friendship, so the Operators chose to take Siege's word for it. Trust is the foundation upon which Rhodes Island was built, and how she gathered her crew of outstanding Operators.
Siege has a deep bond with every member of the Glasgow Gang, evident in their daily interactions and chemistry in battle.
Siege never stops at 'good enough.' She does her best to complete every assignment Rhodes Island sends her way. Her assertiveness and courage on a mission, as well as composure and wits in solving problems, have made her one of the most favored Vanguards on staff.
The natural command and strategic ability that Siege embodies have saved many teammates and missions.
Siege is normally very polite, which belies the fact she was a gangster. This, however, also made many Operators keep their distance and slow to form a friendship, though they still hold her in high regard.
Of course, everyone in the Glasgow Gang holds their own opinions about Siege, but they have one opinion in common: Siege is not deliberately keeping her distance from other Operators, it's just an aloof attitude she has when dealing with people, sometimes to the point of seeming too lazy to try.
Then, when the Glasgow gangsters filled out their paperwork, they revealed more interesting tidbits about Siege, such as the fact that she doesn't like potatoes, sleeps longer than most people, and always carries pungently sour lollipops on her.
But they never mentioned anything about Londinium. Even when the topic came up in casual conversation, they would deftly skip over it. In addition, they seldom talk about how they met Siege.
Siege, however, said she clearly remembers defeating Indra from the gang. She makes a point to remember every meeting, every action, and every word of those she interacts with.
Many Operators believe that she deserves to lead, and that Rhodes Island needs to make a more pointed effort to understand Siege.
[Classified Log]
They've come to Rhodes Island, the Glasgow Gang, visitors from Londinium.
The leader, the kid named Vina, is too young. She hasn't learned to conceal herself, just painting a cover story about getting mixed up with some street crowd, when her behavior clearly gave it away.
She didn't realize I could tell 'who' she is just by looking, or rather, 'what' she is.
And if I could, so could somebody else. She's running from something.
The great Victoria is splintering. Every province is ignoring the dark cloud over Londinium. I think I can even guess who runs Londinium now.
The gears have begun to turn. The decaying clock will finally strike twelve.

Amiya is not ready yet.

Don't panic.
I'm neither a monster nor hallucination.
I show myself to you because it is necessary.
Vina must mature, and you can guide her.
You're not her vassal or her mentor, and have no reason to oppose her.
You should have already sensed the bond between you two is unique.
We can afford to wait, but Vina cannot.
Guide her, as she trusts you. You are her spark and her impetus.
ATK Interval
1.05 sec
70 sec


  • King of Beasts
    All Vanguard Operators' ATK and DEF +8%
  • Crushing
    Obtains 1 Skill Point when an enemy in the four surrounding tiles is killed


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Charge γ
    Auto RecoveryAuto Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    Instantly gains 12 Deployment Points.
  • Aerial Hammer
    Auto RecoveryAuto Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    Deals 340% of ATK Physical damage to all nearby enemies in the next attack; Gains 3 DP
    Can store 3 charge(s)
  • Skull Breaker
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    25 sec
    Attack Interval increases. Increases ATK to 380% when attacking and has 40% chance to Stun the target for 1.5 seconds


    Siege's Badge
    Operator Siege has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for preemptive penetration of the battlefield situation and active offense so as to secure leeway for deployment.
    This operator shall hereby be appointed a Vanguard Operator during field operations to exercise Pioneer responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • SOL-X
    'Candy Box'
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • ATK +60
    • DEF +40
    Pioneer Trait
    Blocks 2 enemies; Gains +8% ATK and DEF while blocking enemies
    • ATK +68
    • DEF +46
    King of Beasts
    Increases all Vanguard Operators' ATK and DEF by 8%, and additionally increases this unit's ATK and DEF by 6%
    • ATK +75
    • DEF +50
    King of Beasts
    Increases all Vanguard Operators' ATK and DEF by 8%, and additionally increases this unit's ATK and DEF by 8%
    Vina sits atop the roof, staring at the clouds above that hang ever crushingly low. It's a month in Londinium where rain comes every evening. Not too badly; it's a fine drizzle, nothing that inconveniences anyone rushing home from work, but it stirs the scent of the ground into the air. Rotting wood, the rankling smell of fins, and needless to say, sweat. The Borough of Norbert never smells much like a part of Londinium. All the bigger logistics warehouses have relocated to the north side, and the factories and markets have gone with, leaving behind a plate full of refuse no other borough wants, and the people with nowhere else to go.
    A shout comes from the boxing gym downstairs—sounds like Indra's won again. It's a night of celebration for the Glasgow Gang. Vina led the lot charging into the underground casino on Mariner Road this afternoon, and scared the Ronnie brothers right out of Norport wholesale. After that, the buildings surrounding were all Glasgow's. Morgan got all worked up and hefted barrels of booze over—needed to celebrate properly, according to her. Said she got this stuff from that top fancy pub on the corner, paid loads for it. Got Baird worried she'd been taken in. With enough drink down them, the lot all paraded up arm in arm and chanted her name, 'Siege,' so loud the whole street could hear.
    How much of a conqueror does subduing a few gangs really make you? When she first got that name, Vina honestly could've laughed or died of embarrassment, maybe both. None of Indra's lot knew her background, and she wasn't even hiding it on purpose, she just never found the right time to share all. Norbert and Auchterigg were like two different countries—no one cared whose parents were who here. The most was the one time, when the police got hold of some Glasgow and brought them into the station. It was routine questioning from the coppers—what race was she? She stared that officer beaming from ear to ear dead in the eye, and on some ridiculous impulse, answered 'Aslan.' That threw him for a loop, and then he had her by the scruff, trying to tug her head into the table. Vina sat calm, didn't bend her neck one bit. Oh, he turned red. His hands shook and shook, as tends to happen on a diet of grease and drink, until he finally turned from trying violence to harsh words instead. Threatened her saying she wouldn't step out of this station for the rest of the month talking daft shit like that, the piddling hoodlum she was. She was out the next day. Morgan and Indra fetched her there, Indra telling her how she sent a Baron's boys running for the hills with a Molotov, Morgan saying she had to mediate like crazy, and it cost a pretty penny. Past the street corner, Vina couldn't help but take a look back. Absolutely nothing there watching her, no people nor giant creatures. That flash of gold must've just been the sun blinding her eyes.
    Vina couldn't tell you how long she's gone without seeing Gawain now. Her teacher might well be everywhere at once. At a fried fin stand, mingling in the boxing gym, maybe up in the clouds above. Could be anywhere. The moment that occurs to her, something makes her twitch for no reason at all, and unconsciously, she goes to reach for another bitter lollipop to stick in her mouth. But once she does, she finds the metal box emptied. Completely vacant and light as a feather. Somehow, someway, her heart feels just as airy, like she's losing her balance. She'd better find something heavier to shove in there next time, Vina thinks. Wouldn't go wrong with some rivets from the construction site.
    Somewhere behind, Baird calls for her. Shoving her candy box back in her trouser pocket, Vina grins a little and turns around, sauntering back over to the clamor of voices that was, is, and will be Siege's.
  • SOL-Y
    'Thy First Vow'
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +200
    • ATK +65
    Pioneer Trait
    Blocks 2 enemies
    The first Deployment Cost -4
    • HP +240
    • ATK +74
    Gains 2 SP and additionally grants 1 SP to another random Vanguard Operator on the battlefield whenever an enemy is defeated in the adjacent 4 tiles
    • HP +260
    • ATK +82
    Gains 3 SP and additionally grants 1 SP to another random Vanguard Operator on the battlefield whenever an enemy is defeated in the adjacent 4 tiles
    Gawain ambles through the city. He's spent so much time in this manner, yet still can't say he's used to seeing what he sees. Londinium's clouds are hanging low as ever—when did that start happening? He strains to recall, but can't come up with a definite answer. As if the last time he looked to the sky, the gloomy haze was never even there.
    Alexandrina Vina Victoria lies sleeping on the counter in the pub. Yesterday, she and her companions made an all-too-tough escape from the beat. It strikes Gawain that she especially resembles her grandmother in these moments—or was it her great-grandmother? The one named Mathilda, the girl with a head of gold curls, how exactly was she related to Vina here? Face after face flashes by, going from young to old, ultimately scattering with the sand on the wind. Some of those faces might not even actually exist, being simply products of vaguer parts of the mind. Gawain has to admit, his time spent by this family's side may be longer than he was anticipating at first. Far longer already.
    He doesn't make a habit of appearing before people. The interpretations of him as a symbol of power disgust him, and hardly fall in line with his original agreement. Still, their ups and downs have kept Gawain watching with interest all the same. There'll be times he can't help but reflect on history. Moments where shadows of similarity loom over them.
    Vina once asked him why her teacher would always be by her side, and at the time his answer was silence. Yes, he learned long ago not to meddle anymore, because farewell would always come eventually. He still dimly remembers how, once, he and Lugalszargus bounded about that battlefield they call the foehn hotlands these days. He carried that mettlesome man atop his back, and with the Nightzmoran Khagan by their side, they charged for the sandstorms of afar. Everyone died there—and that was the news he brought back to Lugalszargus's daughter. He remembers the feeling of his mane wet with tears. Those times proved... to pass in the twinkling of an eye. Humanity is far frailer than a master of the beasts, and the years have taught him that fact again and again.
    Some bygones aren't worth dredging up so often, and Gawain only recalls those periods very, very occasionally in his dreams. A meeting so old that history had not yet been written, a reckless boy upon the barrens who never feared him one bit. Their travels together, cheers and tears, song and wine, and then—his age, his death. That was the first time, not as a sovereign, but as a friend, that Gawain witnessed death. Warmth fading from flesh, breath stilling from mouth and nose. Before that, Gawain had never imagined that to witness death would be such torment.
    It was then that Gawain promised him, that he would aid his descendants in their continued survival, until they no longer needed him.
    The golden creature stops in his step, and narrows his eyes. He, that friend, that boy... what was his name?
    Gawain sighs. Fortunately, he still hasn't abandoned his vow.

RIIC Base Skills

  • Leader
    When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.15 Morale per hour to all Operators assigned to that Dormitory (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)
    When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.2 Morale per hour to all Operators assigned to that Dormitory (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)