• 白雪
  • シラユキ
  • 시라유키


Sniper — Artilleryman
Deals AOE Physical damage
  • LM10
  • Ranged
  • AoE
  • Slow
/ 70
[Code Name] Shirayuki
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 3 years
[Place of Birth] Higashi
[Date of Birth] Jul. 20
[Race] Anaty
[Height] 154cm
[Infection Status]
Confirmed non-infected by medical examination.
[Physical Strength] Standard
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Normal
[Tactical Acumen] Normal
[Combat Skill] Standard
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Normal
Formerly the personal bodyguard of Lady Fumizuki, wife of Lungmen's Chief Wei Yenwu, Shirayuki was sent to Rhodes Island to serve the Doctor in the same role, after the Lungmen Guard Department partnered with the company. She uses large shurikens as her weapons of choice, and is well-versed in covert ops and intelligence gathering. She protects the Doctor from behind the scenes.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this Operator is believed to be non-infected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Shirayuki showed no symptoms of Oripathy.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
Operator Shirayuki rarely comes into contact with Originium.
A reserved ninja who is incredibly succinct with her words, never using two when just one would do.
You never know where she might be until she is needed by the Doctor and she appears with unerring, possibly even eerie, dependability.
Her hobby is apparently watching the snow from the coast, but it is not known if her preference is for the coast, the snow, or a necessary combination of the two.
Large shurikens are Shirayuki's weapon of choice.
There are many shapes and sizes of shurikens, but no matter the type, throwing weapons are always difficult to wield effectively.
Undoubtedly, Shirayuki is an expert at using them, exhibiting accuracy and lethality that most normal people would find impossible given the unwieldiness of these weapons.
The ninja is commonly held as one of the national symbols of the Far East.
These mysterious assassins can allegedly walk on walls, burrow underground, and kill from impossible angles. They are said to value loyalty above all else.
A ninja, upon pledging fealty, will serve his lord unwaveringly. And that is exactly what Dr. Kal'tsit is having an issue with--Shirayuki's loyalty lies with Madam Fumizuki, not the good Doctor at Rhodes Island.
Of course, the true purpose of Shirayuki's presence at Rhodes Island is not to protect the Doctor, that much is certain. That was just a pretext for Rhodes Island to accept her.
Still, that does raise some questions.
Even though it's ostensibly a partnership, Lungmen and Rhodes Island hold different views and objectives. Still, the Governor sent off his wife's personal bodyguard to protect the Doctor. Whether for surveillance or a show of power, it was very blunt, even unnecessary.
Supposedly, Madam Fumizuki doesn't involve herself in politics, but it's hard to imagine she has no ulterior motive with this move.
So then, what are Shirayuki's orders after all?
The princess said blind loyalty is nigh-impossible to find. But here you are, and I like it. —Shirayuki
ATK Interval
2.8 sec
70 sec


  • Heavy Shuriken
    Attack Interval increases slightly, but ATK +20%


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Shuriken
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    25 sec
    Range +2 tiles
  • Fatal Shuriken
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    SP Cost
    25 sec
    Throws giant spinning shurikens, the target's Movement Speed reduces by 35% for a short time and dealing 80% of ATK Arts damage to the target per second


    Shirayuki's Badge
    Operator Shirayuki has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for inflicting physical casualties on multitudes of enemies.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Sniper Operator during field operations to exercise Artilleryman responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • ART-Y
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +80
    • ASPD +3
    Artilleryman Trait
    Deals AOE Physical damage
    Attacks ignore 100 DEF
    • HP +120
    • ATK +20
    • ASPD +4
    Circling Wind
    Improves own SP recovery rate by +0.2/second for 10 seconds after defeating an enemy
    • HP +160
    • ATK +30
    • ASPD +5
    Circling Wind
    Improves own SP recovery rate by +0.3/second for 10 seconds after defeating an enemy
    Heavy snow, a bamboo forest.
    An emaciated figure dives in, staggering; this is where she's concealed herself the whole way. She thinks to dig out some winter bamboo shoots to stave off her hunger, to take a few mouthfuls of snow to allay her thirst.
    The bamboo forest is a fine place to hide, but she's not the only one who knows that. A dozen or so shinobi are in cover here, tasked with ensuring that this girl, the last survivor to escape from the purge of her family, does not remain so.
    The bamboo leaves rustle, and the branches up high drift up and down in the wind.
    Their tips shudder, shaking free small clumps of snow, which scatter in a slicing gust before they ever touch the ground, becoming a fine wintry mist and disappearing into the air. A few fowlbeasts on another stalk retract their necks, stuck out moments prior, and fold their wings up again, relaxing and continuing to huddle close.
    All is still.
    The bony girl lifts her head.
    Suddenly, a white glint.
    A dart at odds with her build flies from her hand, snowflakes and wind whirling alongside. This weapon has seen plenty of use thus far; now, it makes a clean cut yet smashes to pieces a bamboo leaf big enough to conceal someone.
    The struck shinobi lets out a short cry, and powdery snow explodes off the layers of leaves. A trap prepared long in advance cuts off the girl's retreat. She leaps atop a branch, before being forced back by the flash of a descending blade. Her weakness from days without food catching up to her, she loses her grip on the branch, and drops like a stone. But undeterred, she looses one final arrow from her sleeve in midair.
    It finds itself with no target to hit, but both her and the shinobi crash to the ground at practically the same time, with a dull thud. She lifts her head, and before her is a Lung dressed in black, brandishing a naginata right behind the shinobi.
    'So this is where you were, girl?'
    The girl stares blankly, not knowing how to respond.
    'I am Fumizuki,' she says, patting the girl's head. 'Can you use a blade?'
    The girl comes to her senses, and nods. She grasps a handful of snow from the ground, stuffs it in her mouth and swallows, draws a spare tantou from Fumizuki's waist, and charges at her enemy within the forest. Fumizuki watches this frail girl leave, and quickly follows behind.
    One, then two. From sun overhead to horizon-laid, the shadows amidst the bamboo fall without even a chance to signal their backup. When the final shinobi uses the last of their strength to charge the girl, aiming a hidden shot straight at her stomach, Fumizuki pushes her down to avoid this fatal blow.
    Once it's all over, a tiny body collapses in the great bamboo thicket, holding her wounds and letting out a long, slow breath.
    Sunshine's rays filter through the leaves and shine on her face, the sound of fowlbeasts flapping by in her ears.
    Before exhaustion brings her to sleep, her parents' lifelong teachings come back to her. The girl must offer her loyalty to the princess before her.

RIIC Base Skills

  • Clue Search β
    When this Operator is assigned to the Reception Room, Clue search speed increases by 20%
  • Combat Guidance Video
    When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, Battle Record formula related productivity +30%