• 远牙
  • ファートゥース
  • 파투스


Sniper — Deadeye
Prioritizes attacking the enemy with lowest DEF within range first
  • KZ13
  • Ranged
  • DPS
/ 90
[Code Name] Fartooth
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 4 Years
[Place of Birth] Kazimierz
[Date of Birth] Oct 10
[Race] Liberi
[Height] 155cm
[Infection Status]
Confirmed Infected by medical examination.
[Physical Strength] Standard
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Normal
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard
'Fartooth' Knight Justyna, garnered initial fame at the Major, presently affiliated with the Infected knight-founded Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub. An Infected knight with some degree of fame in Kazimierz. Following a string of crises in the recent Major, Pinus Sylvestris and Rhodes Island emerged with a cooperative relationship, in which Fartooth Knight came to Rhodes Island as a collaborator, to receive Oripathy treatment, and provide Rhodes Island with combat support.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 5%
Operator Fartooth's degree of infection is relatively light, but minor crystallization is visible on the surface of the body.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.21u/L
Given the overall stability of her condition, and control over her lesions, treatment is focused on monitoring.

Knight competitions really do pay out fast. If she didn't have the money to afford treatment, there's no chance she'd be in such good condition. Undeniably, the Blood Knight has given options to those who otherwise had none.
With the agreement between Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub and Rhodes Island and several Infected knights arriving to receive treatment, we have gained a rough understanding of the characters of these knights.
Fartooth Knight is seen as a woman of few words, cold and reserved. She earned the title 'Fartooth' as an independent knight, declining droves of invitations from firms and Knight Orders, publicly declaring that she was considering founding a Knightclub herself. This choice brought her considerable hassle, but also served as the turning point for her to join Pinus Sylvestris.
Compared to the Knightclub's early members, the later-arriving Fartooth Knight needed some time to acclimate. However, from her relationship with the likes of Flametail, as well as her interaction with our Operators during her time at Rhodes Island, we see that Fartooth Knight is surprisingly not as aloof and difficult to approach as her outward appearance may suggest. Under her firm shell, this Infected knight has a fairly gentle manner—even soft.
Fartooth Knight was shone brilliantly in the Major preliminaries; her strength cannot be underestimated.
Rarer is that while her individual strength is second-to-none in Pinus Sylvestris, she doesn't share the same failing that many with strength often do—arrogance. This small-statured knight is entirely adept at cooperation, proactively coordinating with her teammates. If required to serve as primary offense, her attacks are fierce and intense, but if other assault personnel are in her lineup, Fartooth will change tactics, as though she can hear the wind, seizing upon its tiniest whispers of information, providing agile and flexible long-range support to her teammates.
Also worth mentioning is that on first contact, Fartooth Knight's succinct and unique manner of speech led some operators to misunderstand her for a time. However, we all quickly grasped that her tendency to utter perplexing sentence fragments, supplemented by further explanation, comes from her penchant for lonely pondering—she keeps rapidly deducing the main point in her head, reaching a conclusion, and then blurting it out. After realizing how she confuses those around her, only then does she follow up by elaborating.
Fartooth Knight, original name Justyna Valentine, was born in a tranquil part of rural Kazimierz, and up until adulthood, was no more than a normal village girl.
Justyna longed since childhood to become a knight, like any average Kazimierzian child would. The knights in shining armor were awe-inspiring, dashing and formidable, the targets of all their adoration. Despite the prevalence of the Major and the old chivalric spirit gradually fading from Kazimierzian minds as Justyna grew up, her image of the knights wasn't badly damaged (an all-too-rare case), thanks to the Radiant Knight. When she finally met her knightly role model, both parties were far removed from where they started, but Justyna's feelings are known only to herself.
However, bearing the dream of knighthood, the now-grown village girl who ventured on a journey to the Grand Knight Territory had never once imagined the utterly unexpected misfortune that might strike her. Before she could officially register to become a knight at Kawalerielki, an accident en route infected her with Oripathy, and in the time when the Blood Knight hadn't yet won the championship, it was no more than wild fantasy for Infected to become knights. Her dream snuffed out by unforeseeable circumstances, she had nowhere to go, and nowhere to return. That is until the Blood Knight reigned victorious, and news came of the push for the Infected Knights Act.
Thoroughly damped down before, fires of hope is ignited once again, true and searing, so hot as to scald some, yet making for it like mad, unable to let go.
Fartooth's experiences are by no means unusual; like all Infected knights, she had to strive far harder than the vast majority if she wished to obtain formal knight qualification. It's hard to imagine how this girl of such unassuming stature survived through the bloodiness of the illegal tournaments, or how she struggled to obtain her knighthood, how she could finally make a brilliant show in the preliminaries, and obtain a title so quickly.
And though there was much controversy as this lone girl barged her way into the Major, she had some supporters of her own too, as well as a considerable income. In the masses' eyes, past the living exception of the Blood Knight, there was no better outcome for an Infected knight than this.
But for Fartooth herself, all this may not have been so important. No matter if she wanted to found her own Knightclub, or agreed to join Pinus Sylvestris, it all went far in showing she wanted something more than simple fame or wealth.
She was now a knight. Had Justyna the village girl's dream really come true? She'd become Infected, then once again found hope, had narrowly climbed up on this thin, thin thread, but the higher she climbed, the more she came in touch with the other side of the knights she'd once yearned after. Now in the present, perhaps more than any riches or renown, more than any chivalric glory that once was her dream, Justyna simply wants to return home.
In her time receiving treatment at Rhodes Island, Fartooth spends most of her time on the upper deck, except when she's with her Knightclub fellows. There, she recalls how she used to work in the fields, saving the money to buy her first longbow, fantasizing about her gallant figure as she wielded it someday. She reminisces on the haystacks that smelt of sunshine, on the wind brushing past her ears, and her friends and family that would listen as she blew folk songs. Yet by the time she could be as gallant as she dreamed, she now only wanted to return to those simple, peaceful countryside days.
When she sits alone high up, playing her carved recorder, she only hopes that somehow the wind will carry her flutesong back home, just as if she could return home with it.

Of course, Justyna is clearer than anyone that for Infected, returning to past life is little more than a wild hope.
Fartooth tends to stay with the other members of her Knightclub. Despite Wild Mane and Ashlock's quarrels giving her headaches, she continues to silently follow her companions as they work together. Compared to Flametail's overflowing ideas, and the goals Ashlock and Wild Mane hold to, Fartooth's motive for joining and staying in Pinus Sylvestris is the simplest of all.
Flametail invited her. As Infected knights together, they stand in identical situations, and Pinus Sylvestris brought her a sense of security. For someone left out of the crowd, with nowhere to return to, no further reason could be needed. One could say that Fartooth doesn't care what sort of direction Pinus Sylvestris may head in future; so long as her companions are still there, so long as this new home remains, that is enough for her.
She'll spare nothing, protecting all this that she treasures.
ATK Interval
2.7 sec
70 sec


  • Concentration
    When no damage is taken within the past 10 seconds, ATK +15%
  • Stilled Breath
    When this unit's skill is active, becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies and attacks ignore the target's Physical Dodge


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Swift Strike γ
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    35 sec
    ATK +45%; ASPD +45
  • Ally Support
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    35 sec
    Can attack blocked enemies outside of Attack Range. ASPD +110
  • Feathershine Arrows
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    20 sec
    Attack Range changes to an infinitely long straight line ahead, ATK +140%. When attacking an enemy outside of the normal Attack Range, damage dealt increases to 140%


    Fartooth's Badge
    Operator Fartooth has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for defeating enemies from long range.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Sniper Operator during field operations to exercise Deadeye responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • DEA-X
    First-show Support Set
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • ATK +70
    • ASPD +5
    Deadeye Trait
    Prioritizes attacking the enemy with lowest DEF within range first
    The further away the enemy, the higher the damage dealt (up to an increase of 15%)
    • ATK +85
    • ASPD +6
    When no damage is taken within the past 8 seconds, ATK +20%
    • ATK +100
    • ASPD +7
    When no damage is taken within the past 6 seconds, ATK +22%
    ......The wind.
    I can hear the wind's sound changing.
    It was quiet before, but now it's become noisy.
    Lots of people... They're here to watch the match.
    My first time competing in the knight tournament.
    This is different from when I was in the underground arena... This is an official match.
    I've become an official Infected Knight, but does this really make a difference compared to before?
    There's not much time left. The match will start soon.
    I know, I will win.
    I will win......

    Excuse me, is Miss Justyna Valentine here? We've brought your custom-made equipment!
    Huh, is Miss Valentine not here?
    She... hasn't been seen since noon? What do you mean nobody knows where she is? The match is about to begin, and she's still not back yet?
    This is quite unfortunate. Being late to her debut match will surely leave a bad taste in the fans' mouths. This certainly won't do any favors for Miss Valentine's future career!
    And in addition to that, she's going to need to personally look over her custom equipment, and if she's not here...
    Huh? Wait, what's that sound?
    Hmm... Is that... somebody playing the flute?

    The soft melody of the flute was gently carried along the wind, far, far away.
    Ever higher, ever further away.
    The wind continued to blow, to the place I promised to return to.
    Please, take this tune back with you.
    Please tell everyone.
    That Justyna has finally become a knight.
    But don't tell anyone.
    That Justyna sorely misses her home.

    ......My goodness, how long have I been here?!
    I shouldn't be spacing out like that! Who has the time to sit around leisurely, playing a bland country tune?
    Well, whatever.
    There's not much time left, I've gotta find Miss Valentine, and fast!
  • DEA-Y
    Fan Letters
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +80
    • ATK +80
    Deadeye Trait
    Prioritizes attacking the enemy with lowest DEF within range first
    If the attacked enemy remains alive, gain 1 additional SP
    • HP +100
    • ATK +100
    When no damage is taken within the past 5 seconds, ATK +15% and ASPD +4
    • HP +120
    • ATK +120
    When no damage is taken within the past 3 seconds, ATK +15% and ASPD +7
    To the incredible Ms. Justyna,

    I'm a loyal fan of yours!
    ...I'm really sorry, I just don't know how to start this letter off. I've almost filled up the wastebasket with scrapped drafts at this point. In the end, I think that cliche is the only thing I can really write.

    This is the first time in my life I'm writing a letter to a hero of mine. You said during an interview that you read every single letter from your supporters, and I know you wouldn't lie!
    First, I want to congratulate you on getting the title 'Fartooth,' it's so incredibly cool! I was there for your match with Feather Knight, the sight of you winning without any backup at all touched all of us there! It's only right you were #1 in the season!
    Ever since I first saw a match of yours three years ago, I got really into you as a knight. You might not remember, but I was sat in the front row of the grandstand, and the knight who was against you slipped up with a move and almost hurt the audience, but then you blocked it even though you were injured. Among the people you saved, the ones behind you, were me and my family.
    Ever since then, you've been an inspirational figure for me. You're a true knight, Ms. Justyna, I'm surer of that than anything. I was still a student then, and if I studied good enough and my grades got better, my family would reward me by taking me to see your matches. I could say you were the one who gave me the drive to keep heading forwards.

    I want to become a glorious knight like you so much! Knights would never point their arrowheads at the defenseless, and I don't believe you'd ever use violence against any Knightclub's fans!
    The 'Fartooth' Knight Justyna I know doesn't concede even when she's hurt, and never talks down to other knights even in the arena. I, along with your other supporters, don't believe any of that slander against you, so please don't take those irresponsible newspaper reports to heart! We're all looking forward to you returning as soon as you can!
    Also, when I heard you say you wanted to start your own Knightclub, I was over the moons! You always ran solo in the past, and sometimes you looked sort of lonely, so it made me and a lot of other fans really worried... In the end, whether you start your own Knightclub, join another one, or stay active as an independent knight, we'll always support you as long as it's your decision, Ms. Justyna!
    We hope everything goes well for you!

    Your faithful supporter

RIIC Base Skills

  • 'Homecoming'
    When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, self Morale recovered per hour +0.55, and restores +0.1 Morale per hour to all other Operators assigned to that Dormitory (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)
  • Pinus Sylvestris α
    When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +15%
    Pinus Sylvestris β
    When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +25%