• 雪雉
  • スノーズント
  • 스노우상트


Specialist — Hookmaster
Can Shift enemies by using skills
Can be deployed on Ranged Tiles
  • LM16
  • Melee
  • Shift
  • Slow
/ 80
[Code Name] Snowsant
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] None
[Place of Birth] Lungmen
[Date of Birth] Oct 17
[Race] Liberi
[Height] 155cm
[Infection Status]
Confirmed uninfected by medical examination.
[Physical Strength] Normal
[Mobility] Standard
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Standard
[Combat Skill] Normal
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Standard
Operator Snowsant, a native of Lungmen, has a rich experience in scientific research from the various high-tech development zones of Columbia.
After returning to Lungmen to develop her home town, she signed a contract with Rhodes Island during the following period.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there are no other signs of infection. At this time, this operator can be confirmed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Snowsant shows no signs of Oripathy infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.14u/L
Due to scientific research and related reasons, Snowsant comes into contact with Originium on occasion. Though there is almost no risk of infection, regular inspections are still required.
A hard worker from birth, Snowsant was born into the lower class and became a self-taught student only through her own efforts. She invested her hard-earned savings to head to Columbia to pursue her dreams.
According to an investigation into her resume, Snowsant once settled in a well-known high-tech development zone in Columbia, working as a researcher in a notorious private research institute. Since this small-scale institute did not produce any results of importance, we once dismissed her research capabilities.
But when we delved into the papers titled 'Next-Generation Convenience Improvements for Floor-Sweeping Robots' and 'A Mechanical Clawhook That Will Never Become Loose (Haven't Thought of a Good Use Yet),' we came to reevaluate Snowsant in a different light.
After all, nothing serves as a better testimony to Snowsant's vigorous and enthusiastic work ethic than the fact that she went all-out even when researching things that probably don't matter at all. This misunderstanding was likely caused by the fact that she was excluded from the field for a long period of time, and did not have the opportunity to enter the high-tech field. In fact, Snowsant is even more talented than she is aware of. Compared to those geniuses that are prone to crashing and burning, a steadfast researcher who has never stopped inching forward seems to be more worthy of Rhodes Island's attention.
The story of 'Snowsant's Coin' was once popular among younger Operators, without any malicious intent of course.
Once, during one of Dobermann's speeches that dragged on for dozens of minutes, Snowsant's eyes were fixated upon the instructor's feet the entire time. As soon as Dobermann concluded her speech, Snowsant immediately shot up and approached Dobermann - nobody had ever seen her move so quickly before. Then, she bent over - in front of everyone in the room, picked up a coin, and stood back up. Even Dobermann did not know how to react at that time. Though Snowsant quickly seemed to realize her rude behavior, she stood there for a few seconds before shuffling back to her seat, trembling in front of the whole room.
We later learned that her purse had a small hole in it, and the purse was filled with coins that she had painstakingly scrounged up. Surprisingly, though Snowsant was fidgeting around for the coin almost the entire meeting, her notes were almost identical to what was given by Dobermann. We hope that the Operators prone to falling asleep during meetings can learn a thing or two from her diligence.
Although sometimes this diligence reaches a level that makes others worried about her health, most Operators watch over her fondly as this frail girl carefully and painstakingly goes about her work.
Somehow, Miss Jessica and Miss Snowsant have developed a good relationship.
During a certain equipment maintenance job, Jessica struck up a conversation with Snowsant. Perhaps due to their shared similarities - both girls being kind, hard-working, and conscientious, the two quickly came to understand each other, and sympathized with and admired each others' experiences.
Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, these two girls also have strikingly similar weaknesses. There are too many talented people surrounding them, which makes them underestimate their abilities, and they compensate through an almost stubborn work ethic, taking one step at a time.
However, despite understanding each other in many regards and confiding in each other, after learning about Jessica's monthly expenditures on firearms, equipment, and Originium bullets, Snowsant once questioned Jessica's grasp of currency and basic mathematical knowledge. If you see the two eating together at a cafeteria, don't be surprised if you see Snowsant with an empty tray in front of her. While Jessica is certainly capable of helping Snowsant financially, she also knows the value of the sacrifices Snowsant is willing to make for her ideals. Perhaps, the two of them really can become each others' emotional pillar of support.
If Rhodes Island has a 'paragon of frugality,' that would be none other than Snowsant.
According to her own account, before traveling to Columbia, she lived a bare-bones life in Lungmen. Even after her scholarships and salary from the research institute eased her financial burdens, she continued her frugality in order to fund her independent research and development projects.
From the smallest of things, such as turning off the lights before going outside or recycling whatever she could, Snowsant had precise calculations and plans for all her daily expenses. After rigorously withholding what she needed for her research funds and squeezing anything out of her living expenses, she would send whatever was left over back to her hometown.
It is worth mentioning the industrial clawhooks that Snowsant carries with her. Reportedly, this clawhook is the first scientific achievement that Snowsant made by herself before leaving Lungmen. Obviously, she had no idea how to use patent rights and marketing to turn a profit for herself. She simply took this clawhook to participate in a certain regional industrial design competition, relying on the meager proceeds to buy a one-way ticket to Columbia to begin chasing her dreams.
Snowsant has little confidence in her abilities, and though I don't know when, some very successful people who understood the value of her quiet diligence turned their attention towards her and invited her back to Lungmen when the time was right.
During her hardest time in Columbia, Snowsant repeatedly missed research opportunities due to exclusion and discrimination. When Snowsant learned that the few scientific achievements she made had been plagiarized by the institute and registered under another person's name to secure research funds, she could only helplessly shuffle through the bustling streets of Columbia. Under the crushing weight of utter disappointment, she took out the lucky charm bag that her grandmother had prepared for her. Within it was but a piece of paper with the four words: 'Heaven rewards the hardworking.'
Though useless for her situation, Snowsant cheered up and found solace in those words.
Heaven rewards the hardworking, and the proverb became reality.
Three days later, Snowsant received an invitation from officials in Lungmen's upper echelons. Though the research institute tried to persuade her to stay upon learning this news, Snowsant eventually rejected the institute's offer and returned to her hometown with a deep longing in her heart.
ATK Interval
1.8 sec
80 sec


  • Bug Catcher
    When dragging an 'Infected Creature,' the strength of the shift increases by 1 degree, and silences the target for 4 seconds


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Barbed Clawhook
    Auto RecoveryAuto Activation
    SP Cost
    The next attack drags the target towards this unit significantly, dealing 170% ATK as Physical damage and Slowing it for 1.6 seconds
  • Telescoping Electric Net
    Auto RecoveryManual Activation
    Initial SP
    SP Cost
    Launches a net forward, dragging all enemies caught within it towards this unit significantly, dealing 200% ATK as Arts damage and Slowing them for 3.5 seconds


    Snowsant's Badge
    Operator Snowsant has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for assault following physical coercion of enemy proximity.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Specialist Operator during field operations to exercise Hookmaster responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • HOK-X
    Snowsant's Precious Money Bank
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +110
    • DEF +22
    Hookmaster Trait
    Can Shift enemies by using skills
    Can be deployed on Ranged Tiles
    While being pulled, enemies take Arts damage proportional to the distance traveled
    • HP +170
    • DEF +27
    Bug Catcher
    When pulling an [Infected Creature], increases the strength of the shift by 1 degree, and silences the target for 6 seconds
    • HP +210
    • DEF +31
    Bug Catcher
    When pulling an [Infected Creature], increases the strength of the shift by 1 degree, and silences the target for 8 seconds
    Inventory of spare change inside Snowsant's money bank:
    - Several metallic arcade tokens from a Lungmen peddler, in lieu of actual change. Upon going to confront him the next day, Snowsant found he had already been arrested by the L.G.D., and his stall had been shut down.
    - Two coins from Higashi, given by Saga for mending her mokugyo. Should be exchangeable for a more widely adopted currency if she saves up enough and ever gets the chance to visit Higashi, so she's holding onto them for now!
    - Three Kazimierzian copper hellers, gifted by Blemishine. Kazimierz has long ceased circulation of these old hellers; Blemishine happened to find them sandwiched in her armor while repairing it and gave them to Snowsant as souvenirs. Will they ever be of use? Unsure.
    - One Gaulish copper livre, corroded, from an investigation mission on a formerly-Gaulish site. While Gaul was still around, it was about 10 livres to 1 LMD. (Not that anybody would do business in denominations that small.) As for nowadays, maybe some collectors would be interested?
    - A few Columbian gold certificates, each with a face value of three dollars. According to Jessica, Columbia never issued money of this value, but that doesn't mean it's fake! Maybe Jessica just didn't know about it.
    - A crude copper coin engraved with Gavial's portrait, handed out by Tomimi. She said it was a precious coin once cast by the 'Gavial's Will' tribe, but Gavial herself refuses to admit this. Tomimi guarantees there are people out there who still acknowledge its worth.
    - An expired Rhodes Island Cafeteria dessert voucher. Snowsant uses it to remind herself—never ever forget to double check when a voucher is valid for!

RIIC Base Skills

  • Heavenly Reward α
    When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, provides an additional 5% order acquisition efficiency for every 5% order acquisition efficiency provided by all other Operators assigned to that Trading Post, up to a maximum of 25% order acquisition efficiency.
    Heavenly Reward β
    When this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, provides an additional 5% order acquisition efficiency for every 5% order acquisition efficiency provided by all other Operators assigned to that Trading Post, up to a maximum of 35% order acquisition efficiency.