- 濯尘芙蓉
- 濯塵ハイビスカス
- 히비스커스 더 퓨리파이어
Hibiscus the Purifier

Medic — Incantation Medic
Attacks deal Arts damage and heal the HP of an ally within Attack Range for 50% of the damage dealt
- RF03
- Ranged
- Healing
Other forms:
[Code Name] Hibiscus
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] Undisclosed
[Place of Birth] Victoria
[Date of Birth] Jun 21
[Race] Sarkaz
[Height] 160cm
[Infection Status]
Confirmed Infected by medical examination.
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] Undisclosed
[Place of Birth] Victoria
[Date of Birth] Jun 21
[Race] Sarkaz
[Height] 160cm
[Infection Status]
Confirmed Infected by medical examination.
[Physical Strength] Normal
[Mobility] Standard
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Normal
[Combat Skill] Normal
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Excellent
[Mobility] Standard
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Normal
[Combat Skill] Normal
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Excellent
Following both systematic training in medical theory and long-term training in clinical practice, Hibiscus has graduated from intern doctor to formal Medic Operator, as well as one of the Medical Department's attending physicians. Hibiscus possesses not only ample experience in medical field work, but has made considerable contributions to health management and aftercare as a theoretical researcher.
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.
[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 14%
Large abnormal shadows located about operator's thoracic cavity.
[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.30u/L
Condition provisionally shows no signs of degradation.
'Hibiscus is highly specialized in health management, and she's just as strict on herself as you'd expect. But even so, that battle left a grave impact on her, and the extent of her infection is no cause for optimism. Regular examinations will be needed.' —Ansel
[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 14%
Large abnormal shadows located about operator's thoracic cavity.
[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.30u/L
Condition provisionally shows no signs of degradation.
'Hibiscus is highly specialized in health management, and she's just as strict on herself as you'd expect. But even so, that battle left a grave impact on her, and the extent of her infection is no cause for optimism. Regular examinations will be needed.' —Ansel
We've all borne witness to the growth of the children emerging from Reserve Op Team A1, as a youthful influence and the next generation of Rhodes Island. But among them, the way Hibiscus has changed draws particular attention.
While the maturation of her technique goes without saying, the old Hibiscus who made unyielding demands of everyone around her has 'vanished,' one could say, at some point. How long has it been since anyone's seen her making a grand scene of confiscating a patient's snacks and fiercely requiring them to follow her health schedule to the letter? These days, she need only gently advise them what would be best for their health, and they'll readily comply. We have reason to believe that in her heart lies a kind of innate power to have others warm up to her. She's simply picked up on a better way showing this side of herself to others.
The young pupil nipping at Operator Pith's heels, asking about this and that, day after day, is now a mentor herself, instructing even younger new interns. Without even realizing it, her work within the Medical Department has taken on a degree of professionalism, and you can often find her by hospital beds, patiently soothing patients who are panicked or afraid. It's something no one but her could accomplish... Time pushes us all onwards, never allowing us much of a look back on what we've lose to the past. But now and again, on seeing what's come of this baptism by time, the wisdom gained, how can we not be relieved?
If only everyone were still here for it.
While the maturation of her technique goes without saying, the old Hibiscus who made unyielding demands of everyone around her has 'vanished,' one could say, at some point. How long has it been since anyone's seen her making a grand scene of confiscating a patient's snacks and fiercely requiring them to follow her health schedule to the letter? These days, she need only gently advise them what would be best for their health, and they'll readily comply. We have reason to believe that in her heart lies a kind of innate power to have others warm up to her. She's simply picked up on a better way showing this side of herself to others.
The young pupil nipping at Operator Pith's heels, asking about this and that, day after day, is now a mentor herself, instructing even younger new interns. Without even realizing it, her work within the Medical Department has taken on a degree of professionalism, and you can often find her by hospital beds, patiently soothing patients who are panicked or afraid. It's something no one but her could accomplish... Time pushes us all onwards, never allowing us much of a look back on what we've lose to the past. But now and again, on seeing what's come of this baptism by time, the wisdom gained, how can we not be relieved?
If only everyone were still here for it.
How long does it take to go from an intern lacking any fundamentals to an attending physician in charge of her own interns? Five years? Ten? To the majority who give up on it partway through, it's a goal that's out of reach for one's entire life.
Certainly, many medical personnel aboard Rhodes Island are astounding in terms of professional ability and reserves of knowledge. But for them, finding the time to systematically teach students the vast swathes of modern medical theory is near-impossible. Under those circumstances, Hibiscus simply had to treat every practical as an opportunity to learn. She meticulously summed up her medical experience, earnestly took note of every bit of wisdom her seniors offered, seized nearly every free moment to pour through reference materials, and gradually digested it all until she finally attained a comprehensive mastery.
Hibiscus has an exceptional amount of experience in her chosen vocation of patient care, and her gentle personality and delicate mood allows her treatments to proceed without a hitch. Having acquired enough medical knowledge over the years, Hibiscus has been attempting to synthesize a systematic theory of healthcare based on her initial field of expertise, nutrition. The value of her current research results has been recognized even by Dr. Kal'tsit. Guided by her theories, Hibiscus has directed a gradual upgrade of the Medical Department's ward facilities. And judging by the recovery of the patients afterwards, these measures have shown clear results.
'The idea of medical treatment isn't just to bring patients out of life-threatening situations. It's just as important that we provide ample care to the sick, keeping their bodies and minds healthy so they can fend off encroaching illness. It's long-term work, and requires plenty of patience, attention, and concern for your patients from the bottom of your heart.' An additional paragraph authored by Hibiscus, from a revision of the Rhodes Island Medical Department handbook.
Certainly, many medical personnel aboard Rhodes Island are astounding in terms of professional ability and reserves of knowledge. But for them, finding the time to systematically teach students the vast swathes of modern medical theory is near-impossible. Under those circumstances, Hibiscus simply had to treat every practical as an opportunity to learn. She meticulously summed up her medical experience, earnestly took note of every bit of wisdom her seniors offered, seized nearly every free moment to pour through reference materials, and gradually digested it all until she finally attained a comprehensive mastery.
Hibiscus has an exceptional amount of experience in her chosen vocation of patient care, and her gentle personality and delicate mood allows her treatments to proceed without a hitch. Having acquired enough medical knowledge over the years, Hibiscus has been attempting to synthesize a systematic theory of healthcare based on her initial field of expertise, nutrition. The value of her current research results has been recognized even by Dr. Kal'tsit. Guided by her theories, Hibiscus has directed a gradual upgrade of the Medical Department's ward facilities. And judging by the recovery of the patients afterwards, these measures have shown clear results.
'The idea of medical treatment isn't just to bring patients out of life-threatening situations. It's just as important that we provide ample care to the sick, keeping their bodies and minds healthy so they can fend off encroaching illness. It's long-term work, and requires plenty of patience, attention, and concern for your patients from the bottom of your heart.' An additional paragraph authored by Hibiscus, from a revision of the Rhodes Island Medical Department handbook.
When Rhodes Island's Medic Operators are carrying out field missions, they typically have at least one Field Operator accompanying, so as to ensure the safety of medical personnel. We noted a fair degree of disconcerting information in reports from Field Operators who've worked alongside Hibiscus.
'Mission got off to a rocky start. Local Infected was clearly cautious of, even hostile towards us...'
'I was a hair from beating the hell out of him. What reined me in in the end wasn't Rhodes employee regulations, it was Dr. Hibiscus... I know he was Infected. I am too, so is Dr. Hibiscus. He was clearly aware she had saved his life. So how could he say those things to her... No conflict ultimately arose between us.'
The above is an extract from one such Field Operator's mission report. However, similar notes appear in the reports of many other operators that work with Hibiscus. More concerning still is that all incidents of this nature go completely unmentioned in her own mission reports.
Hibiscus's consistent silence regarding this has worried more than us: Lava has also repeatedly asked that we pay closer mind to Hibiscus's physical and mental state.
'She's not gonna say anything about it herself. But that doesn't mean it doesn't bother her... I want you to keep an eye on her for me. After all, she's just a dummy who acts like she can take care of herself. That's it. She just acts like it.'
Renouncing prejudice and hatred has always been the stance of Rhodes Island, but we cannot deny that such animosity for Infected and the Sarkaz objectively exists, all across the land. While shouldered with such a complex identity, and doing everything she can to fulfill her duties as a doctor, the source of hostility is more often than not the very one she's trying to help. Others can only imagine the pressure she must be bearing, truly empathizing is something else altogether. We very much hope that Hibiscus can open her heart to others. But until she herself seeks help, all we can do is continue to watch over her and give her a degree of choice when assigning missions.
So far, Hibiscus still has never refused a single field mission.
'Mission got off to a rocky start. Local Infected was clearly cautious of, even hostile towards us...'
'I was a hair from beating the hell out of him. What reined me in in the end wasn't Rhodes employee regulations, it was Dr. Hibiscus... I know he was Infected. I am too, so is Dr. Hibiscus. He was clearly aware she had saved his life. So how could he say those things to her... No conflict ultimately arose between us.'
The above is an extract from one such Field Operator's mission report. However, similar notes appear in the reports of many other operators that work with Hibiscus. More concerning still is that all incidents of this nature go completely unmentioned in her own mission reports.
Hibiscus's consistent silence regarding this has worried more than us: Lava has also repeatedly asked that we pay closer mind to Hibiscus's physical and mental state.
'She's not gonna say anything about it herself. But that doesn't mean it doesn't bother her... I want you to keep an eye on her for me. After all, she's just a dummy who acts like she can take care of herself. That's it. She just acts like it.'
Renouncing prejudice and hatred has always been the stance of Rhodes Island, but we cannot deny that such animosity for Infected and the Sarkaz objectively exists, all across the land. While shouldered with such a complex identity, and doing everything she can to fulfill her duties as a doctor, the source of hostility is more often than not the very one she's trying to help. Others can only imagine the pressure she must be bearing, truly empathizing is something else altogether. We very much hope that Hibiscus can open her heart to others. But until she herself seeks help, all we can do is continue to watch over her and give her a degree of choice when assigning missions.
So far, Hibiscus still has never refused a single field mission.
Hibiscus often mentions the block of buildings where she used to live.
Based on her descriptions, it was akin to a slum hidden in a corner of bustling Londinium. Many who lived there were of different races and nationalities. There were Feline workers local to Londinium, as well as traders from Sargon and Vouivre. Everyone came from different backgrounds, but their shared experience of 'we have to do all we can before we can put down roots here' was enough to bring them together.
As Hibiscus paints a picture of the peace and harmony there, colored in nostalgia, we can't help but wonder—could such a neighborhood truly exist? Especially now, years on, with the chaos Londinium has been through, we fear that even if that block was once reality, it's long since been reduced to ruins.
Perhaps she's seeing these things through rose-tinted glasses. Perhaps she was simply lucky, and this Sarkaz girl with no concept of prejudice found friendly faces in her first contact outside her household. Regardless, these earliest memories have become the simplest, yet staunchest grounds Hibiscus has for believing in goodwill. Upon these lands exist hatred and prejudice, but so too do love and kindness. As for which outnumbers which, it hardly seems a question at all to her. A lamp in the cold night may not be enough for warmth, but it can be what supports the conviction to keep going. By her own actions, the Hibiscus of today is passing down that lamp.
She may be far more resilient than we can imagine.
Based on her descriptions, it was akin to a slum hidden in a corner of bustling Londinium. Many who lived there were of different races and nationalities. There were Feline workers local to Londinium, as well as traders from Sargon and Vouivre. Everyone came from different backgrounds, but their shared experience of 'we have to do all we can before we can put down roots here' was enough to bring them together.
As Hibiscus paints a picture of the peace and harmony there, colored in nostalgia, we can't help but wonder—could such a neighborhood truly exist? Especially now, years on, with the chaos Londinium has been through, we fear that even if that block was once reality, it's long since been reduced to ruins.
Perhaps she's seeing these things through rose-tinted glasses. Perhaps she was simply lucky, and this Sarkaz girl with no concept of prejudice found friendly faces in her first contact outside her household. Regardless, these earliest memories have become the simplest, yet staunchest grounds Hibiscus has for believing in goodwill. Upon these lands exist hatred and prejudice, but so too do love and kindness. As for which outnumbers which, it hardly seems a question at all to her. A lamp in the cold night may not be enough for warmth, but it can be what supports the conviction to keep going. By her own actions, the Hibiscus of today is passing down that lamp.
She may be far more resilient than we can imagine.
'...On this mission, Operator Hibiscus displayed exceptional professionalism. She looked after Infected with every ounce of her heart, acted decisively at critical moments, and from an objective lens removed the danger of a large-scale infection in the Afterglow... In summary, based on Hibiscus's outstanding performance, I suggest that she be awarded a corresponding promotion.'
'But it's worth mentioning that during the mission, she often acted rashly without regard for her own safety. Though her intent was to better fulfil her duties as a doctor, we cannot condone such risky methods. Nobody requires that Rhodes Island's medical personnel place the safety of their patients ahead of their own; this cannot be considered a proper philosophy. We'd like Operator Hibiscus to make a habit of protecting herself from dangerous situations in the future.'
—Extract from Rhodes Island Afterglow Branch Officer-in-Charge Andante's mission report on the Vyseheim incident
'Vyseheim's Afterglow is a very interesting place. The coffee and specialty snacks are absolutely scrumptious, and the people love to sing and dance, not to mention how welcoming they are. During my mission as a Medic, I received plenty of assistance from the locals... I miss it there very much.'
—Extract from Hibiscus's mission report on the Vyseheim incident
'But it's worth mentioning that during the mission, she often acted rashly without regard for her own safety. Though her intent was to better fulfil her duties as a doctor, we cannot condone such risky methods. Nobody requires that Rhodes Island's medical personnel place the safety of their patients ahead of their own; this cannot be considered a proper philosophy. We'd like Operator Hibiscus to make a habit of protecting herself from dangerous situations in the future.'
—Extract from Rhodes Island Afterglow Branch Officer-in-Charge Andante's mission report on the Vyseheim incident
'Vyseheim's Afterglow is a very interesting place. The coffee and specialty snacks are absolutely scrumptious, and the people love to sing and dance, not to mention how welcoming they are. During my mission as a Medic, I received plenty of assistance from the locals... I miss it there very much.'
—Extract from Hibiscus's mission report on the Vyseheim incident
ATK Interval
1.6 sec
70 sec
- Dusk and DawnAttacks inflict 12% [Arts Fragility] to the target for 5 seconds
Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
- ATK Up γAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP15SP Cost30Duration30 secATK +100%atk1
- Nurturing TouchAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP10SP Cost18Duration8 secReduces the Movement Speed of 2 enemies within range by -45% and deals 170% ATK as Arts damage to them per secondatk_scale1.7move_speed-0.45max_target2hit_duration8
- ORIGINALHibiscus the Purifier's Badge
Operator Hibiscus the Purifier has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for simultaneous aggression and medical treatment while casting.
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Medic Operator during field operations to exercise Incantation Medic responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named. - INC-XCrystal Corsage
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - HP +100
- ATK +25
Incantation Medic Trait Attacks deal Arts damage and heal the HP of an ally within Attack Range for 60% of the damage dealt2 - HP +120
- ATK +33
Dusk and Dawn Attacks inflict 17% [Arts Fragility] to the target for 5 seconds3 - HP +140
- ATK +40
Dusk and Dawn Attacks inflict 20% [Arts Fragility] to the target for 5 seconds'Got all your mail for today here! With everyone discharging soon, there's less than usual, but it'll still be a job to sort it out, Dr. Hibiscus.' A young woman's goods trolley stops by in Medical, where she unhitches a delivery and transfers it piecemeal over to the department's postal desk.
'No, thank you, really. We're not meant to leave non-staff with odd jobs like this, especially not when you've just recovered from your injuries, and you're still an active Oripathy patient on top.' Hibiscus hands her a small origami floret, then takes in each parcel one by one—this one is bed 6; this letter goes to the old man in bed 13; this giant but feather-light box is for the girl in ICU 5, and inside is probably the doll they mentioned buying her last time...
'Don't be like that! I can move around on my own two feet now—do you really want me lazing about in bed?' The woman secures her travel jacket, fastidiously fastening the topmost two buttons and nestling the paper flower in her collar. 'I'm a Messenger by trade. All this time aboard waiting to heal has been killing me—you know, Dr. Hibiscus, didn't you say getting up and about would spur my recovery?'
'You still have to pay attention to your condition, though,' Hibiscus says, shaking the monitoring bracelet on her wrist.
The young woman gets the message, and taps at her own monitor, worn in the same place.
'Will you still be working as a Messenger after your discharge?'
'Yep. It's what I've been. Heading everywhere and back again, that's my life. A few bumps and scrapes can't do more than put that on hold.'
'Oripathy's more than a bump and a scrape, you know. Keep your report in mind.'
'The sun always glows its last, day after day. Life just carries on.'
'Dr. Hibiscus, I'm going to sign out and discharge after I'm done with this shipment. Do you have anything you want mailed? Now that I'm returning to work, it'd be my honor to have you as my first customer, believe me.'
'Where's your next stop?'
'I'm heading back to Vyseheim first—that's where I grew up. You were in the Afterglow organizing treatment for Oripathy patients back then, right?'
Hibiscus plucks her own corsage from her chest—one of Originium, long-inert. The lifeless crystal that composes it is silent and still, now no different from ash, withered branches, dried tears. There was someone who carved this with all their heart into a hibiscus, gleaming with a black luster.
'Then could you take this flower back with you, if that's alright? Give it back to Vyseheim for me, please.'
I hope that Vyseheim, and you, can truly make a full recovery.
RIIC Base Skills
- Alternate OperatorWhen this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, each Alternate Operator> increases the Morale of all Operators in the Control Center by +0.05 per hour
- Nursing SpecialistWhen this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Medic Operators' Specialization training speed +30%; if training this skill to Specialization Level 2, training speed will be further increased by +45%