• 达格达
  • ダグザ
  • 다그다


Guard — Fighter
Blocks 1 enemy
  • GG04
  • Melee
  • DPS
  • Survival
/ 80
[Code Name] Dagda
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 7 Years
[Place of Birth] Victoria
[Date of Birth] Jul 9
[Race] Feline
[Height] 155cm
[Infection Status]
Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
[Physical Strength] Standard
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Standard
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard
Dagda, Former Knight of the Tower and current member of Glasgow who joined Rhodes Island alongside Siege. As a member of Siege's squad, she plays an active role in all kinds of siege operations.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Dagda shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.11u/L
Operator Dagda rarely comes into contact with Originium.
Compared to other members of Glasgow, Dagda quickly got used to Rhodes Island's operational style. She adapts exceptionally well to a variety of combat strategies. Not only does she perform well in team operations, she also possesses the resourcefulness to act independently. Dagda has smooth and precise combat skills that are highly accurate and effective when attacking.
However, unlike Indra and Morgan, she tends to keep her distance from the other operators outside of missions, and may even appear somewhat antisocial to others.
Despite this, Dagda is not a cold-blooded warrior. During an outdoors mission, she once watched over a few heavily ill Infected for several nights without sleep. It may be that she is not good at expressing her feelings because her past experiences required her to keep calm, but time and again she has proven that, like other Rhodes Island operators, she will lend a friendly helping hand to anyone who needs her help.
Dagda's fashion sense stands out quite a lot from the crowd. This may seem at odds with her somewhat solemn personality, but when asked why she chose that attire, she always answers matter-of-factly: 'Because the mission calls for it.' As a Knight of the Tower who escaped from the Sarkaz, she and Siege are used to concealing their identities, and her clothes, which could not be more different from the Knights' accoutrements, have indeed been effective at keeping her undercover.
That said, she seems to have a hidden passion for fashion, as evidenced by the magazines and mail-order accessories she hides in her dorm room. She can often be seen at Operator Aciddrop's hallway skateboarding competitions and Operator Vigna's midnight cafeteria rock festivals. It wasn't long before everyone started to know her as not just the 'Knight of the Tower' or the 'Glasgow Member' Dagda, but also as the 'punk girl' Dagda.
'Who got her this nervy anyway? When we were out drinking, picking fights, she'd either be spouting off about the Knights of the Tower's code of conduct or practicing her sword skills with a proper serious face on. It's been ten years, but even though she's left for so long, all she ever talked about was her duty... Indra and I were sick to death of hearing about it. Maybe this hobby is her way of letting off some steam? Could be something like a late rebellious phase.' — Morgan
Glasgow Fighting Guide:
'Rule No. 1: Bring as many mates as you can.'
'Rule No. 2: Look and sound tough. Bring the heat.'
'Rule No. 3: Attack first before the other blokes, and go for their vitals. Huh? What vitals? I don't mean their arteries or heart or anything like that. You wanna get us banged up?'
'Rule No. 4, and the most important rule of all: When you gotta leg it, leg it. Don't just stand there or try to be a hero. Remember, you're the last of the Knights.'
'Sorry. Eh, I don't apologize often. Scrap that bit just now, yeah? We good? Alright. I don't remember stuff that well, you see. If you're proper riled up about it... come have a go at me. Blow off some steam.'
—Excerpts from Dagda's recording of the lesson Indra gave her on how to fight
In addition to the voice recording, Dagda also took several notebooks worth of notes, which included the signals for specific moves and detailed combat summaries. Her first few fights recorded in the notebook were all against Indra and Morgan, and from these notes, it appears she was frequently beaten up pretty badly.
'Siege's cautiousness around me is only natural, considering it was the scheming of certain nobles that drove them to leave Londinium in the first place. I shall prove to her my loyalty with my actions.' Dagda held no resentment toward Indra and Morgan when she reflected on their first meeting. 'Why did I keep fighting them after that? It's all practice. It's so that I can pick up new combat techniques... And certainly not because I have any particular love for street brawls!'
Isabelle Montague, the daughter of the 3rd Count of Manchester.
She began her training as a knight when she was 11. At the age of 16, she took her oath and became a formally recognized Knight of the Tower.
When she was 21, the Sarkaz took over the Parliament Square and laid siege to the clock tower in front of the palace. The surviving 29 Knights of the Tower fought a desperate battle against the Sarkaz under the command of Finn, the Captain of the Watch. All of the other Knights perished, and as the sole survivor, she stepped on the journey to find the rightful successor to the crown.
When she was 23, she returned to Londinium with the Aslan heir. (scratched out)
When she was 23, she returned to Londinium with the other Glasgow members.
—Draft of Isabelle Montague's page in the Book of the Tower Knights
Book of the Tower Knights chronicles the lives of all Knights of the Tower, and it is said to have been continuously maintained for several centuries. According to tradition, the Captain of the Watch only records a Tower Knight in the Book after their retirement or death in battle.
However, only a single Knight of the Tower still remains.
Over the past two years, Dagda has carefully sorted and added to the pages of her 28 fallen comrades. On the way back to Londinium, she once again took out the Book that is her responsibility to keep safe. Between battles, she often stared at its empty pages and spaced out.
Dagda knows that, having sworn to protect the heir to the crown at the cost of her own life in the forthcoming battles, she should perhaps write down her experiences in the Book just as her mentor, Finn, once did.
However, every time she tries to put pen to paper, someone is always there to interrupt her. Sometimes, it's her friends from Glasgow. Other times, it's somebody from Rhodes Island. Perhaps this will help Dagda realize that, as both a member of Glasgow and an operator of Rhodes Island, she still has a long future ahead of her.
At first, she did put quite a bit of pressure on me.
She kept urging me to return to Londinium as soon as possible and take on the responsibility I must shoulder.
No, I don't blame her at all. Quite the opposite. I'm worried that the responsibility that's kept her shackled all these years will eventually suffocate her.
You saw it yourself. At the Mausoleum of Kings, we saw... the Steam Knights. That was the first time I've seen her so agitated.
After we got out, I thought she'd be pretty shocked, or at least dazed.
But she wasn't. She stayed with us, and was just as determined as before.
The only difference is that she stopped mentioning the duty and responsibility she was born with all the time.
I don't know if it was the Steam Knights or what happened to Allerdale that affected her. All I know is that the person who remains by my side chose to do so of her own volition, rather than out of her duty as a Tower Knight.
She's my friend, Dagda.
—From the Conversation Log with Siege
ATK Interval
0.78 sec
80 sec


  • Gang Spirit
    Has 30% chance of increasing ATK to 150% when attacking. When deployed, this multiplier increases by +5% for every enemy defeated within the 4 adjacent tiles of a [Glasgow Gang] Operator (max 240%)
  • Knight's Honor
    In [Return to Mist], HP +20%, and each attack restores HP equal to 20% of damage dealt


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Counter Technique
    Defensive RecoveryAuto Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    The next time Physical damage would be taken, reduce it by 60%, and the ATK of the next attack is increased by 210%
  • Search and Destroy
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    15 sec
    ATK +35%, attacks hit twice; Talent activation rate increased by 60%


    Dagda's Badge
  • FGT-Y
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +120
    • ATK +35
    Fighter Trait
    Blocks 1 enemy; ASPD +10 while above 50% HP
    • HP +170
    • ATK +45
    Gang Spirit
    • HP +200
    • ATK +50
    Gang Spirit

RIIC Base Skills

  • Guard Expert α
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Guard Operators' Specialization training speed +30%
    Combat Techniques: Fighter
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Guard Operators' Specialization training speed +30%; if the trainee's Job Branch is Fighter, training speed will be further increased by +45%