• 琴柳
  • サイラッハ
  • 사일라흐


Vanguard — Standard Bearer
Cannot block enemies during the skill duration
  • VC10
  • Melee
  • DP-Recovery
  • Support
/ 90
[Code Name] Saileach
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 2 Years
[Place of Birth] Victoria
[Date of Birth] May 31
[Race] Vouivre
[Height] 166cm
[Infection Status]
Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
[Physical Strength] Excellent
[Mobility] Standard
[Physical Resilience] Excellent
[Tactical Acumen] Normal
[Combat Skill] Standard
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard
A former ceremonial standard bearer from Victoria, she served at the Victorian Army Barracks in County Hillock, where the head of the local Rhodes Island branch office presented her to us as a liaison operator. She has basic Victorian Army training under her belt, superior physical ability, and demonstrated a talent for support operations.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Saileach shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.19u/L
Operator Saileach rarely comes into contact with Originium.

After all that time spent going around the rubble of that dirty bomb in County Hillock, it's incredible how stable Saileach's indicators are! She's kept herself plenty healthy, but the local office there must've taught her some great protective techniques, huh?
——Medic Operator Sussurro
Victorian guards of honor normally go through a rigorous selection process, so it's only natural that Saileach, with her glowing presentation and mannerisms, draws immediate attention. However, most operators end up charmed by her affable personality. Saileach goes out of her way to share skin care and hair styling tips, and has put on many banner waving marches for the curious children. What's more, she quickly found herself in the same cooking club as Gummy and others, where she's since made all kinds of Victorian treats, to great acclaim at food festivals.
If one was to look at Saileach's schedule, they would find her spending the vast majority of her days on the training grounds. Multiple instructors have expressed their surprise at the intensity of her training. Instructor Dur-nar is concerned that she may be overworking herself to a dangerous level, but Saileach insists on maintaining this level of intensity, and consultation with the Medical Department along with their comprehensive assessment of Vouivre physical fitness has allowed it to continue for the time being.
Multiple consecutive tests have shown rapid improvement in Saileach's combat ability. Building on top of the foundation granted to her by the Victorian Army, we expect her to grow into an outstanding combat operator very quickly.
When filling in the application form, Saileach expressed a desire for more time to think; it was a day later that she finally put down her present codename.
Her words at the time were: 'It means 'willow.' I spent an age poring through reference material—I hope I haven't spelt anything wrong.'
Her choice of spelling originates from an ancient language called Taran, and not the present-day Victorian she knows. Profile data shows that Saileach was born in a lakeside city to Victoria's south, completely unconnected to the area of Tara. Her own knowledge of Taran originates entirely from a friend local to County Hillock. Saileach tells us that in the region of Tara, on the spring festival each year, the people would take freshly budded willow branches to adorn the streets and statues. Every year she served at County Hillock, she would accompany this very friend to the agricultural plates on the outskirts, picking the best branches for the occasion, in the end completing this rather commemorative affair. Though Saileach hasn't spoken on where this friend presently is, judging by written records in reports on the County Hillock incident, the city was reduced to ruins in the fighting; it is exceedingly possible her close friend met with misfortune.
Saileach's experiences in County Hillock have no doubt changed her outlook. The urgency she's shown in improving her own combat ability likely stems from her regret in being unable to prevent that tragedy. Good thing she did not sink into grief, let alone take to a path of revenge, but has transformed herself and taken the impetus to move forward. After all, in Saileach's choice of codename there lies the hope that County Hillock may rise from the ashes anew.
[Excerpt from the County Hillock incident reports]
...we didn't realize that the true challenge would come after withdrawing from County Hillock.
Just before we were due to enter County Peninsula, our transport vehicle was raided. The attackers wore plain clothes, but we could tell they were Dublinn. The vehicle and comms equipment were destroyed, Fred and I were injured, while Shredder nearly lost his life. It was Janie who stubbornly pulled us one by one out from the scrap, trekked to the trade route to flag down a caravan, and talked them into lending us a truck—saving all our lives.
The entire way, the sick one didn't come to. What was strange was after that attack, the enemy didn't chase us further, either. It was like they just wanted to find out if she was really with us, and then they tried us to see how much strength we really had. I thought we were done for when we were trapped under those seats. I mean, they killed Outcast, the Lass! Even if the few of us threw it all away then and there, could we do ten percent of what she could?
Finally, I want to recommend Janie—and I mean that Miss Jane Willow, who came with us back to the ship, should formally join Rhodes Island. I've known her willingness for a while now, since we left. Originally, it was Outcast most fit to recommend her—so with... a graver sorrow than all I know, I tell you all this in her stead. Together with us, Miss Willow has saved countless people in County Hillock, and she will have the opportunity in future to save countless more. Whether it's her character or her ability in question, she is highly fit to become someone who works with us.
——Report submitted by Rhodes Island County Hillock Branch Officer-in-Charge Oliver Bernard
Saileach has never explicitly told anyone, but without a doubt, she's been preparing all along to return to Victoria and continue fighting.
Where she differs from Bagpipe is that she doesn't, in any way, consider this a duty. From the moment she decided to leave the army, she never again held herself to be a Victorian soldier. In truth, she took to her new identity as a Rhodes Island Operator exceptionally well, and very quickly was proactive in throwing herself into all manner of combat/non-combat missions. She more than once mentioned the deceased elite operator Outcast's influence on her. Returning to Victoria, to her, is more of a calling. She holds a sense of justice deep in her heart, firmly resolved to spare no effort, looking to stand off against the evils that brought her such bitter memories.
Very soon, once learning she also came to Rhodes Island, Saileach's first order of business was to find Bagpipe. The two of them had a discussion that lasted through the night, and by the next day, Saileach applied for short-term landship leave. She understands that the time to return has almost come.

'From the County Hillock incident, we see that the Taran situation has already climbed to a tipping point. If their leader is not Draco, then the eruption of conflict may be deferred by a decade, but the situation in whole will not have changed.
Victoria's centuries-old policies targeted at Tarans have made inevitable the present fires of war. Yet when we look back at history, after they were forced to split half of their authority with the Aslans, the Draco royal family, original rulers of the whole of Victoria, surely could not indulge another of their race peaceably governing a third of the country's territory. In the same manner, nor would the aristocracy—who begrudgingly shared their take with the new nobility—let the opportunity pass to press down on the area's indigenous peoples, so as to make up for losses.
I don't at all believe that this will be a localized conflict. I can only say that this war may perhaps transform the nation of Victoria. Concerning if all this will grant us any advantage in our coming Londinium operations? Don't forget: I'm just an instructor supplementing you all with a little history.'
——Recording of Hypatia answering questions after a history lecture
Even as early as County Hillock, Saileach was lively at the Rhodes Island branch office, helping to handle a great deal of affairs, as if she were staff. Once this experience was given great consideration, her rapid promotion was met with no pushback at all.
As an emigrant of Sargon living in Victoria, coupled with her sensitive nature, Saileach never forgets the challenges of minority communities struggling in the world. Whether she realizes it or not, this is where her longstanding empathy with the oppressed originates; and with her clearer grasp on the differences between herself and said people, it's only more commendable that on missions, without any qualms, she sees Infected children bleeding and offers a hand.
ATK Interval
1.3 sec
70 sec


  • Unwavering Banner
    Deploys with a banner; Within the surrounding 8 tiles of the banner, allied units have ASPD +10 and enemies have ASPD -10
  • Spiritual Influence
    After deployment, the next Operator has -2 DP Cost


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Support γ
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    8 sec
    Stops attacking and recovers 18 DP over the skill duration
  • Inheritance of Faith
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    15 sec
    Stops attacking and generates a total of 20 DP over the skill duration. Throws the banner to the location of the allied unit with the lowest HP percentage within range, granting them DEF +50% and restoring their HP equal to 50% of Saileach's ATK every second. When the skill ends, retrieve the banner
  • Glorious Banner
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    10 sec
    Stops attacking and immediately gains 10 DP. Throws the banner to the location of ground enemies, dealing 300% Physical damage and Stunning them for 3.5 seconds. Enemies within the surrounding 8 tiles of the banner are inflicted with Slow and 30% Fragile effect. When the skill ends, retrieve the banner


    Saileach's Badge
    Operator Saileach has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for raising allied morale in the field.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Vanguard Operator during field operations to exercise Standard Bearer responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • BEA-X
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +150
    • ATK +48
    Standard Bearer Trait
    Cannot block enemies during the skill duration, but grants +1 Block to an Operator in front of this unit
    • HP +180
    • ATK +55
    Unwavering Banner
    Deploys with a banner; within the surrounding 8 tiles of the banner, allies have ASPD +12 and enemies have ASPD -12
    • HP +200
    • ATK +68
    Unwavering Banner
    Deploys with a banner; within the surrounding 8 tiles of the banner, allies have ASPD +13 and enemies have ASPD -13
    'Alright, Janie, you wait here for a tick, and I'll go and buy some ice cream. What flavor do you want?'
    The girl tilts her head and thinks for a bit, then gives a confident reply. 'Chocolate! I want chocolate.'
    'It's New Year's today—I'll buy you two scoops. You can pick another flavor too.'
    'Chocolate. I want chocolate for both.'
    'Brilliant. Your wish is my command, my little pea.'
    'You're the best, Da!'
    'Don't run anywhere, now.'
    She watches her father squeeze through the crowded park and disappear into the throng. When he does, she pulls her gaze away, and begins to stare at her feet and count. Count until her father comes back.
    'One, two, three...'
    The powerful beating of a drum interrupts the girl's mumbling. She looks up and sees the little theater across from her pull its curtains wide open, its host gaily thumping away at a hand drum.
    'One, two, three! Ding-ding-ding, it's time for the puppet show! Gather around, little mateys, you won't want to miss this! Today we've got the Song of the Shepherd Boy.'
    Drawn by the adorable puppets, the girl can't help but approach the stage—though perhaps a wide-open wooden box would be a better description.
    'Come January, King took up his greatest cane, come February, General waved saber just the same,
    'Come March, riverbank burned with hardy flame, come April not a meadow to a sprout could claim,
    'Come May, shepherd hugged his hornbeasts tame, and swore they'd find new home, far away...'
    The puppet hugs its shaggy hornbeast, seeming hurt beyond measure, and the girl can't help but grip tight at the cloth of her skirt. Behind the stage, the host continues to sing the song.
    'Come August he forded through rapids clear, and 'hind him brayed his herd so dear,
    'Unto drear September awaited forest grim, and shaking hornbeasts shook heads at him,
    'Unto high October, a rest at mountain's foot, his beasts flock'd 'round him at center put,
    'Unto cool November...'
    Before the host sings the next line, a large hand drags the girl out of the audience.
    'Janie! Janie! What are you over here for? Why didn't you wait where I told you to?'
    'I... I saw there was a puppet show. It was really good.
    'Do you know, I came back to an empty bench and was scared half to death.'
    'I'm sorry, Da, I... I shouldn't have gone off.'
    'Come on, now. We'd better get home.'
    'I want to watch it more, Da, at least...' The rest of her sentence is gulped back down. She glances at the puppet and his hornbeast hugging each other tightly on stage, and the backdrop is a verdant spring. She lets out a sigh of relief, and leads her father by the hand.
    'Come on, Da, let's go home too.'
    'Ahah, shepherd boy found his hornbeast a new home, then. Yet another happily ever after. Here, your ice cream.'
    'Thank you.' The girl licks at her double scoop. 'Is it bad that it's happily ever after, Da?'
    'Not particularly, Janie, there's just a lot of them. Might say we're sick of it.'
    'Really? But even if they show them over and over, I think there's not a lot of happy endings anyway...' She takes another lick.

RIIC Base Skills

  • Victorian Literature
    When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.7 Morale per hour to another Operator assigned to that Dormitory whose Morale is not full (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)
  • Infectivity
    When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, if the HR contacting speed of the HR Office is lower than 30% (including the base 5%), increase the HR contacting speed by +20% (unique effect across the entire base, unaffected by other effects)