- 斥罪
- ペナンス
- 페넌스

Defender — Juggernaut
Cannot be healed by allies
- SR35
- Melee
- Survival
ATK Interval
1.6 sec
70 sec
- Guardian of the LawAfter deployment, immediately gains a equal to 50% Max HP; When defeating an enemy, gains a equal to 10% Max HP (Cannot exceed 300% Max HP)
- Wreathed in ThornsEach time this unit is attacked while under the effect of her own , deals 50% ATK as Arts damage to the attacker
Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
- Last WordAuto RecoveryAuto ActivationSP Cost3The next attack deals an additional instance of Arts damage equal to 200% ATK
Charged effect: The next attack deals 200% damage and Stuns the target for 5 secondsatk_scale_22judge_s_1_enhance_checker.atk_scale2stun5 - Stoic AtonementAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP20SP Cost30Duration20 secStops attacking and gains 60% Sanctuary; deals 140% Arts damage to all nearby Ground enemies every second; While this skill is active, increases the effect of Talent 1 by 100%damage_resistance0.6atk_scale1.4shield_scale1
- Trial of ThornsDefensive RecoveryManual ActivationSP Cost20Duration30 secImmediately gains a 130% Max HP; Attack Interval increases, ATK +400%, and makes enemies more likely to attack this unitequal tohp_ratio1.3base_attack_time0.9atk4taunt_level1
- ORIGINALPenance's Badge
- UNY-XThe Thorny Road That Continues
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - HP +150
- ATK +35
- DEF +15
Juggernaut Trait Cannot be healed by alliesTakes 15% less damage from enemies blocked by this unit2 - HP +230
- ATK +43
- DEF +26
Guardian of the Law After deployment, immediately gains aequal to 60% Max HP; When defeating an enemy, gains a equal to 11% Max HP (Cannot exceed 300% Max HP)3 - HP +300
- ATK +50
- DEF +33
Guardian of the Law After deployment, immediately gains aequal to 70% Max HP; When defeating an enemy, gains a equal to 12% Max HP (Cannot exceed 300% Max HP) - UNY-Y“无罪”
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - ATK +60
- DEF +48
Juggernaut Trait Cannot be healed by alliesWhen there are no allied units in the surrounding eight tiles, ATK and DEF +8%2 - ATK +75
- DEF +60
Wreathed in Thorns 拥有来源于自身的时,每次受到攻击对目标造成相当于斥罪攻击力55%的法术伤害3 - ATK +85
- DEF +70
Wreathed in Thorns 拥有来源于自身的时,每次受到攻击对目标造成相当于斥罪攻击力58%的法术伤害
RIIC Base Skills
- Law Is OrderWhen this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +50% and Morale consumed per hour +0.5
- Fellow TravelersWhen this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.15 Morale per hour to all Operators assigned to that Dormitory, and every recruit slot (excluding initial slot), restores another +0.05 (Only the strongest stacked effect of this type takes place)