- 水月
- ミヅキ
- 미즈키

Specialist — Ambusher
Deals Damage to all targets within range
50% chance to dodge Physical and Arts attacks and is less likely to be targeted by enemies
50% chance to dodge Physical and Arts attacks and is less likely to be targeted by enemies
- HK07
- Melee
- Crowd-Control
ATK Interval
3.5 sec
70 sec
- Traumatic HysteriaAttacks deal an additional 50% of ATK as Arts damage to the target with the lowest HP
- CountertransferenceWhen there are enemies with less than 50% HP within Attack Range, ATK +10%
Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
- AwakenAuto RecoveryAuto ActivationSP Cost7The next attack deals 300% of ATK as Physical damage and increases the damage multiplier of Mizuki's first Talent to 3.0 times
Can store 3 charge(s)atk_scale3talent_scale3cnt3 - Prisoner's DilemmaAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP10SP Cost15Duration21 secAttack Interval reduces greatly, ATK +30%. Mizuki's first Talent targets 1 additional enemy and inflicts Bind for 1.3 secondsbase_attack_time-1.5atk0.3attack@unmovable1.3attack@max_target1
- Moon in the WaterAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP30SP Cost60Duration30 secAttack Range expands, ATK +150%. Mizuki's first Talent targets 2 additional enemies and inflicts Stun for 1 seconds; When attacks hit less than 3 enemies, Mizuki loses 12% Max HPatk1.5attack@stun1attack@hp_ratio0.12attack@max_target2
- ORIGINALMizuki's Badge
- AMB-XEntreaty of the Herald
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - HP +120
- ATK +60
Ambusher Trait Deals Damage to all targets within range
50% chance to dodge Physical and Arts attacks and is less likely to be targeted by enemiesSlows the Movement Speed of enemies within this unit's attack range by 20%2 - HP +180
- ATK +75
Traumatic Hysteria Attacks deal an additional 55% ATK as Arts damage to the two targets with the lowest HP3 - HP +220
- ATK +90
Traumatic Hysteria Attacks deal an additional 60% ATK as Arts damage to the two targets with the lowest HP - AMB-YCaerulorum Semina
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - ATK +50
- ASPD +5
Ambusher Trait Deals Damage to all targets within range
65% chance to dodge Physical and Arts attacks and is less likely to be targeted by enemies2 - ATK +62
- ASPD +6
Countertransference When there are enemies with less than 50% HP within Attack Range, ATK +15%; recover 5% of max HP for each kill3 - ATK +70
- ASPD +7
Countertransference When there are enemies with less than 50% HP within attack range, ATK +20%; recover 10% of max HP for each kill
RIIC Base Skills
- Consciousness AgreementWhen this Operator is assigned to a Factory, provides an additional +5% productivity for every Standardization Skill> in the same Factory
- Standardization βWhen this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +25%