• 夜魔
  • ナイトメア
  • 나이트메어


Caster — Core Caster
Deals Arts damage
  • VC03
  • Ranged
  • DPS
  • Healing
  • Slow
/ 80
[Code Name] Nightmare
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 6 Months
[Place of Birth] Victoria
[Date of Birth] Jun. 1
[Race] Feline
[Height] 156cm
[Infection Status]
Visible internal blotches, infection confirmed.
[Physical Strength] Normal
[Mobility] Standard
[Physical Resilience] Normal
[Tactical Acumen] Normal
[Combat Skill] Standard
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Excellent
Gloria Rebel Pasbelletti is a Victorian operating under the code name Nightmare. Before her induction into Rhodes Island, she was a college student with two specialties: advanced medical Arts and intervention counseling. Skilled in both medical and combat Arts, she currently works in Rhodes Island's triage section.
Note: She is a good candidate for Special Management. The paperwork has been signed by Lena and is effective immediately.
Imaging test for this Operator showed blurry outline of internal organs with visible unusual dark spots. Unusually high concentration of Originium particles were present in her circulation, indicating signs of infection and confirming her as infected at this stage.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 16%
Surveillance is recommended for rare cases like this.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.33u/L
Infection is in mid-stage and continues to spread. First-level medical plan recommended. Pathological Monitoring Protocol Label: Red (signed by Dr. Kal'tsit, see medical file for more detail).
Attempting to analyze Gloria is a long and difficult process ('Gloria,'her real name, is used in this report at her own request). In many therapy sessions, she clearly felt anxiety and panic, refusing to answer any questions in one session, leaving communication at a standstill. Using flowers and aromatherapy to relax her has been extremely effective thus far. After she understood the significance of her treatment and that none of the content of her sessions would be made public, her true meek nature gradually started to show.
[Gloria's Background]
Gloria was born in a small, artsy city in Victoria. Her mother worked at the local hospital. Gloria did not show interest in Originium until middle school. Although she has shown a unique talent for it in her tests at Rhodes Island, she still does not want to deal with it.
Gloria worked hard to become a medical student, either due to her mother's expectation or her own desire. However, her infection disrupted her future plans. Today, Gloria is still unable to recall how she got infected (it is worth noting her sessions all alluded to an alternate personality, 'Nightmare,' and it seemed only 'Nightmare' could recall how it happened). Temporary memory loss is a common symptom of Oripathy, so all investigations should take that into account.
According to our intel, Gloria had at least six months of combat experience before joining Rhodes Island. Her militant 'Nightmare' personality seems to be the one behind the stint.
[Gloria's Arts and Staff]
Because of her studies on the medical application of Originium and her experiences as an infected, she can use medical arts to heal her teammates while also adept at combat arts. Her ability to do many types of arts is the basis for her role at Rhodes Island.
According to Gloria's own account, the staff her father left her has its own power. A number of tests done by warlock Operators has found the staff can increase the effectiveness of healing arts, but they must be performed in a manner similar to hypnosis. Feedback from test subjects also indicated they almost always dreamed in this hypnotized state. According to observation, the subjects quickly entered REM state, but did not experience other aspects of a normal sleep cycle. They remained in this state until awakened.
[Gloria and Nightmare]
It is not unusual for Oripathy to cause Multiple Personality Disorder, but Gloria, who is currently on a conservative treatment plan, is different from other Operators in stable condition. Her condition has a major hurdle: In moments where Gloria loses control, the very aggressive Nightmare takes over.
However, studies have indicated that Nightmare is the dominant personality and is very much awake inside Gloria. They have even seen Nightmare trying to regain control over her body.
The medical team was unable to assimilate Gloria and Nightmare into one personality despite counseling. Should we continue to let her work for Rhodes Island when she still has Nightmare? A doctor will have to develop a relationship with Gloria before we can make that decision.
Note: Dr. Kal'tsit made this statement about Gloria:
'Integrating her personalities is her only option.'
However, she did not specify which personality would become dominant after assimilation.
ATK Interval
1.6 sec
70 sec


  • Dual Personality
    Obtains 40% Physical and Arts Dodge when equipped with skill 1; Obtains 15% ATK when equipped with skill 2


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Drain Soul
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    60 sec
    Each attack restores the HP of at most 2 allies by 100% of damage dealt to enemies
  • Night Phantom
    Auto RecoveryAuto Activation
    SP Cost
    Applies the Nightmare effect to up to 5 enemies within range:
    Decreases the Movement Speed of affected enemies by -60% for 10 seconds, and makes them suffer True damage proportional to the distance they move during this effect


    Nightmare's Badge
    Operator Nightmare has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for inflicting Arts casualties on the enemy.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Caster Operator during field operations to exercise Core Caster responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • CCR-Y
    'The Double'
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • ATK +30
    • ASPD +3
    Core Caster Trait
    Deals Arts damage
    Gain 1 SP when normal attacks hit an elite or leader enemy.
    • ATK +40
    • ASPD +4
    Dual Personality
    Obtains 45% Physical and Arts Dodge when equipped with skill 1; Obtains 18% ATK when equipped with skill 2
    • ATK +50
    • ASPD +5
    Dual Personality
    Obtains 50% Physical and Arts Dodge when equipped with skill 1; Obtains 20% ATK when equipped with skill 2
    Are you feeling better now, Gloria?
    A bit. I'm sorry, it happened again...
    That's alright. Are the flowers and fragrances here able to calm you down?
    Is 'Nightmare' causing your panic?
    I don't know.
    Gloria, for this consultation, I'd like to chat with you. I'll need you to try not to let 'Nightmare' come out. Can you do that?
    I... I can try.
    Good, I trust in you. If she's about to come out, you warn me as loudly as you can, okay?
    Mm. Let's begin. Last consultation, you said you were awake while 'Nightmare' came out. What did it feel like, during that time?
    It felt like... like I was sitting in front of a big screen. The sounds, and pictures... were all really clear, but I wasn't able to do anything.
    You did something to take back control of your body. Can you describe that?
    I ran and ran, and there were all these threads pulling at me, sticky, and dark, and I was pulling those threads... [COUGH], [COUGH]!
    Gloria, are you alright? You have a very bad cough there.
    Could I have a cup of water, doctor?
    Thank you.
    Let's continue. Were you doing that because you don't like 'Nightmare' occupying your body? So you'd like to get rid of her?
    No, I just feel... helpless. Like if I don't do this, I'll lose something.
    What do you think of 'Nightmare'?
    She's different from me. She does things I can't do. It scares me a little.
    Do you consider the two of you independent from each other?
    Suppose, and this is only me supposing, that one day, out of the two of you, only you were left. How would you feel?
    I don't know... [COUGH] Sorry, I need more water.
    Relax, it's okay. Now, we're going to try a slightly different method for our chat.
    I'm going to have you recall some quite deep memories. Don't worry, I promise it can't hurt you in any way.
    Mm. Watch my three fingers carefully. One by one, I'll bend them down, and they'll sink slowly into the deepest parts of your mind.
    Are you Gloria?
    Gloria, can you recall when 'Nightmare' first emerged?
    I don't remember exactly when, just... that night, I had a bad dream.
    A bad dream?
    Mm, I dreamed there was a white wall, with very bright corridor lights, and lots of people, and a lot of blood... and then, she appeared.
    So she first appeared in your dream?
    Was she doing anything?
    I remember, I dreamed she... saved me.
    She saved you? And did she do anything else?
    Ah... [COUGH]! Water, I need...
    Calm down, take me through slowly.
    Here—agh! That's my hand!
    Heh. Heheh.
    'Nightmare'! But why wasn't there any sign?
    Oh, Gloria clearly warned you, you just didn't notice. What did you think? My imitation of her's quite a good one, isn't it?
    Requesting backup! 'Nightmare'—
    Hush, not loud. Now, do you think that really was a bad dream? And just which of us could be after the Originium?
    The twinflower, the doublet... truth and lie. How are you supposed to tell them apart?
    Alright, now listen to me. Hand over the Originium...

RIIC Base Skills

  • Caster Expert α
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Caster Operators' Specialization training speed +30%
  • Psychology
    When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +40%