- 白面鸮
- フィリオプシス
- 프틸롭시스

Medic — Multi-target Medic
Restores the HP of 3 allies simultaneously
- RL04
- Ranged
- Healing
- Support
[Code Name] Ptilopsis
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] None
[Place of Birth] Columbia
[Date of Birth] October 6
[Race] Liberi
[Height] 164cm
[Infection Status]
Traces of Originium Crystals have been detected in her body, confirming she is infected.
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] None
[Place of Birth] Columbia
[Date of Birth] October 6
[Race] Liberi
[Height] 164cm
[Infection Status]
Traces of Originium Crystals have been detected in her body, confirming she is infected.
[Physical Strength] Normal
[Mobility] Normal
[Physical Resilience] Normal
[Tactical Acumen] Standard
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Excellent
[Mobility] Normal
[Physical Resilience] Normal
[Tactical Acumen] Standard
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Excellent
I have chosen an accurate answer for you from 20,593 search results.
Operator Ptilopsis. Formerly a data maintenance specialist at the Rhine Lab company. Has made considerable accomplishments in the area of Originium Healing Arts. Experienced in medical data processing, routine medical program applications, multi-project medical operations, and other related fields.
Now a member of the medical staff at Rhodes Island. She is also a member Dr. Silence's clinical team and assists with treatment programs at Rhodes Island.
I have chosen an accurate answer for you from 20,593 search results.
Operator Ptilopsis. Formerly a data maintenance specialist at the Rhine Lab company. Has made considerable accomplishments in the area of Originium Healing Arts. Experienced in medical data processing, routine medical program applications, multi-project medical operations, and other related fields.
Now a member of the medical staff at Rhodes Island. She is also a member Dr. Silence's clinical team and assists with treatment programs at Rhodes Island.
Related medical test report retrieved.
[Project Name] Operator: Ptilopsis.
[Test Results] According to test results, this operator's internal organs exhibit abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected within the circulatory system. Typical Oripathy indicators have been detected. At this stage, it can be confirmed that this operator is Infected.
[Cell-Originium Fusion Rate] 8%
Ore lesions are mostly internal. Infection level: Mild.
[Blood Crystal Density] 0.43u/L
Spread of Originium through the body: Slow. Infection Progress: Under control.
Related medical test report retrieved.
[Project Name] Operator: Ptilopsis.
[Test Results] According to test results, this operator's internal organs exhibit abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected within the circulatory system. Typical Oripathy indicators have been detected. At this stage, it can be confirmed that this operator is Infected.
[Cell-Originium Fusion Rate] 8%
Ore lesions are mostly internal. Infection level: Mild.
[Blood Crystal Density] 0.43u/L
Spread of Originium through the body: Slow. Infection Progress: Under control.
Hello. Excuse me. Do you need any help?
In response to your question, Ptilopsis replies: Correct. The conversation interface that you are communicating with is Ptilopsis herself.
As Rhodes Island's published data maintenance assistant, Ptilopsis has the authority for complete reference, free commenting, and some limited modification privileges.
At the same time, the Data Recording Officer is currently involved in the dialogue recording workflow procedure. All clearly defined searches will be recorded.
Message has been clearly received.
Ptilopsis is currently a senior medical Operator at Rhodes Island. Like Dr. Silence, she is a former member of the Rhine Lab Project Department.
At present, it is our long-term goal to introduce modern medical technologies and related Originium Arts research as primary medical projects at Rhodes Island.
Ptilopsis has acted as assistant to Dr. Silence in compiling and presenting several Oripathy treatment programs and serves a critical role in data recording and analysis.
In addition, Ptilopsis has also assisted to a certain extent with the day to day management of an infected Operator named Ifrit.
Hello. Excuse me. Do you need any help?
In response to your question, Ptilopsis replies: Correct. The conversation interface that you are communicating with is Ptilopsis herself.
As Rhodes Island's published data maintenance assistant, Ptilopsis has the authority for complete reference, free commenting, and some limited modification privileges.
At the same time, the Data Recording Officer is currently involved in the dialogue recording workflow procedure. All clearly defined searches will be recorded.
Message has been clearly received.
Ptilopsis is currently a senior medical Operator at Rhodes Island. Like Dr. Silence, she is a former member of the Rhine Lab Project Department.
At present, it is our long-term goal to introduce modern medical technologies and related Originium Arts research as primary medical projects at Rhodes Island.
Ptilopsis has acted as assistant to Dr. Silence in compiling and presenting several Oripathy treatment programs and serves a critical role in data recording and analysis.
In addition, Ptilopsis has also assisted to a certain extent with the day to day management of an infected Operator named Ifrit.
Initializing message exchange interface. I am Ptilopsis. How can I help you?
Are you looking for information on the status of Ptilopsis's illness?
Understood. Please wait a moment.
Based on your search keywords, I have found the following results:
Ptilopsis, confirmed infected.
Symptoms: Narcolepsy.
Clinical observations: Without any indication...
Without any indication, patient will suddenly fall into a sleeping state.
......Yes, after awakening, I have read the conversation log over, and have returned to the topic we were discussing before I fell asleep.
Dr. Silence has drawn up a treatment plan for my illness that has already been incorporated into my daily schedule.
Returning to the previous topic.
The primary effects of Ptilopsis's Oripathy are an intensification of her racial characteristics, abnormal sleep mode functions, and disrupted biological nerve transmission.
Ptilopsis is unable to predict what effects on her daily efficiency will come as a result of these disruptions.
On the other hand, Oripathy has a certain significance for Ptilopsis. Yes, we must not judge subjectively something that objectively exists.
Oripathy has given Ptilopsis a new perspective on everything before her; a new understanding.
She now sees herself, others, and this world in a new light. And also...she has a better appreciation for the sky above.
Every day I wonder, as the Originium granules course through my veins, how to analyze and calculate the information they carry.
While they consume my body, I should try to derive some meaning from them.
For Ptilopsis, this is the foremost question to ponder from here on.
Initializing message exchange interface. I am Ptilopsis. How can I help you?
Are you looking for information on the status of Ptilopsis's illness?
Understood. Please wait a moment.
Based on your search keywords, I have found the following results:
Ptilopsis, confirmed infected.
Symptoms: Narcolepsy.
Clinical observations: Without any indication...
Without any indication, patient will suddenly fall into a sleeping state.
......Yes, after awakening, I have read the conversation log over, and have returned to the topic we were discussing before I fell asleep.
Dr. Silence has drawn up a treatment plan for my illness that has already been incorporated into my daily schedule.
Returning to the previous topic.
The primary effects of Ptilopsis's Oripathy are an intensification of her racial characteristics, abnormal sleep mode functions, and disrupted biological nerve transmission.
Ptilopsis is unable to predict what effects on her daily efficiency will come as a result of these disruptions.
On the other hand, Oripathy has a certain significance for Ptilopsis. Yes, we must not judge subjectively something that objectively exists.
Oripathy has given Ptilopsis a new perspective on everything before her; a new understanding.
She now sees herself, others, and this world in a new light. And also...she has a better appreciation for the sky above.
Every day I wonder, as the Originium granules course through my veins, how to analyze and calculate the information they carry.
While they consume my body, I should try to derive some meaning from them.
For Ptilopsis, this is the foremost question to ponder from here on.
Ptilopsis has received your request, but has denied access.
Ptilopsis has denied your request to view information on the 'Flame Demon Incident.'
You are not allowed to read any classified information related to Rhine Lab.
All internal documents related to Ifrit, Silence, Saria, and any other Operators are encrypted.
I personally advise against mentioning these subjects.
I'm very sorry.
You what to know what role Ptilopsis plays in all of this?
That's simple. I can answer that.
Ptilopsis maintains a neutral stance at all times.
I maintain unbiased data, eliminate uncertainty caused by emotion, and avoid fatal errors during calculation and operation.
Therefore, when Ptilopsis judges that a Rhine Lab operation will put Ptilopsis's chosen outcome in jeopardy, Ptilopsis will directly refuse to process the command.
However, do understand that Rhine Lab's research includes many possibilities for pushing this world into the future.
This cannot be stopped simply because it has a dark side to it.
This is all the information I can share with you about Ptilopsis's position for the time being.
Ptilopsis has received your request, but has denied access.
Ptilopsis has denied your request to view information on the 'Flame Demon Incident.'
You are not allowed to read any classified information related to Rhine Lab.
All internal documents related to Ifrit, Silence, Saria, and any other Operators are encrypted.
I personally advise against mentioning these subjects.
I'm very sorry.
You what to know what role Ptilopsis plays in all of this?
That's simple. I can answer that.
Ptilopsis maintains a neutral stance at all times.
I maintain unbiased data, eliminate uncertainty caused by emotion, and avoid fatal errors during calculation and operation.
Therefore, when Ptilopsis judges that a Rhine Lab operation will put Ptilopsis's chosen outcome in jeopardy, Ptilopsis will directly refuse to process the command.
However, do understand that Rhine Lab's research includes many possibilities for pushing this world into the future.
This cannot be stopped simply because it has a dark side to it.
This is all the information I can share with you about Ptilopsis's position for the time being.
ATK Interval
2.85 sec
70 sec
- Skill AuraWhen deployed, increases the SP recovery of all allies by 0.3/sec (only the highest effect of this type will be applied)
Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
- Healing Up γAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP20SP Cost30Duration30 secATK +90%atk0.9
- EnkephalinAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP85SP Cost100Duration40 secRange expands; reduces Attack Interval greatlybase_attack_time-2.1
- ORIGINALPtilopsis's Badge
Operator Ptilopsis has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for healing several teammates in a short period of time.
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Medic Operator during field operations to exercise Multi-target Medic responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named. - RIN-XMedic Environment Analyze System
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - HP +60
- ATK +30
Multi-target Medic Trait Restores the HP of 3 allies simultaneouslyAttack Range expands2 - HP +80
- ATK +40
Skill Aura When deployed, increases the SP recovery of all allies by 0.3/sec; Allies within Attack Range gain 0.33/sec instead (only the highest effect of this type will be applied)3 - HP +100
- ATK +47
Skill Aura When deployed, increases the SP recovery of all allies by 0.3/sec; Allies within Attack Range gain 0.35/sec instead (only the highest effect of this type will be applied)'If Originium really has the ability to store information, and we are able to decode and translate it, then Columbia's science and technology will surge forward by leaps and bounds!'
'I've encountered a bottleneck. Current electronic computational devices are not able to handle the enormous amount of information contained within Originium. I need a more suitable computational carrier...'
'Having a person do it?! This is certainly a bold line of thinking. I... have to give it some thought.'
'The prototype decoding device using a human computational carrier has been manufactured. Now, I just need a test subject with a clear mind and quick reflexes, preferably with a good understanding of computers and data.'
'Subject selection complete. Subject codename: Ptilopsis.'
'There is nobody in Rhine Lab more suitable than she is. Though my supervisor advised me to keep the experiment a secret from her due to its risks, I still informed her of the various possibilities that might arise during this experiment. This is my line in the sand, as a citizen of Columbia, and as a person.'
'She agreed! She agreed! I knew it, I just knew she'd agree! I knew she'd be the one!'
'I've already taught her the key points and operating procedures of the preliminary phase. She's a quick learner, and tomorrow, the experiment will begin. I trust we will join hands to usher in Columbia's future.'
'The experiment has been going very smoothly, and all the data has fallen within the control range. We'll keep following this pace, and soon enough... Just a little more... Wait, no, no, no! This shouldn't be happening! H-Hurry, unplug her––'
'The failsafe mechanisms activated in time, but... she still sustained injuries... Her brain...'
'And the Originium infection...'
'(Short, intermittent sobbing sounds)'
'The higher-ups have already sent for emergency dispatchers, but, but this...'
'It's my fault... It's all my fault...'
'Based on the information she received before, I made a chip that can be inserted inside the body. This chip should be able to replace a portion of her brain's functions.'
'Several of the department heads seem quite fond of this suggestion. Hmph. I know what they're thinking.'
'The implant procedure was successful, but she's unresponsive.'
'She's awake! But her language functions... seem to have some problems.'
'She told me, another voice appeared inside her head, one that did not belong to any of the languages she knew. It placed a huge burden on her psyche.'
'Only the use of machine logic language could soothe the pain.'
'She is the first person in Columbia to survive a chip transplant operation. This is a pioneering achievement.'
'But the world through her eyes seems to have become something altogether different.'
'I also implanted a chip into my own brain, and the wound still aches, but I want to know how the information inside the Originium has changed her.'
'What exactly is that voice?'
'I will reproduce the experiment.'
––Rhine Lab, Recording of Project *UNKNOWN* Director during her lifetime
RIIC Base Skills
- Rhine Tech αWhen this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +15%Rhine Tech βWhen this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +25%