- 麦哲伦
- マゼラン
- 마젤란

Supporter — Summoner
Deals Arts damage
Can use Summons in battles
Can use Summons in battles
- RL06
- Ranged
- Support
- Slow
ATK Interval
1.6 sec
70 sec
- Support Drone - Soaring DragonCan use up to 5 drones that do not block (max 3 deployed at once). Drones' effect changes based upon Skill.
- Optical Refraction AccessoriesDrones gain Invisibility for 20 seconds after deployment (cannot be targeted by enemy ranged attacks)
Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
- High-Efficiency Freezing ModuleAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP20SP Cost30Duration15 secPassive: Slows enemies within the Attack Range of this unit and drones every 3 seconds for 1 seconds
Active: Instead of Slowing, Binds targets for 2.5 seconds. Retreats all drones after this effect endsattack@interval3attack@frozen_duration2.5attack@sluggish1Soaring Dragon F
Cannot block enemiesHP2000ATK0DEF200RES0Cost3ATK Interval1 secBlock0Redeploy10 sec- Optical Refraction AccessoriesInvisible for 20 seconds after deployment
RecycleAuto RecoveryManual ActivationThis unit retreats after skill duration ends - Optical Refraction Accessories
- Laser Mining ModuleAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP25SP Cost38Duration15 secPassive: Drones may be deployed on melee tiles, dealing single-target Arts damage.
Active: Magallan and her drones gain +150 ASPD, and drones gain AoE attacks. Retreats all drones after this effect ends.attack_speed150Soaring Dragon L
Cannot block enemies; attacks deal Arts damageHP2000ATK509DEF200RES0Cost7ATK Interval1 secBlock0Redeploy10 sec- Optical Refraction AccessoriesInvisible for 20 seconds after deployment
RecycleAuto RecoveryManual ActivationThis unit retreats after skill duration ends - Optical Refraction Accessories
- Armed Combat ModuleAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP25SP Cost38Duration15 secPassive: Drones may be deployed on ranged tiles, dealing AoE physical damage.
Active: Magallan and her drones gain +150% ATK, and increases the AoE of drones' attacks. Retreats all drones after this effect ends.atk1.5Soaring Dragon A
Deals AOE Physical damageHP2000ATK753DEF200RES0Cost8ATK Interval2.3 secBlock0Redeploy10 sec- Optical Refraction AccessoriesInvisible for 20 seconds after deployment
RecycleAuto RecoveryManual ActivationThis unit retreats after skill duration ends - Optical Refraction Accessories
- ORIGINALMagallan's Badge
- SUM-XDrone Control Module.P
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - HP +100
- ATK +30
Summoner Trait Deals Arts damage
Can use Summons in battlesThe first summoned unit does not consume deployment slots (The last summoned unit on the field does not return a deployment slot when retreated or defeated)2 - HP +130
- ATK +40
Optical Refraction Accessories Drones gain Invisibility for 23 seconds after deployment (cannot be targeted by enemy ranged attacks). If Magallan is adjacent to the drone, she gains the same effectOptical Refraction AccessoriesInvisible for 23 seconds after deployment3 - HP +150
- ATK +50
Optical Refraction Accessories Drones gain Invisibility for 26 seconds after deployment (cannot be targeted by enemy ranged attacks). If Magallan is adjacent to the drone, she gains the same effectOptical Refraction AccessoriesInvisible for 26 seconds after deployment - SUM-YInstructional Soaring Dragon Drone
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - ATK +25
- DEF +25
Summoner Trait Deals Arts damage
Can use Summons in battlesCan hold +3 additional summoned units and summoned unit deployment costs are reduced2 - ATK +34
- DEF +34
Support Drone - Soaring Dragon Can use up to 5 drones that do not block (max 4 deployed at once). Drones' effect changes based upon Skill.3 - ATK +40
- DEF +40
Support Drone - Soaring Dragon Can use up to 5 stronger drones that do not block (max 4 deployed at once). Drones' effect changes based upon Skill.
RIIC Base Skills
- Multifunctional RobotterWhen this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process any material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 50%
- Drone - Soaring DragonWhen this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process any material, reduces the Morale consumed by all formulas that cost 4 Morale or more by -2