• 安比尔
  • アンブリエル
  • 엠브리엘


Sniper — Deadeye
Prioritizes attacking the enemy with lowest DEF within range first
  • LT02
  • Ranged
  • DPS
  • Slow
/ 70
[Code Name] Ambriel
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 1 year
[Place of Birth] Laterano
[Date of Birth] Jan 13
[Race] Sankta
[Height] 160cm
[Infection Status]
Confirmed uninfected by medical examination.
[Physical Strength] Normal
[Mobility] Standard
[Physical Resilience] Normal
[Tactical Acumen] Standard
[Combat Skill] Standard
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard
Ambriel is a citizen of Laterano. After many tests, she was allowed to join Rhodes Island, where her skills in ambushing and long-range sniping helped her perform well in asymmetric operations.
She now serves in the Rhodes Island sniper team, providing long-range support.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there are no other signs of infection. At this time, this operator can be confirmed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Ambriel shows no signs of Oripathy infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.13u/L
Operator Ambriel rarely comes in contact with Originium.
Ambriel was born in Laterano. In accordance with the tactical philosophy of the Sankta, Ambriel uses only a gun as her combat weapon of choice. However, unlike most of the other Sankta warriors who pursued modern gun kata techniques, Ambriel chose an outdated but classic rifle. After a simple modification and the installation of additional parts, this long gun quickly proved its worth in subsequent battles.
In Ambriel's words, the only reason she chose this gun was to avoid trouble - she has no desire to engage in close combat with a shorter-ranged gun, nor did she want to lug around the unwieldy components of a modern sniper rifle.
Even though she uses a weapon that is considered anachronistic for the modern battlefield, because of her low-key nature and relatively inconspicuous position, she basically gets her work done, and therefore the top brass has no reason to find any fault with her.
Despite being a Sankta, Ambriel doesn't seem much different from the ordinary person. She is easygoing and not too striking, not seeming out of place to others wherever she might appear. If not for the long gun she carries in her hands, she doesn't seem much different from a student who just left school.
After taking a post in Rhodes Island, Ambriel did not exhibit any unique hobbies. She enjoys snacks and desserts, and likes watching simple TV shows and movies with themes that don't require much thought. On her off days, she sometimes meets and chats with other Sankta operators.
When people did notice her, it was mostly about the gun in her hands. Since Operators thoroughly unfamiliar with gun kata would often proselytize its power and benefits, these conversations often escalated into controversy.
In this regard, Ambriel would quietly sit down and listen to these discussions, thinking silently to herself: 'Good. Now fight.'
An answer that you'll often get from Ambriel is: 'I want something a bit more practical.' However, even she doesn't have a good idea of what that 'practicality' looks like.
Generally speaking, 'practical' refers to a satisfactory salary, stable relationships, trendy products that are novel and interesting, intoxicating luxury goods, and glamorous decorations...
In summation, isn't that just materialism?
Operator Ambriel's personality is rather elusive, and even she has no idea what her personality is supposed to be. Perhaps she is simply accustomed to a life of stasis, and has not had an opportunity that really allows her to see herself clearly.
An opportunity like this is also a chance for a massive change.
Does Ambriel possess the will to change? Everything depends on the choice she makes.
ATK Interval
2.7 sec
70 sec


  • Precise Strike
    Has a 25% chance to Stun target for 2 seconds when attacking an enemy outside this unit's normal Attack Range


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Snaring Shell
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    36 sec
    Attack Range +1 tile, and attacks Slow the target for 1.2 seconds
  • Radar Sweep
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    40 sec
    ATK +100%, Attack Range becomes global, but Attack Interval increases a bit, and attack wind-up takes longer when attacking an enemy outside of this unit's original range.


    Ambriel's Badge
    Operator Ambriel has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for defeating enemies from long range.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Sniper Operator during field operations to exercise Deadeye responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • DEA-X
    Portable Radar Equipment
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +65
    • ATK +55
    Deadeye Trait
    Prioritizes attacking the enemy with lowest DEF within range first
    The further away the enemy, the higher the damage dealt (up to an increase of 15%)
    • HP +80
    • ATK +68
    Precise Strike
    Has a 33% chance to Stun for 2.5 seconds when attacking an enemy outside this unit's normal Attack Range
    • HP +95
    • ATK +81
    Precise Strike
    Has a 33% chance to stun for 3 seconds when attacking an enemy outside this unit's normal attack range
    Ambriel received a mission today.
    A mission it might be, but in reality, it's more like a small request.
    Of course, as the request came from Beanstalk, the reward was enough to make anyone's heart waver: an exquisitely-crafted wooden music box bearing a flowering tree. As soon as she saw that music box, Ambriel thought to herself, there's nobody in this world who wouldn't be charmed by it.
    'Please help me! While I was transporting the little metal crabs, two of them got lost! They're very important to me, so please, I'm begging you!'
    When Ambriel went to the location indicated by Beanstalk and set up her equipment, she couldn't help but to think to herself, she never imagined she'd be out in the wilderness trying to catch metal crabs.
    'What the heck even is my job...'
    Well, whatever. Catching crabs might even be fun. All the infected wild metal crabs I've seen in the past were ugly and troublesome, but I've never seen Miss Beanstalk's crabs before. Maybe they're cute.
    Inexplicable thoughts ran through Ambriel's head.
    But the cute little crabs were not today's main agenda.
    Ambriel activated the equipment around her – the sooner she finished the mission, the sooner she'd get her hands on that wonderful music box.
    She switched on the power, flipped the switch, adjusted the angle, entered the data, and confirmed her target's information...
    But there was a problem. The radar appeared to be broken.
    Be it the gibberish on the data output display or the smoking battery, everything was telling her the same bad news.
    If she had to go back to repair the radar, then she definitely would not be able to complete the mission today, and the music box... She definitely didn't want that...
    'Ohhhh! I have spare parts here!'
    Ambriel's sudden yelp echoed through the wilderness as she excitedly opened a pack of equipment. Her mood was so good she even broke out into a little hum, finishing the repairs in no time at all and returning to her original mental state.
    After re-adjusting the equipment, Ambriel would set up the transceiver and begin releasing her Originium Arts––
    Hmm... This reminds me of tracking down those classmates when they were playing hooky. Now, little crabs, where are you......'
    A few hours later, the pink-haired Sankta returned to Beanstalk with a breeder box, two little metal crabs rolled up into balls inside.
    In a box behind her were three fowlbeast eggs of different colors.
    Beanstalk got her metal crabs back, and Ambriel received the exquisite music box, so beautiful that one dared not handle it with anything more than the gentlest of touches.
    'I can't believe it.' Ambriel thought to herself while joyfully looking at the music box. 'I can't believe all that equipment ended up being so useful even off the battlefield.~'
    'Um, excuse me, were you planning on hatching those?' Beanstalk pointed to the fowlbeast eggs. 'If you want to hatch fowlbeast eggs, you'll need an incubator, and you'll have to turn them over frequently...'
    'Is it that complicated?!'
    'P-Please don't just throw them out though! You can ask Miss Vanilla... She'll be able to teach you!'

RIIC Base Skills

  • Laziness
    When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, self Morale recovered per hour -0.1, but restores +0.2 Morale per hour to all Operators assigned to that Dormitory (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)
  • Order Distribution β
    When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, order acquisition efficiency +30%