• 蜜蜡
  • ビーズワクス
  • 비즈왁스


Caster — Phalanx Caster
Normally does not attack, but has greatly increased DEF and RES; When skill is active, attacks deal AoE Arts damage
  • R147
  • Ranged
  • AoE
  • Defense
/ 80
[Code Name] Beeswax
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] None
[Place of Birth] Sargon
[Date of Birth] Sept 15
[Race] Caprinae
[Height] 157cm
[Infection Status]
Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
[Physical Strength] Normal
[Mobility] Normal
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Standard
[Combat Skill] Normal
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Excellent
Operator Beeswax, a member of an ancient tribe from the depths of the deserts of Sargon, contacted us of her own initiative and asked to board the ship in order to locate someone. After learning that the person of interest will not be returning to the ship for the time being, Miss Beeswax has applied to join and travel with Rhodes Island, waiting for the time she can reunite with relative.
Beeswax has passed the entrance examination and has been given the official Operator status, and now serves as a Caster for Rhodes Island. This will be the first stop in her lengthy journey of discovery.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Beeswax has no signs of Originium infections.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.11u/L
Operator Beeswax seldom comes in contact with Originium in her living environment.

Although coming into contact with Originium is inevitable through the course of using Originium Arts, not only has she not fallen ill, but she even seems to be quite healthy - healthier than most of us, in fact. Have you seen the color and sheen of her horns? I could tell at a glance that little girl has nothing wrong with her!
Miss Beeswax made no attempts to hide her purpose for seeking out Rhodes Island. In fact, she was rather candid throughout the entire meeting, and this straightforward demeanor was consistent with the experiences she had described. In front of us was a young woman who had stepped away from home for the first time, without a deceptive bone in her body or a reason to be wary of others.
According to her statement, Miss Beeswax contacted Rhodes Island in order to find a blood relative who had left the tribe first on a journey. After verification, we found that her relative indeed is an active operator, and belongs to one of our affiliated departments. However, that individual is currently on a secret mission and cannot return to the landship any time soon.
Upon hearing this, Beeswax was visibly dejected. This young Caprinae from the golden sands does not usually display many expressions, but when her shoulders and eyelids droop, one can see subtle hints of the sense of loss she undoubtedly feels. Fortunately, these depressive bouts rarely last long, and she quickly regains her vitality.
At this time, Miss Beeswax made the first important decision since leaving her home to embark on this journey.
She decided to become a part of Rhodes Island.
Operator Beeswax cherishes her two horns greatly, and almost all operators who've talked to her are aware of this.
Among Caprinae, Forte, and other horned races, the horns are a very important part of one's appearance. Akin to the booming and developing beauty industry here, horn care services arose to meet the demand and are well-received. However, even among the operators who are more concerned about their image, very few will make a conscious effort to focus on their appearance. Operators, like Beeswax, who pay close attention their appearance to the point of mastering skills relevant to those interests are among the minority.
Every day, Beeswax sets aside a bit of time to maintain her large, curved horns. This maintenance process usually involves multiple steps such as wiping them down with a fine cloth, applying essential oils, soft brush care, and polish. Beeswax always completes each step meticulously, ensuring that nothing is omitted. Through her persistent effort, her horns have achieved a remarkable state of lustre, shape, and hardness.
Through our inquiries with other Caprinae operators, we have established that even by Caprinae standards, Beeswax's horns are magnificent, a rare and beautiful sight to behold.
After finishing her daily care, Beeswax often provides help to operators who need it, making her very popular within certain small circles.
The heart of the Sargon desert is difficult to traverse, and even experienced Messengers find it difficult to reach the deepest portions. In Beeswax's tribe, it is not unusual for young members of the tribe to go on journeys to the outside world and bring back what they see. Because these journeys have become traditions in their own rights, this particular tribe is unlike many others in that it does not totally reject novel things from the outside.
In addition to these journeys, one or two veteran Messengers may visit each year at certain times to bring the latest news to clan members, including the most recent music magazines.
Beeswax does not appear to be someone who is incredibly shrewd; rather, she is straightforward and easy to understand. She loves music as well. When she left home, she brought with her a number of magazines issued by the Music Society, and these new publications became quite popular among the Caster teams. Even Beeswax herself quick integrated, smoothly establishing good relationships with the other operators.
Though Beeswax doesn't talk much, is quiet most of the time, and tends to lose her train of thought, by no means is she simple-minded. In choosing to officially become an Operator of Rhodes Island, Beeswax did not rush to her decision, but had to weigh a variety of considerations.
The fact that she chose to stay to wait for her relative, while certainly her primary reason, is only one of several considerations. After a bit of inquiry, we determined that Beeswax believes that her time at Rhodes Island will serve as valuable experience to help her pass her tribe's rites of passage to adulthood— or rather, she sees working with Rhodes Island as one rung of that trial.
After comprehensive deliberation, we also saw no reason to deny the participation of a talented and powerful Caster. On one hand, the addition of Beeswax is beneficial to us. On the other hand, we believe that such an option will help Beeswax as well, and Rhodes Island will be able to provide her with many further opportunities to understand this land.

As an addendum, the young Caprinae waited for several months before picking out her official code name. After writing to her hometown for help, she finally decided on the name she now uses.
The heart of Sargon is a vast region with a harsh environment, home to a large number of small and medium-sized tribes. Among them, some ancient tribes lack means of communicating with the outside world, and often retain their unique customs and traditions. Although the Caprinae tribe to which Beeswax belongs does not fall under this category, it still retains its customs despite regular contact with the outside world.
Though many view the so-called 'pagan' beliefs of these tribes as little more than barbaric vestiges of a primitive legacy, there are a few researchers who have been trying to ascertain the true source of these ancient beliefs.
Operator Beeswax is not shy about sharing her beliefs. From her descriptions, she tends to use more abstract expressions, trying to depict a conceptual existence rather than a physical object of worship with an actual image. In fact, even though Beeswax claimed to have received the blessings of the gods, she admitted that she had frankly never directly seen these gods.
Every operator has their own journey, and in this case, Rhodes Island is just the first step of Beeswax's journey, not the end.
We may be in each others' company for the time being, like-minded and hand-in-hand, but we will all find our own direction one day. There will come a day when we go our separate ways.
No two roads completely overlap; while they may intersect at times, an intersection is just that.

But do remember that no matter where we go, her blessings will always follow us.
ATK Interval
2 sec
70 sec


  • Shambhala's Sanctuary
    When this unit's skill is not active, restores 4% Max HP per second


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Growing Sandstorm
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    20 sec
    Range expands, ATK +60%

    Sand Obelisk

    Blocks 3 enemies
    ATK Interval
    1 sec
    0 sec
  • Guardian Obelisk
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    20 sec
    Summons an Obelisk upon a melee tile within this unit's Attack Range. When the Obelisk appears, it deals 300% ATK as Arts damage to nearby enemies and Stuns them for 3 seconds

    Sand Obelisk

    Blocks 3 enemies
    ATK Interval
    1 sec
    0 sec
    Summon Sand Obelisk
    Auto RecoveryAuto Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    When appearing, deals 300% ATK as Arts damage to nearby enemies and Stuns them for 3 seconds


    Beeswax's Badge
    Operator Beeswax has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for effecting well-timed Arts casualties on a large scale.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Caster Operator during field operations to exercise Phalanx Caster responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • PLX-X
    'Beeswax's Blessing'
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +150
    • ATK +55
    Phalanx Caster Trait
    Normally does not attack, but has greatly increased DEF and RES; when skill is active, retains some of the bonus and attacks deal AoE Arts Damage
    • HP +180
    • ATK +64
    Shambhala's Sanctuary
    When this unit's skill is not active, +10% Max HP, and restores 4% Max HP per second
    • HP +210
    • ATK +70
    Shambhala's Sanctuary
    When this unit's skill is not active, +15% Max HP, and restores 4% Max HP per second
    When a Rhodes Island squad rescued the slender Elafia girl of about eleven or twelve from slave traffickers, she did not cry nor make any noise. Nor respond to any questions pointed at her. A considerable headache for the squad's strait-laced captain, who promptly placed the child in Beeswax's care and left to pursue the fleeing slavers.
    The captain in all his extroversion likely felt awkward about it, but Beeswax did not. Once she realized the child had no intention of speaking, she turned her attention instead to the jungle, fresh and verdant.
    After stepping away for a while, she happened to notice the girl staring at her horns. The two made eye contact, the girl immediately averted her gaze. They repeated this a few times, and then Beeswax moved to speak:
    'You can touch them, if you're curious.'
    The girl's eyes opened wide.
    'I'm not lying.'
    She hesitantly stood up, approached Beeswax, and cautiously, nervously reached her arm out, as if a timid fowl was on her hand. She gave the lightest touch.
    'So pretty...'
    Something Beeswax had heard from many a horned or antlered operator before. It embarrassed and flustered her at first, but she learned in time to reply with a 'yours are wonderful, too,' as was polite.
    Be that so, the sight of the Elafia rescued only moments ago from slavers—soiled, undernourished, even missing a chunk from her antlers—drove a new response to her mind.
    'I can make yours just as pretty. Okay?'
    March's spring breeze still carried a chill. The young Elafia sat on the ground. Beeswax cleared the tangle of dirty cotton from her antlers, then took out a care kit. A gauze to wipe the stains away, then a soft brush to clean the dust out from the crevices where the bone forked.
    The Elafia lowered her head, screwing her eyes shut, as if she were taking part in a solemn ceremony of sorts.
    Once the cleaning was over, Beeswax took a sanding block and a small file and worked patiently at the dried-out keratin of the Elafia's antlers, before applying a layer of essential oils with due care. All done, she brought out a miniature length of ribbon from her kit, and tied a small bow upon the antler's break.
    'There we are.'
    Beeswax passed the girl a pocket mirror.
    The girl shied from looking at first, but eventually, she stole a glance, before finally fixing her gaze on it, eyes wide open. A blush bloomed across her sapped face, beyond herself with excitement.
    Beeswax stood up and gave a stretch, before hurriedly remembering the last step had been left undone.
    She gave her head a light rapping, and drew from her pocket a tiny, golden stone, wrapped tightly in thread. She tied it to the antler left unbroken, working the cord as she recited softly to the Elafia:
    'May the gods bless you. May you be blessed to live in neither bondage nor hunger. May you be blessed to live as do the burning sun, the storms, and the golden plains of sand, in eternal beauty and strength.'

RIIC Base Skills

  • Caster Expert α
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Caster Operators' Specialization training speed +30%
    Caster Expert β
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Caster Operators' Specialization training speed +50%