• 嵯峨
  • サガ
  • 사가


Vanguard — Pioneer
Blocks 2 enemies
  • HK13
  • Melee
  • DP-Recovery
  • DPS
/ 90
[Code Name] Saga
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 2 Years
[Place of Birth] Higashi
[Date of Birth] Dec 31
[Race] Perro
[Height] 164cm
[Infection Status]
Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
[Physical Strength] Standard
[Mobility] Standard
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Standard
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard
A wandering monk from Higashi. Some holes in her background. Originally entered a Rhodes Island office by mistake; once inquiries showed she was interested in employment, she passed the exams and joined the company. Seems to have previously made links with Rhodes Island Operator Lava.
Makes ample use of the naginata she carries with vigorous skill, and is active as a Vanguard Operator on the frontlines.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Saga shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
Operator Saga rarely comes into contact with Originium. Furthermore, her lifestyle and work-rest balance are very healthy. We hope a few other operators can learn from her.
A lively Higashi errant monk. She claims that she never shaved her head as she is not in any way a formal monk.
Her character is also unlike the image of an eastern monk, she's supremely outgoing. Unable to resist joining a crowd to see the hubbub, it hasn't taken too long for her to give regards to most Operators.
Moreover, as someone previously cut off from modern-day life, she has an intense capacity for learning and taking up new and novel things. Though she might make a few jokes when obtaining something fresh, you'll see her making proficient use of it not long after, and she seems to endlessly enjoy learning how to use every sort of machine.
Since the cradle, Saga grew up in a monastery. For as long as she could remember, she would follow her master and the other apprentices in practicing martial arts and chanting the sutras.
When she had grown and left, the monastery was situated on a nameless mountain in the north of Higashi, but that was not its original place; the monastery relocated there to avoid a Catastrophe when she was seven. It was fortunate a Catastrophe Messenger alerted them in time, and they didn't bear the Catastrophe's direct brunt.
Additionally, she recounts that even as many mountain monasteries resisted incorporating into cities, most mastered their own rapid dismantlement and reestablishment in contrast.
Beyond that one relocation, she'd never once descended the mountain before, having always lived a frugal life in the monastery. It's thus that life below the mountain was entirely unknown and unfamiliar to her.
Saga says that at the start, her old head priest was opposed to her descending, for a very simple reason: Saga was too pure, and were she to enter worldly society, he feared there would be much problem.
However, Saga further says that late the night of his refusal, he roused her awake, and the two of them went to the monastery's square. Master and disciple—forefather and descendant—they took a staff to each one, an answer to each question, from the moon true overhead until first light in the east, when ultimately, the head priest allowed her to descend.
Saga states she still doesn't understand to this day why the head priest would fight her and then let her go, but Saga has close to forgotten about what they asked and answered on that night, to the point we are unable to unearth the full picture. But perhaps it was within Saga's answers that the head priest confirmed something, and so could allow her to embark on her practice with full confidence.
While she's plenty eager to come to grips with modern machinery and trendy culture, Saga still gives people a sense of era mismatch most of the time.
This isn't to say there's any problem with her. Just the opposite: compared to her, many people might notice problems with themselves.
When unscheduled for missions, she's guaranteed to get up at 6 o'clock, do an hour of morning exercise, an hour of meditation, and then get down to work for the day. After work's over, if all is as usual, she'll go to sleep at 9 on the dot.
She has great interest in machinery, and will watch screened programs or play games with some other operators; she enjoys herself tremendously, but is also able to set it all aside without any hesitation.
She'll also question injustices that many nowadays would even call natural or given, and these will distress her.
This isn't Saga's first year off the mountain by a long shot. She's already lived out here for a long while, but still continues on this way; this is the very way she lives.
Saga is very lively, kindhearted, and endearing, but at times stands out greatly, and other times her voice can feel piercing.
To put it bluntly, Saga's presence makes people afraid at times.
Of course, this fear is nothing of a bad sort.
Concerning how Saga and Lava came to know each other, both seem to intentionally avoid this topic. All we know is that in her time in Yan, Saga coincided with Lava and Rhodes Island by chance. That said, after joining Rhodes Island, Saga's first act was to immediately find Lava and Kroos in the middle of training. They all regarded their chance reunion with pleasant surprise. However, Saga only learned afterwards that the course she took while 'lost' happened to fall right behind Lava's team—in other words, at almost the exact same time, both parties made it to the office, and arrived at the Rhodes Island landship, which struck a particularly ironic note.
Saga knows of many things. So many that her age seems at odds with her experiences. People have asked Saga out of curiosity where she'd traveled before, and Saga always recounts it piece by piece without reservation. Occasionally, you might hear some profound philosophy fall from the young monk's mouth, though she doesn't make any note of it in the least. The problem is, Saga's age suggests her leaving Higashi to wander the map couldn't have been any more than ten years ago. Just where had she seen so many people and walked so many roads?
Saga says, it was in pictures.
'I do not tell lies. Good sir, thou faceth me now, and I respect thee just as I ought. I am unable to speak in more definite terms, so I ask: fault me not for talking in riddles!' —Saga
'Quit bothering Saga. You can go ask our friendly little stay-at-home Dusk all about it. If you dare, anyway.' —Lava
Saga's bewilderment is starkly plain, so much that it makes people wonder how this world of ours could still hold people so untarnished. With all the doubts surrounding her, we soon had answers.
The mature may say: you should learn to reconcile, understand you can't settle it all yourself, then strive to do all you can.
The sly may say: you should follow the flow, that resistance makes pains, and it's more worth it just to dive in.
The wrathful may say: you should go forth with head held high, eternally unsurrendering, and fight to your life's last end.
The timid may say: you should seclude back in the mountains and forests, return to your own monastery, and forget all such tumult.
The right answer? There is no right answer. What there are are only choices.
We look forward to the choices Saga makes.
ATK Interval
1.05 sec
70 sec


  • Preaching
    When dealing lethal damage, leave the enemy with 1 HP and inflict Critically Wounded (gives +2 SP to the attacker when killed); Saga will not attack Critically Wounded targets
  • Clear Mind
    When HP falls below 40%, gain 70% Physical Dodge and restore 5% Max HP every second, lasting for 15 seconds. Can only activate once


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Charge γ
    Auto RecoveryAuto Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    Instantly gains 12 Deployment Points.
  • Cleansing Evil
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    Instantly generates 4 DP; Deals 400% ATK as Physical damage to at most 6 ground enemies within a cross area, then eliminates any of the enemies that are Critically Wounded. Can store 3 charge(s)
  • Fierce Glare
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    20 sec
    Gradually gains 20 DP over the skill duration. Attack Interval slightly increases, Attack Range +1 tile, ATK +130%, attack all blocked enemies and perform an additional attack against targets with less than 50% HP


    Saga's Badge
    Operator Saga has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for preemptive penetration of the battlefield situation and active offense so as to secure leeway for deployment.
    This operator shall hereby be appointed a Vanguard Operator during field operations to exercise Pioneer responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • SOL-Y
    Walk The World
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +75
    • ATK +45
    • DEF +15
    Pioneer Trait
    Blocks 2 enemies
    The first Deployment Cost -4
    • HP +105
    • ATK +50
    • DEF +18
    Clear Mind
    When HP falls below 40%, gain 70% Physical Dodge and restore 5.5% Max HP every second, lasting for 17 seconds. Can only activate once
    • HP +125
    • ATK +55
    • DEF +20
    Clear Mind
    When HP falls below 40%, gain 70% Physical Dodge and restore 6% Max HP every second, lasting for 18 seconds. Can only activate once
    'Good sir, good sir, may I ask of thee a ladleful of water to drink?'
    'Here, here, not too much now... If you drink that whole ladle, all my effort today is gone to waste.'
    'Hm? Mayst thou explain?'
    'On this mountain's shone side are three thousand mu of fertile fields, and in its shade, thirty thousand qing of lakewater, but Mt. Mang stands straight in-between rising to the clouds, cragged and long, troubling even fowl to cross. The seedlings need water, so I have no choice but to draw water from the north side to irrigate the fields on the south, and I have only this single ladle to use.'
    'Hence why thou makest such arduous journeys in such unending succession? But until when wilst thou bear this ladle?'
    'Well-asked. Until when, hm...' So replied the old man as he sat down on a mountain boulder, letting out a sigh.

    'Ah! Then allowest me to help thee, good sir!'
    'You would?'
    'I have given it some thought, and believe what thou hast said to be wholly reasonable. Were it a spade at hand, thou wouldst find a canal to dig through Mt. Mang from north to south. Wert thou of Arts that could shift towering earth, thou wouldst employ such powers to move the mountain, and let lake and field border one another. Yet at hand thou hast but a ladle, so scooping water turn by turn beest thine only option. A task faces thee, and a tool is at thy hand—as it must be done, so one is bade to do all they can. 'Tis as such.'
    'But the fields that way are so wide one cannot gaze to their end, and the trail over Mt. Mang is so perilous and winding, one loses their way in the fog. You may be decades younger than my decrepit self, but what could you accomplish even giving the rest of your life?'
    'I seek not to be able to irrigate the fertile fields. Should I walk the mountain path once, that is one refinement of my spirit. To pour a ladleful of water is but the fortune to do so.'
    'And more, the ladle thou gavest me in kindness was destiny in turn. I am young and hale, and my pace quick. 'Tis only natural that I help here!'
    So spoken, with more than half the ladle still filled, Saga took it into her steady hands, and turned and went for the mountain's shade.

    'Truly, what a fool.'
    A gust of wind blew by, cloud and ink scattering, the mountain path long and unending, and all trace of the old man had vanished.
    'Foolish and naive, but devout and sincere. She can go as she wishes.'
  • SOL-X
    Where to Find the Burdenbeast?
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • ATK +50
    • DEF +28
    Pioneer Trait
    Blocks 2 enemies; Gains +8% ATK and DEF while blocking enemies
    • ATK +62
    • DEF +38
    Increases damage dealt to enemies below half HP by 10%; when dealing lethal damage, leaves the target with 1 HP and inflicts Critically Wounded (gives +2 SP to the attacker when killed); Saga will not attack Critically Wounded targets
    • ATK +70
    • DEF +44
    Increases damage dealt to enemies below half HP by 15%; when dealing lethal damage, leaves the target with 1 HP and inflicts Critically Wounded (gives +2 SP to the attacker when killed); Saga will not attack Critically Wounded targets
    Tepid breaths caress her face, and a familiar view begins to come into focus. Returning to her senses, all that surrounds her is no different from how she recalls it. The burdenbeast carved of wood by her fellow disciple still leans against the old camphor tree, a little black tuskbeast pressed against it, polishing its tusks.
    The rough, frayed strands of the bamboo hat's brim brush past her forehead, carrying the familiar smell of damp fiber. Saga is mentally startled, for the monk who paces before her is none other than her head priest. She hurriedly gathers her mind and corrects her posture, but her stiff back forbids her from standing up fully straight. When she first descended the mountain, the young Saga reached only to the head priest's shoulders in height, and now, she is stooped and decrepit by the weight of a hundred springs' rainshowers and a hundred autumns' falling leaves, and once again stands no taller than her head priest's shoulders.
    'Head priest, this humble servant of...'
    The old head priest seems to pay no mind to what she was to say, and simply twists his head, signaling to her to move her legs, then unceremoniously thrusts out a mop. She can only drag her heavy legs, trembling shakily as she avoids it, while stammering in her perplexity. The mop's handle, Saga recognizes—it is the wooden pole with which the head priest fought her in the past. Only, for some unknown reason, it is now wrapped in cloth and given a new life cleaning floors.
    'This... This foolish disciple is ashamed, yet I still have doubts for which I must seek answers!
    'I travelled on the outside, and it has been a century at present, yet here and now, it seems to grow ever indistinct. When I first descended, I had thought clarity and sense to be given for all things, and indeed the realm abounded such that it eluded me, but in every place all still had answers to seek, and so in the scrolls of Master Dusk did I linger for ten turns of the year, and still felt naught but wonder.
    'Yet afterwards, that sense of which I believed in lost all sense. The more I saw, the more I felt that the people and the matters of the realm were all of the same single cloth. Our lives in the realm are no more than a mirror, perhaps reflecting oneself, or others, with color then drawn from every part that paints itself over the figure in the mirror, to mend, to make up, and no more. People paint that mirror full, so dense that no light passes, and believe they comprehend good and evil through, veracity from falsity. I sought knowledge and pursued learning for a century, and here in the end, I ask thee lookest within the bag of my travels, and see all I have obtained is dirtied mirrors. I do not understand. If the state of the realm is all but so, then where can Reason still be found?'
    Only once Saga has finished speaking does the old head priest cease his handiwork and lift his head to answer: 'If you are a burdenbeast, then you can find it.' Thus he ends, and without waiting for further remark from her, he raises the mop, and strikes straight for her face.

    It is afternoon when Saga awakes from her dream with a start. Screwing her eyes, she finds it was the burdenbeast she was travelling with, licking at her face with its rough tongue out of impatience.
    'Very well! Let us go!'

RIIC Base Skills

  • Vanguard Expert α
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Vanguard Operators' Specialization training speed +30%
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Vanguard Operators' Specialization training speed +60%