- 空弦
- アルケット
- 아르케토

Sniper — Marksman
Attacks aerial enemies first
- LT08
- Ranged
ATK Interval
1 sec
70 sec
- Landen TacticsEvery 2.5 seconds when deployed, restores 1 Skill Point to all deployed Sniper allies that have an Offensive Recovery skill.
- Iron BowstringWhen deployed, this unit gains 1 Shield. Restores 7 Skill Points after the Shield breaks
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- Dispersing ArrowsOffensive RecoveryAuto ActivationSP Cost3The next attack deals 230% ATK as Physical damage to the target and 180% ATK as Physical damage to up to 3 other nearby enemiesatk_scale2.3atk_scale_21.8max_target4show_max_target3
- Pursuing ArrowsOffensive RecoveryManual ActivationSP Cost9Immediately fire an arrow that deals 140% ATK damage 5 times in a row. The arrow can repeatedly ricochet to nearby enemies that have not been targeted yet (each ricochet reduces available ricochets by 1); Can store 3 chargesatk_scale1.4times5cnt3
- Thundering ArrowsOffensive RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP15SP Cost30Duration20 secATK +30%, attack range +1, attacks hit 3 times in a row and target 2 enemies simultaneouslyatk0.3ability_range_forward_extend1attack@max_target2attack@times3
- ORIGINALArchetto's Badge
- MAR-Y'Seeds of Tomorrow'
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - ATK +17
- DEF +17
- ASPD +2
Marksman Trait Attacks aerial enemies firstWhen there are ground enemies within range, ASPD +82 - ATK +22
- DEF +22
- ASPD +3
Iron Bowstring When deployed, this unit gains 1 Shield and 5 Skill Points. Restores 7 Skill Points when the Shield breaks3 - ATK +24
- DEF +24
- ASPD +4
Iron Bowstring When deployed, this unit gains 1 Shield and 9 Skill Points. Restores 7 Skill Points when the Shield breaks - MAR-XYesterday Once More
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - HP +90
- ATK +32
Marksman Trait Attacks aerial enemies firstIncreases ATK to 110% when attacking aerial targets2 - HP +130
- ATK +40
Landen Tactics Every 2.3 seconds when deployed, restores 1 Skill Point to all deployed Sniper allies that have an Offensive Recovery skill; this unit restores 1 SP every 2s when there is another Sniper Operator deployed3 - HP +160
- ATK +48
Landen Tactics Every 2.2 seconds when deployed, restores 1 Skill Point to all deployed Sniper allies that have an Offensive Recovery skill; this unit restores 1 SP every 1.8s when there is another Sniper Operator deployed
RIIC Base Skills
- Pious Fundraising αWhen this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, order acquisition efficiency +1% for every level of each DormitoryPious Fundraising βWhen this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, order acquisition efficiency +2% for every level of each Dormitory