- 琴柳
- サイラッハ
- 사일라흐

Vanguard — Standard Bearer
Cannot block enemies during the skill duration
- VC10
- Melee
- DP-Recovery
- Support
ATK Interval
1.3 sec
70 sec
- Unwavering BannerDeploys with a banner; Within the surrounding 8 tiles of the banner, allied units have ASPD +10 and enemies have ASPD -10
- Spiritual InfluenceAfter deployment, the next Operator has -2 DP Cost
Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
- Support γAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP15SP Cost26Duration8 secStops attacking and recovers 18 DP over the skill durationvalue18interval0.44cost1
- Inheritance of FaithAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP15SP Cost29Duration15 secStops attacking and generates a total of 20 DP over the skill duration. Throws the banner to the location of the allied unit with the lowest HP percentage within range, granting them DEF +50% and restoring their HP equal to 50% of Saileach's ATK every second. When the skill ends, retrieve the bannerdef0.5atk_to_hp_recovery_ratio0.5value20sleach_s_2[cost].interval0.75sleach_s_2[cost].cost1
- Glorious BannerAuto RecoveryManual ActivationInitial SP7SP Cost20Duration10 secStops attacking and immediately gains 10 DP. Throws the banner to the location of ground enemies, dealing 300% Physical damage and Stunning them for 3.5 seconds. Enemies within the surrounding 8 tiles of the banner are inflicted with Slow and 30% Fragile effect. When the skill ends, retrieve the banneratk_scale3stun3.5damage_scale1.3cost10debuff.damage_scale0.3
- ORIGINALSaileach's Badge
- BEA-XPastoral
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - HP +150
- ATK +48
Standard Bearer Trait Cannot block enemies during the skill duration, but grants +1 Block to an Operator in front of this unit2 - HP +180
- ATK +55
Unwavering Banner Deploys with a banner; within the surrounding 8 tiles of the banner, allies have ASPD +12 and enemies have ASPD -123 - HP +200
- ATK +68
Unwavering Banner Deploys with a banner; within the surrounding 8 tiles of the banner, allies have ASPD +13 and enemies have ASPD -13
RIIC Base Skills
- Victorian LiteratureWhen this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.7 Morale per hour to another Operator assigned to that Dormitory whose Morale is not full (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)
- InfectivityWhen this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, if the HR contacting speed of the HR Office is lower than 30% (including the base 5%), increase the HR contacting speed by +20% (unique effect across the entire base, unaffected by other effects)