• 归溟幽灵鲨
  • 帰溟スペクター
  • 스펙터 디 언체인드

Specter the Unchained

Specialist — Dollkeeper
Does not retreat upon receiving lethal damage, instead swaps to a <Substitute> (Substitute has 0 Block). Swaps back to the original after 20 seconds
  • CR02
  • Melee
  • DPS
  • Fast-Redeploy
Other forms:
/ 90
[Code Name] Specter
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] Seven years
[Place of Birth] Ægir
[Date of Birth] July 27
[Race] Ægir
[Height] 165cm
[Infection Status]
No Originium crystals are visible on the surface of the body, but confirmed Infected by medical examination.
Operator Specter's infection symptoms are rather unique, and are undergoing clinical research.
[Physical Strength] Outstanding
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Outstanding
[Tactical Acumen] Standard
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Flawed
Specter, real name Laurentina, is a member of the 'Abyssal Hunters,' an Ægir military squad. She has demonstrated extreme proficiency in operations such as taking down large-scale organisms and destroying hard targets.
After the 'Stultifera Navis' incident, her mental state and mood began to stabilize, and her memories returned.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 14.5%
It has been determined that the source of her nerve infection is due to excessive amounts of Originium concentrate that was forcibly injected into her spinal cord. Current medical technology is unable to deal with this condition, so this operator can only be administered minimal conservative treatment.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.34 u/L
The Originium infection progress is extremely slow, and even if this does not conform to our common sense, it is still a welcome thing. We speculate that the reason for this phenomenon may be related to the transformation that Abyssal Hunters undergo.

Operator Specter's medical files have been moved to an extremely high-clearance database. We ask that relevant medic operators maintain strict confidentiality.
––Medic Department Internal Notice
After the tides of her hometown called her memories and personality back to her, Specter quickly came to accept what had happened to her during her amnesiac period. For a free and easy person like her, having another 'self' was not a bitter pill to swallow. Rather, her mad 'self' merely provided Specter with another angle from which to understand things, greatly broadening her horizons. In this regard, Specter is quite satisfied, although she occasionally regrets that her 'self' was unable to use the inspiration of madness on the right path. As for now, she has ample time to process and digest the impact her 'self' has on her surroundings, Rhodes Island, and other operators. The suspicion and bewilderment on the faces of the operators who had contact with her before brought her no shortage of novelty and amusement.

Operator Specter's mental state has continued to stabilize as of now, and in theory, the probability of her main persona being replaced again is extremely low. However, during fierce combat, or certain situations that cause her to have intense outbursts of emotion, certain sudden changes to her behaviors have been observed. We cannot say for sure whether this is a relapse of her condition, or if Specter is deliberately imitating her past self in search of 'inspiration.' We recommend continuing closely monitoring the operator's mental state as much as possible.
––Anonymous Operator, Medical Department
Unlike the elusive Gladiia or the reclusive Skadi, Specter is not only the most approachable Abyssal Hunter, but also the only one who will offer brief descriptions of Ægir for others. After chatting with her, many operators got their first glimpse into this mysterious deep-sea country.
In Specter's own words, in the ocean far from land's shores lies a utopian country: there is no Originium, the people do not have to worry about survival, and citizens are assigned to work where they are best suited according to their personal abilities. Light covers the bottom of the sea, and each transparent dome carves out a small piece of paradise. Everyday life is filled with various automatic equipment, and almost all mechanized manual labor is completed by high-end technological products. As a whole, the society is even more ideal than the images conceived in Terra's most cutting-edge science fiction novels.
Specter's descriptions undoubtedly satisfied most operators' conception of an exotic, far-flung country, and they naturally ignored the things she mentioned far less often: the immense pressure that the Seaborn posed to the survival of the Ægir people, and the destruction wrought upon Ægir by the Seaborn's followers.
The Abyssal Hunters invariably face the same problems on land that they did beneath the waves.
But due to their lack of manpower, the Abyssal Hunters are unable to change anything. In the face of the scourge of the seas that cannot be completely driven out even with the Ægir's science and technology, what can the land-dwellers' puny technology accomplish?
This is the Abyssal Hunters' status quo. Gladiia has long been concerned about this, and Specter is well aware of it.
Having that said, she has no reservations about cooperating with her friends on land. This is not due to some calculus based on ability or practicality, but rather because on an emotional level, she feels that fighting with these soft, vulnerable companions might make miracles.
That is the reason she leads the charge into enemy lines, her chainsaw's battle-dance opening up the slimmest of chances for her friends.
After all, she already created a chance for Skadi's team to kill a so-called 'Him.'
Why can't she do it again?
The operators who take care of Specter on Rhodes Island have found that she tends to stare at sculptures or paintings for a period of time in complete silence. And once Specter returns to herself and expresses her thoughts on these things, the operators finally come to understand that it was her inherent love of art that soothed the scars on her psyche.
For Specter, art was the expectation bestowed upon her by Ægir society, as well as her own life's pursuit. Thanks to the nature of her parents' work, she had access to Ægir's bountiful art collection since a young age. Among the various art mediums, sculpture left an indelible imprint within Specter. She still remembers that snow-white sculpture. The moment she laid eyes on it, time seemed to stand still the clock's hand refused to turn. She indulged in the eternal giant displayed before her, coming to realize what true art and beauty is. To this day, she does not understand the idea behind the creation's sculptor, nor has she seen that statute again. However, all the emotional expressivity carried in that piece of stone have long found a home in her heart, and she hopes that one day she can become a sculptor acknowledged by Ægir. One day, she, Laurentina, will be able to create her own sculptures.
If she had not become an Abyssal Hunter.
Specter's metamorphosis from a sculpture apprentice into an Abyssal Hunter may appear to be an accident to some; however, what they do not know is that Ægir's technology and institutions can ensure that their chosen personnel will never deviate from the basic needs of their post. Because of this, citizens generally do not refuse when summoned by state institutions such as the Abyssal Hunters. Specter completed her metamorphosis with ease, quickly mastered what she was trained for, and officially became an Abyssal Hunter, hunting Seaborn along with Gladiia. Thus, her obsession with beauty turned into a deep hatred of the Seaborn. It may be the case that Seaborn evolve into striking forms that leave people awestruck, but this cannot be considered beauty - rather, it is more of a byproduct of evolutionary needs. The Ægirians' most ingenious creations are useless pieces of artifice in these creatures' eyes, a perspective that Specter could not tolerate. The 2nd Abyssal Hunter team to which she belonged was once responsible for clearing out a large Seaborn lair: an entire city that had fallen into the sea, its various buildings turned into breeding nests. When she saw the colors bleeding from torn oil paintings and the desecrated stone statues covered with nests, she no longer had any reservations in her heart about slaying the Seaborn.
Now that civilization has encountered vermin, Specter is more than happy to play the role of exterminator.
Through their deaths, Ægir's survival is forged.
'You want to know more about the folks who experimented on me?'
'I pretty much exterminated them all, Gladiia.'
'I need to review the information and combine it with the intel provided by Iberia.'
'Alright, let me try to think back.'
'Quintus, the one you ran circles around, is probably the least worth talking about among the bunch.'
'He couldn't see anything outside of the experiments, living inside a dreamscape he wove for himself, single-mindedly power-hungry and conceited.'
'So, it wasn't hard to deal with him, right?'
'Mm, next one.'
'Amaia, that damn Liberi. You probably saw her on that Iberian ship.'
'Elegant, and far more dangerous.'
'That's right. She was in charge of recording down my mental state and providing feedback after the experiment. Given how knowledgeable and accomplished she was, it's a pity she was so well-suited for this job.'
'She might've treated me the nicest among the experimenters, but you know what, Gladiia? She never actually liked me. In fact, she had a lot of things to say about the way we refused to follow nature's ordained trajectory.'
'In the end, becoming food for the Seaborn perhaps was what suited her heart best. Alas, for someone like her, Terra's future only has enough room for the Seaborn.'
'It's not hard to find crazed cultists like her along the coast.'
'As for the last guy, he... he wasn't a bishop.'
'All I remember is, he was the one who carried out the experiment's procedure... Nngh...'
'Are you alright, Laurentina?'
'I'm fine, I'm fine... Just getting some phantom pains...'
'He rarely showed himself except to conduct the operations... The cultists seemed to call him... 'Sire'...'
''Sire,' huh? I'll remember that.'
'Quintus and Amaia are both dead. That guy will probably be watching his back a lot more carefully from now on.'
'You don't need to worry, Laurentina.'
'I will deal with this scourge.'
ATK Interval
1.2 sec
70 sec


  • Embraced Self
    <Substitute> reduces Movement Speed of nearby enemies by 40%, and deals 40% ATK as Arts damage to them per second
  • Ægir's Depths
    When this unit is in the squad, all [Abyssal Hunter] Operators gain +20% Max HP


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • The Skill to Survive
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    25 sec
    When activated, exchange HP percentage with the ally with the lowest HP percentage within range. Specter gains ATK +150%
  • The Thirst to Survive
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    20 sec
    ATK +130%, ASPD +50. While skill is active, prevents Specter's HP from falling below 1
    Will be defeated when the skill ends
  • The Pressure to Survive
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    25 sec
    Attack interval increases, attacks all blocked enemies, ATK +260%, Max HP +200%; deal 70% ATK as extra Physical damage when attacking enemies with HP percentage equal to or higher than self, otherwise lose 3% of HP


    Specter the Unchained's Badge
    Operator Specter the Unchained has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for repeated contention with the enemy upon the battlefield.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Specialist Operator during field operations to exercise Dollkeeper responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • PUM-X
    'Vinyl Record' Box
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +200
    • ATK +50
    Dollkeeper Trait
    Instead of retreating when defeated, switch to a <Substitute> (Substitute has 0 Block, but ATK is increased) for 20 seconds before switching back to the original
    • HP +230
    • ATK +69
    • DEF +20
    Embraced Self
    <Substitute> reduces Movement Speed of nearby enemies by 50%, and deals 60% ATK as Arts damage to them per second. When swapping back, gain 8 SP
    Embraced Self
    <Substitute> reduces Movement Speed of nearby enemies by 50%, and deals 60% ATK as Arts damage to them per second. When swapping back, gain 8 SP
    • HP +250
    • ATK +83
    • DEF +30
    Embraced Self
    <Substitute> reduces Movement Speed of nearby enemies by 60%, and deals 80% ATK as Arts damage to them per second. When swapping back, gain 15 SP
    Embraced Self
    <Substitute> reduces Movement Speed of nearby enemies by 60%, and deals 80% ATK as Arts damage to them per second. When swapping back, gain 15 SP
    Specter draws a record from the record box and puts it on the gramophone, and melodious music arises.
    She has no missions today. The only thing she needs to do is let herself relax, place herself into the best possible state to be thrown into the next mission, the next battle.
    The record is a masterpiece of the Iberian Golden Age, bought by her off an Iberian operator's hands.
    Specter closes her eyes, lets herself sink into the sofa, and enjoys it in stillness.
    She couldn't tell you a thing about what accomplishments marked Iberia's Golden Age, but she can sense from the music the splendor of that age, and how its people must have been so proud of their successes.
    It's not godawful at all, she concedes.
    She never masks her disdain for the glories of dry land's culture, but she has no intents of applying that prejudice to the arts—
    Yes. Prejudice.
    She even admits as much to the Doctor, while continuing on her merry way.
    But her insistence isn't without meaning.
    Besides, she believes that while her and the Captain seem to have it in common, there's actually quite the distinction.
    The Captain's arrogance comes from that good old Captain purview of Chief Designer. But she—she thinks—she doesn't care where her power comes from, and she's passionate about what undertakings she has these days. But still, sometimes she can't help but wonder—how has that statue in her hometown ended up? How about her hometown itself?
    The music comes to a crackling halt.
    Laurentina opens her eyes, and what gradually seeps into view is her familiar ceiling. She knows, terrifyingly, she'll get even more used to this environment in time. She's not panicked about it. In order to panic in a new environment, you need to not want to leave the old one, but she's practically forgotten just how her life in Ægir felt to live.
    From the record box she now pulls a sawblade, and gently wipes over it, swapping for a new record to continue playing all the while. Maybe, just as the Iberians used all the methods under the sun to record their Golden Age, she can try and get back into her once most beloved activity—sculpting.
    Her one stroke of luck: she might just be stuck away from home for a good while longer. She still has enough time to remember how it looked, she thinks, with no lack of self-mocking irony.
  • PUM-Y
    The Beauty in the Incomplete
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +200
    • ATK +25
    • DEF +40
    Dollkeeper Trait
    Instead of retreating when defeated, switch to a <Substitute> (Substitute has 0 Block, but HP is increased) for 20 seconds before switching back to the original
    • HP +230
    • ATK +33
    • DEF +48
    Ægir's Depths
    When this unit is in the squad, all [Abyssal Hunter] Operators gain +25% Max HP and +0.3 SP/second
    • HP +250
    • ATK +40
    • DEF +55
    Ægir's Depths
    When this unit is in the squad, all [Abyssal Hunter] Operators gain +30% Max HP and +0.5 SP/second
    'It is as if slaughtering those overgrown cuts of meat has become our unignorable, even our one-and-only, calling.'
    The clock ticks and tocks. The dreadnought obstructs the rays as they come down from the dome. Ulpianus lifts his head and fixes his eyes on the flickering indicator lights, as if in thought.
    'It ought not be,' the young female Consul replies, following a long hesitation.
    'Of course it ought not. When an Ægir wakes, the first thought that enters their mind should not be of what they've lost, never. Nor of how to take back what they've lost.' Ulpianus is silent for a juncture, some kind of emotion flowing about his raspy throat. After a good while, he sighs, 'Oh, how many magnificent works we once made.'
    'And now, the battle to survive has become the only to-do list that this new generation knows.'
    'Battle. A glorious word, to be sure. And yet, our outstanding creativity and pursuit of beauty have been all but forgotten.'
    The two simultaneously gaze afar. Lights dazzle beneath the dome.
    '...Not by choice.' Ulpianus adds.
    Gladiia shoots a glance at Ulpianus, mulls over the wording for a moment, then speaks inquisitively: 'You were never the type to be so receptive to sentimentality.'
    'Indeed.' Ulpianus does not halt this time. 'We should address this matter solemnly. Our culture is in the midst of being permanently altered by these protracted days of calamity.'
    A colossal rumbling cuts short Gladiia's pregnant pause. More ships are entering port, a new fleet of migration and reconstruction, and she is left to ponder in earnest what Ulpianus has said. Over the pursuit of beauty, over the creation of the new. Before she was born, or perhaps earlier than that... centuries ago? Millennia? When the Ægir founded this stark and grand culture—did they imagine that now, its radiance would be so dull?
    Did they make any preparations for the present day?
    Gladiia's thoughts are lost for but an instant. To her, the past is of unimportance. More vital are what preparations she is soon to make, what things she can do.
    'A new Abyssal Hunter.' Ulpianus unceremoniously breaks the silence. 'I hear she previously had quite an interest in the arts. Ballet, opera, she's dabbled in it all.'
    'Laurentina has mentioned a rather profound recollection of the sculpture in her hometown.'
    'Then she still retains some of the essence what all Ægir should have by rights.' Ulpianus turns around. The Consul's light attire for the season cannot conceal his body scarred by experimentation. 'What is she like? If she truly is an epitome of Ægir life from days gone by, then being forced away from the proper course of things must fill her with so much hate.'
    'No. Such sentimentality is but a small supplement to her whole.'
    Gladiia breaks into a rare smile. This, despite how her smiles always took careful observation and judgment, on the muscular and nervous levels.
    'She creates a beauty of her own through battle. One of the sorts you speak of, with great exuberance.'
    Ulpianus makes a light and noncommittal harrumph in response, after which he soon leaves Gladiia by herself under those gigantic shadows to appreciate the serenity.
    The grand hall echoes with only the sounds of the Ægir's footsteps forward.

RIIC Base Skills

  • Specialist Expert α
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Specialist Operators' Specialization training speed +30%
    Ægir Tactics
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Specialist Operators' Specialization training speed +30%; if training this skill to Specialization Level 3, training speed will be further increased by +65%
  • War Fever
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Morale consumed per hour +1 when training a Specialist Operator's skill to Specialization Level 3