• 刻刀
  • カッター
  • 커터


Guard — Swordmaster
Normal attacks deal damage twice
  • R144
  • Melee
  • Nuker
  • DPS
/ 70
[Code Name] Cutter
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 3 Years
[Place of Birth] Columbia
[Date of Birth] May 2
[Race] Vulpo
[Height] 155cm
[Infection Status]
Originium crystals are distributed inside the body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
[Physical Strength] Standard
[Mobility] Standard
[Physical Resilience] Normal
[Tactical Acumen] Normal
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard
Cutter, a mercenary who has long been active in the fringes of Columbia's controlled territories, has come seeking medical treatment. She has shown excellent close-quarters combat capabilities across several operations.
She currently serves in one of Rhodes Island's Guard squads, having participated in many VIP escort jobs among others.
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 4%
Cutter's condition is currently stable.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.23u/L
Cutter's bloodstream crystal circulation level is stable.
Operator Cutter comes from a rural area in southwestern Columbia. According to our investigation, this area was often affected by Catastrophes, rendering the land barren and unproductive. Unable to make a living or work the land, many locals have no choice but to provide their labor to prospective employers, and with high enough compensation, are willing to do almost anything. The tenuous grasp of Columbian authorities over this remote region has led to a chronic lack of proper policing, resulting in this area gaining notoriety as a chaotic and lawless land.
Cutter, who grew up under such an environment, chose to stake out her own lot in life to support herself like so many of her peers; but unlike many, she also established a set of rules to abide by, dictating what she would and would not do.
On a normal day, this mercenary from a chaotic land is quite at ease and can even be described as being in a daze. This characteristic is particularly evident after she has spent some time basking in the sun, a state that couldn't be more different from when she wields her blade on the battlefield.
In addition, it's worth mentioning that Cutter also has a baffling fondness for cooking, given that her results are often far from satisfactory.
After a string of incidents such as accidentally eviscerating a cutting board, causing the fire alarm to go off after stewing unknown substances, and causing the toaster to explode, the Operators who frequently utilize the kitchen petitioned to restrict her access to the facility, resulting in her being banned.
Even those most empathetic to the dejected Cutter still unanimously praised the ban.
Through our investigation, we've determined the following to be Operator Cutter's personal code of conduct:
1. Never kill innocents.
2. Never participate in fraud or the trafficking of persons.
3. If a bystander suffers losses to property during the task, then appropriate compensation must be paid afterwards.

As a result of these constraints, Cutter makes a lot less money than those who are far less skilled than she is, and this has complicated her living situation. Despite that, she never compromised or abandoned her code. One might surmise that this was a product of her chaotic environment, or perhaps due to a certain teacher she references in conversation.
According to Cutter, her teacher was a wandering swordsman who traveled the world. This teacher not only raised her after her parents died fighting on the streets, but also taught her how to wield a blade. Under this person's tutelage, Cutter did not get swallowed by the lawlessness and wanton violence that claimed so many of her fellow villagers; instead, she became the principled mercenary that she is today.
Cutter's teacher quietly left after confirming that she could be self-sufficient, only leaving behind the pendant that now hangs around her neck - a carved protective charm that she cherishes immensely.
[Classified Log]
After investigation, we found that the armed clash that took the lives of Cutter's parents was caused by the interruption of a local gang's illegal transactions. This damage to their interests triggered immediate retaliation against the interrupting party, dragging in many uninvolved residents. Many people were killed as a result, including Cutter's parents.
Later eyewitness accounts from those who were present at the time testified that the actual instigators of the gang violence were not locals, but rather people they had never seen before.

Please exercise discretion in deciding whether or not to disclose the above records to Cutter.
Columbians do not value the idea of karma, but they do understand that no matter what they do, there will be consequences.
ATK Interval
1.3 sec
70 sec


  • Photoetched Marks
    When dealing damage, has 20% chance to recover 1 additional SP


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Redshift
    Offensive RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    Immediately attacks random enemies within range 4 times with throwing knives, each knife dealing 340% of ATK as physical damage.
  • Crimson Crescent
    Offensive RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    Deals 450% Physical damage to up to 6 nearby enemies
    Damage is doubled against aerial enemies


    Cutter's Badge
    Operator Cutter has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for inflicting multistage damage to the enemy in close-quarters combat.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Guard Operator during field operations to exercise Swordmaster responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • SWO-Y
    Replaceable Tool Set
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +100
    • ATK +40
    Swordmaster Trait
    Normal attacks deal damage twice
    Attacks ignore 70 DEF
    • HP +130
    • ATK +55
    Photoetched Marks
    When dealing damage, has 30% chance to recover 1 additional SP
    • HP +150
    • ATK +65
    Photoetched Marks
    When dealing damage, has 33% chance to recover 1 additional SP
    Cutter has three principles.
    Never kill the innocent. No trafficking nor blackmail. If the mission loses anyone their belongings, you have to compensate with equal value afterwards.
    So today, while everyone's still asleep, Cutter knocks out a mercenary guard, cracks open a crate, and holds a hand out to the little girl inside.
    She knows mercenaries. For people like them who deal in blood, letting the goods escape doesn't just affect their reputation, it impacts their business, so they'll kill their friends, and it won't weigh on them one bit. But for the sake of this innocent girl, nothing will stop her.
    Cutter conceals herself in the pitch-black night. A dull, bad sweetness emerges in her throat, reminding her of the blood that coated her under the blazing sun in times past. But the girl on her back grips Cutter's arms tight, reminiscent of that day years ago, when she herself gripped tight onto those machetes with no owner.
    She pushes the girl up on her back, adjusting positions, freeing herself up.
    In the interval where her taut nerves relax, the aches on her body come with—Cutter uses the moonlight to inspect their wounds on her. A bolt shot at them hours earlier cut her shoulder and the girl's arm, the blood of the two congealed together. In this moment, thanks to the movement, fresh blood finds a way to well from her shoulder again.
    Cutter tilts her head to look, her mind beginning to ring thanks to this trouble from nowhere.
    The rope that fate bound around her neck suddenly tightens, and Cutter begins to feel this instant that her very breathing is beginning to freeze. Her hands turn cold in an instant, her heart pounding in her ears with every pulse, and she feels this darkness will drown her.
    Cutter stares in shock, rooted to the ground, the cut on her shoulder smoldering red.

RIIC Base Skills

  • Training Record
    When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process Chips, the production rate of byproduct increases by 70%
  • Asceticism
    When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process Chips, reduces the Morale consumed by all corresponding formulas that cost 2 Morale by -1