• 陨星
  • メテオリーテ
  • 메테오라이트


Sniper — Artilleryman
Deals AOE Physical damage
  • ST03
  • Ranged
  • AoE
  • Debuff
/ 80
[Code Name] Meteorite
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 6 years
[Place of Birth] Kazdel
[Date of Birth] August 30
[Race] Sarkaz
[Height] 170cm
[Infection Status]
Infection confirmed by medical examination.
[Physical Strength] Excellent
[Mobility] Standard
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Standard
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard
Formerly a member of Firewatch's group, she is now a freelance mercenary. Other details of her history are unknown.
Now serving as a sniper Operator for Rhodes Island, she uses the bowgun in her hands to exert lethality from afar.
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Fusion Rate] 7%
She presents no obvious external symptoms of Oripathy.

[Blood Crystal Density] 0.33u/L
Infection has progressed to middle-term. Currently there is no evidence of spreading.
She is a Sarkaz who wears a cold expression but has a warm heart.
She doesn't speak very politely, but if you can get past her rude tone, you'll find her words to be heartfelt.
She follows all news concerning the Sarkaz.
It is a well-known fact that the Sarkaz people are ostracized from society at large, even those who are non-infected. The degree to which they are ostracized varies from place to place.
This touches upon some sensitive historical issues that are inconvenient to discuss here. All we can say is that in conclusion, the Sarkaz people are removed from the mainstream. They can often be described as cynical, self-contained, and they do this as they see fit.
In this sense, Meteorite is a different kind of Sarkaz. Although she wears a cold face because of the discrimination she's experienced, underneath her mask is a heart that's still warm, a fact that all Rhodes Island Operators have seen.
Like Firewatch herself, Meteorite doesn't talk about Firewatch's group's past.
However, her reason is that it's not her place to talk about it. These matters should only come straight from the Doctor's mouth if they're supposed to mean anything.
Though this may sound cruel, what's clear is that to Firewatch, the group's story is everything, but to Meteorite, it's just one of many.
Meteorite once confided to me in private that she might leave Rhodes Island one day.
When I asked her why, she said that she's fighting for the Sarkaz people. And while she likes Rhodes Island, our goals aren't the same as hers, and that there would be a day where she would just get in Rhodes Island's way.
Her expression at the time was very sad, and I didn't know how to comfort her. All I could tell her was the truth - that I also wanted to help the Sarkaz and that as long as it wasn't too much trouble, I'd help her too.
Meteorite looked blank for a second and then she hugged me. She rubbed my head and said, you're such a fool, Amiya.
Although I couldn't see her expression when she said this, I could sense that in the end, Meteorite won't leave.
- Amiya
Unexpectedly, after receiving her promotion, Meteorite submitted a list of names. They were the aliases that she'd used in the past in various places as a freelance mercenary.
After investigating this list, it was discovered that for several years, Meteorite had been fighting relentlessly, and had taken part in most military campaigns involving the Sarkaz.
Presumably for Meteorite, this was her way of showing trust to Rhodes Island. In turn, Rhodes Island repaid the favor by providing her the best living arrangements.
ATK Interval
2.8 sec
70 sec


  • Blast Attachment Refit
    Has a 30% chance to increase the ATK of the current attack by 60% when using Normal Attacks and skills


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Buckshot
    Offensive RecoveryAuto Activation
    SP Cost
    Attack AoE expands for the next attack, dealing 215% of ATK Physical damage
  • High-Explosive Shell
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    SP Cost
    Immediately launches a firebomb, dealing 300% of ATK Physical damage to all hit targets within range and their DEF -330 for 10 seconds


    Meteorite's Badge
    Operator Meteorite has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for inflicting physical casualties on multitudes of enemies.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Sniper Operator during field operations to exercise Artilleryman responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • ART-Y
    Tag of Nameless
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +100
    • ATK +37
    Artilleryman Trait
    Deals AOE Physical damage
    Attacks ignore 100 DEF
    • HP +150
    • ATK +52
    Blast Attachment Refit
    Normal attacks and skills have a 40% chance to deal +60% damage
    • HP +180
    • ATK +65
    Blast Attachment Refit
    Normal attacks and skills have a 50% chance to deal +60% damage
    ID tag #1, code name 'Blunt Wedge'.
    This was her first time receiving a commission as a mercenary. The mission: the most ordinary caravan escort. The journey was estimated at five days, and on the evening of day 2, she picked up on another group of mercenaries targeting the caravan. In the dark, she readied her defenses. Early morning on day 3, she noticed the single mercenary squad tracking them had become two, and a plan to flee with her life began to form in her head. On the night of day 4, the two squads launched simultaneous raids, but took each other as enemies and initiated a firefight, in the end taking everyone down. No survivors.
    ID tag #10, code name 'Heavy Arrow'.
    The mission: escort refugees to a neighboring town. Mixed in with them was likely a military spy, but that had nothing to do with her. All she had to do was hold off a different mercenary group who had come for their lives. Aiming to rescue a Sarkaz child who had drifted away from the group, she spent three days and nights in a confrontation with an enemy sniper, in the end shooting them dead. When she located their position, she found the sniper she had shot was a Sarkaz too—and not much older than the child she was saving. After that, she left Kazdel.
    ID tag #17, code name 'Meteorite'. The final tag.
    She was hired by some organized militia in Kazimierz to take part in guerilla combat against the Ursus Army. Unlike her former missions, the guerilla squad was as close as family. They also didn't treat her in any particular way for being an outsider, a Sarkaz mercenary. She even made a friend among them. Never do good things last forever though, and due to a defector, the guerillas took a devastating attack. When she clawed her way out of that sea of flames by the skin of her teeth, she saw her friend at her side throw a disgusted, furious look her way.
    At present, this string of tags has been handed over to Rhodes Island along with a list of names. The 'Meteorite' tag is a very unusual one, with no blood type on it, nor any squad affiliation. Just the code name, engraved in its center. On the back, a phrase is etched in the Sarkaz language.
    'May the Sarkaz never suffer again.'

RIIC Base Skills

  • Blasting Materiology α
    When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process elite material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 75%
    Blasting Materiology β
    When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process elite material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 80%