• 战车
  • Tachanka
  • Tachanka


Guard — Swordmaster
Normal attacks deal damage twice
  • RS04
  • Melee
  • Nuker
  • DPS
/ 80
[Code Name] Tachanka
[Gender] Male
[Combat Experience] Unknown
[Place of Birth] Unknown
[Date of Birth] Nov 3
[Race] Unknown
[Height] 183 cm
[Infection Status]
Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
[Physical Strength] Standard
[Mobility] Normal
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Excellent
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] ■■
Tachanka is a member of Team Rainbow. He is tenacious, candid, calm-minded, and excels at positional warfare.
His primary weapons are a modified DP-27 machine gun and the Shumikha Grenade Launcher. As the main firepower for his team, Tachanka is an undisputed master of the battlefield.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Tachanka shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] Undisclosed
Relevant data will not be disclosed due to the Medical Department's agreement.
Operator Alexsandr Senaviev, codename Tachanka, is a member of Team Rainbow. A member of Rainbow Six and one of the witnesses of the 'Watchtower 33' incident, Tachanka registered with Rhodes Island as a cooperative party following the incident.
Like the other members of Rainbow Six, Tachanka's background is full of gaps. We don't know his country of origin or prior background. However, based upon the Operator Combat Assessment provided by the HR Department, we have learned that Tachanka exhibits extremely professional combat and tactical abilities. He has demonstrated impressive combat experience when it comes to positional warfare and defensive combat. We speculate that Tachanka has served in a regular army for many years, and may have participated in large-scale group operations many times.
In addition to his rich combat experience, Tachanka has clearly received comprehensive training as a mechanic.
However, please note that the members of Team Rainbow are only working with us on a temporary basis and are not formal employees of Rhodes Island. They still have many things they are busy with, so please do not rely overly much on their strength.
Operator Tachanka is an extremely approachable individual. He is humorous and candid, often laughing heartily. Though he may be overbearing at times, he does not do it out of ill intent. When he was talking to the Medical Department, Tachanka brought up his family back home, including his little sister who is still practicing as a doctor.
He gets along well with many people, especially with Rangers and the members of Blacksteel. Even the process of recording his personal file was chock-full of jokes.
The members of Team Rainbow did not stay in Rhodes Island for long before leaving, as they seemed to have a lot of business to attend to. During this time, Tachanka often went to chat with the operators from Ursus. He showed great interest in this place and even seemed to be studying Ursine.
But one day, he spent a long time talking to the Ursus operators. After the conversation was over, he spent the entire morning on the deck of Rhodes Island, completely silent. The operators explained the situation afterwards.

'He asked a lot of questions about Ursus. When the Chernobog incident came up, his expression slow became serious, then angry. He quickly stopped talking after that.'

We recommend that other operators do not discuss this matter any further with Tachanka.
[Classified Log]
Relevant records of the 'Watchtower 33' incident have been handed to the higher-ups. Dr. Kal'tist did not raise any issues about Team Rainbow's situation, but she did repeatedly ask about the 'Originium mutants' mentioned in the reports. Further details will be elaborated upon in a subsequent report.
According to a report submitted by Blacksteel, the incident has already been resolved with very little loss sustained by Rhodes Island.
Dr. Kal'tsit recommended sealing most of Team Rainbow's psychological evaluations. I recognize that the Medical Department may have a lot of questions about Team Rainbow's physical examinations, but Dr. Kal'tsit believes that most of the questions in this record are not worthy of further investigation.
'This land is vast enough, and the secrets it contains far surpass our levels of understanding. Should we study every single phenomenon we do not understand, it would only serve to waste the energy of the Medical Department.'
[Classified Log]
Please keep the records of Operator Tachanka's weapon modifications strictly confidential to everyone, especially Sankta operators!
Closure and I studied this heavy, peculiarly-shaped gun... Rather, 'gun' would not be the correct way to describe this weapon. It is a weapon unlike anything we would call a 'gun.'
Unfortunately, we were not able to personally witness the firing of this big guy. Though there isn't any usable ammunition left, Tachanka described to us in detail exactly how this ammunition works.
We've tried countless times to restore the weapons described by Tachanka to working condition, but the results of all our experiments have been unfortunate. In the first 100 samples, most of the ammunition lost all its lethality at a distance of 10 meters, but Tachanka said that this weapon is able to land hits at 600-700 meters. Is that really possible? What exactly is 'nitrocellulose?'
After a week of attempts... a truly disastrous week, we broke a lot of things. Including this month's salary. However, it wasn't all for naught.
Closure mixed some ground Originium powder with raw industrial ketones. After drying, this compound was able to yield ammunition with a range of about 200 meters. In order to fire this ammunition normally, we modified the bore and receiver of the heavy gun and replaced it with a large-caliber gun tube. After several further rounds of modification... at least we can say that we attained satisfactory results at last.
Tachanka was overjoyed, and the feeling was mutual. After all, half a month of grueling labor had finally bore fruit.

The only problem I have, however, is this... this piece of junk is cumbersome, noisy, and doesn't even pack as much firepower as Raythean's semi-automatic heavy ballista! What was the point of all that hard work?! If there's ever a next time for this kind of stuff, count me out!
ATK Interval
1.3 sec
80 sec


  • Heavy Firepower
    Attack Range +2 tiles, DEF +10%, Redeployment Time +20 seconds


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Incendiary Grenade
    Offensive RecoveryManual Activation
    SP Cost
    Fire an incendiary grenade at the target, creating a burning zone in the 4 adjacent tiles around the target that lasts for 600% seconds. The burning zone deals 70% ATK as Arts damage every second to enemies within; Tachanka ignores 200 DEF when attacking enemies within the burning zone
  • Spray and Pray
    Offensive RecoveryManual Activation
    SP Cost
    4 sec
    Attack Interval is reduced significantly. Attack random targets within range, with every attack having 15% chance to increase ATK to 200%


    Tachanka's Badge
    Operator Tachanka has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude in comprehensive positional defense against all directions.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Guard Operator during field operations. In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named, whether this band of soldiers needs such recognition notwithstanding.
  • SWO-X
    Machinegun Rack
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • ATK +40
    • DEF +40
    Swordmaster Trait
    Normal attacks deal damage twice
    Deals 10% more damage with skills
    • ATK +49
    • DEF +49
    Heavy Firepower
    Attack Range +2 tiles, DEF +20%, Redeployment Time +20 seconds
    • ATK +55
    • DEF +55
    Heavy Firepower
    Attack Range +2 tiles, DEF +23%, Redeployment Time +20 seconds
    On Rhodes Island's top deck, a warrior and a girl look out to the sun that's slowly disappearing beneath the horizon.
    'Mr. Alexsandr...'
    'Were you... a soldier?'
    'I'm still a soldier.'
    'What's your motherland like?'
    'It's a beautiful place.'
    The old soldier looks into the distance and describes what his homeland is like to the girl standing next to him.
    From the riverscapes of the Volga to the majestic sights of Mamayev Kurgan.
    None of them exist in this world.
    'Do you love that place?'
    'I love it all with all my heart.'
    'And you?'
    'I lost everything in Chernobog. My family... My friends.'
    'And so you chose to stay here?'
    'There is nowhere in Ursus for me.'
    'Sonya and Lada need me too.'
    'And... I'm still very young.'
    'I'm still very weak.'
    'Perhaps one day, I will be able to go back to Ursus to help even more people there.'
    'Perhaps one day, I will be powerful enough to make Ursus a better place.'
    'And it won't just be me. There will be a great many people who will go back to Ursus, to go back home.'
    'Does this... sound childish to you?'
    'No, Anna.'
    'Your ambitions are noble.'
    'No one would dare to mock such noble ambitions.'
    'If you will one day return to Ursus to make them come true...'
    'I look forward to that day.'
    'Thank you, Mr. Alexsandr...'
    'Thank you...'

RIIC Base Skills

  • Team Rainbow
    When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, each Operator from Team Rainbow increases the Morale of all Operators in the Control Center by +0.05 per hour
  • Ursus Specialty Beverage
    When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, for each Ursus Student Self-Governing Group Operator, Ursus Specialty Beverage+1