• 缄默德克萨斯
  • 血掟テキサス
  • 텍사스 디 오메르토사

Texas the Omertosa

Specialist — Executor
Significantly reduced Redeployment Time
  • PL07
  • Melee
  • Fast-Redeploy
  • DPS
Other forms:
/ 90
[Code Name] Texas
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 5 Years
[Place of Birth] Columbia
[Date of Birth] Jun 1
[Race] Lupo
[Height] 161cm
[Infection Status]
Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.
[Physical Strength] Excellent
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Excellent
[Combat Skill] Excellent
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Excellent
Penguin Logistics employee, last surviving member of the Texas family, excellent solo combat ability.
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Texas shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L
To be able to avoid infection in such a dangerous environment is a minor miracle, and testament to Operator Texas's abilities.
An old friend of Rhodes Island.
Many were shocked when Texas came to Rhodes Island with the two who would later become Vigil and Penance, as she looked unmistakably Siracusan.
Those who knew her were uneasy about her return to Siracusa. Though it was well-known that she had something to do with the country, no one knew what lay in her past.
Their minds were set at ease by the fact that she was joined by Penguin Logistics members. After all, Texas would be Texas as long as she was with Penguin Logistics.
However, when it was learned what happened to her and Siracusa, and who she had brought to Rhodes Island, a consensus was quickly reached:
Don't mess with Texas.
For Texas, Giovanna and Lappland each represented her past lives in Columbia and Siracusa.
If not for what had happened 7 years ago, she might have become a reticent Lappland, or a cold-blooded Giovanna.
Lappland symbolized hysteria toward Siracusa; she could not face it, but there was nowhere else to go to.
Giovanna represented apprehension toward Columbia; she knew she did not have to do it, but she did not know what else to do.
Texas knows that she would have walked the same paths as them, if she had not run away from it all.
Whenever she came face-to-face with Lappland and Columbia, it filled her with nostalgia, but guilt as well.
That is why she tolerated Lappland's actions, and accepted Giovanna's reproach. She was a Texas, no matter how much she detested everything to do with the family.
She knew the price she paid when she chose to step away from it all.
Was it worth it?
She asked herself this many times, and unsurprisingly was never able to find the answer.
After leaving Columbia and Siracusa, she desperately sought a new life to replace the old one.
For her, life is not about searching for meaning; it was life itself that was worth searching for.
Fortunately, she found what she was looking for.
Texas and Penguin Logistics did not stay in Nuova Volsinii for long.
She returned to Lungmen with the other members soon after the events concluded. Penguin Logistics reopened, and there did not seem to be any changes in their lives.
But she also meant her promise to Vigil: she would be there when Nuova Volsinii needs her.
Nuova Volsinii was established with Signora Sicilia's blessing, and thus most of the families have chosen to sit on the sidelines, keeping an eye on developments. However, this is no more than the calm before the storm.
Texas knows this, as do the rest of Penguin Logistics.
At present, the main reason for them to travel between Lungmen and Nuova Volsinii is not so much Texas as Sora.
The success of La Morte di Texas made Sora a star, prompting Monster Siren Records to change its strategy and encourage her to continue her activities in Siracusa. Nuova Volsinii presents an ideal platform for Sora in more ways than one.
It was Sora, then, who has to regularly make the trip to Nuova Volsinii.
Meanwhile, not wishing to let this opportunity go to waste, Croissant approached Bison and is trying to work with MountainDash Logistics and Vigil to build an international logistics route. It is a monumental task, but Croissant seems to enjoy it.
Exusiai, for her part, has made it her mission to try every pizza parlor in Siracusa and find the best.
For now, Texas is the one who is most idle.
She knows, however, that there is something tying them together. They will always be together, whether going forwards or backwards.
Not much has changed with Texas. She has not taken up the surname Texas to create a new mafia family, nor does she intend to become part of Nuova Volsinii under Vigil. For her, the only change is that she has started to pay regular visits to Nuova Volsinii.
She has made it clear that she will not stay in Siracusa when all is said and done. She does not want to leave too many traces there, and Vigil respects her decision. He has not interfered with Penguin Logistics's new Nuova Volsinii branch, and there are few among the mafiosi who know where the last Texas went after her brief reappearance in Volsinii.
Of course, things are constantly changing.
The waves that Bernardo stirred have calmed, but the families have begun to stir again. Siracusa's balance teeters on a precipice, leaving precious little time for Nuova Volsinii to grow peacefully.
At the same time, the game that the Signori dei Lupi have played for many years has come to the surface. This round is coming to an end, and the impact it will have on Siracusa is yet unknown.
The only thing that is certain is that change is coming to Siracusa.
Should she claim power, or at least associate herself with it, in the name of the greater good? Texas knows that the answer should be 'yes,' yet she has chosen to distance herself from Vigil and Penance.
Her line of thinking is simple. She does not belong to that greater good; she is simply one of the common folk, who felt outraged out of the goodness of her heart. Her only promise to Vigil was that she would keep fighting, until either Siracusa has changed, or she is no more.
At the celebration of Texas's return, Emperor brought up the founding of Penguin Logistics.
He was studying street performance in Columbia, when he smelled the presence of a Signore dei Lupi on Columbian soil, much to his surprise.
He decided to look into it, and found Zaaro dealing with a human—Texas.
'Don't give me that look, Texas. Did you really think we met on that street by chance?'
He became interested in the mortal who was able to deal with a Signore dei Lupi, so he followed her, only to see her doubts and pent-up anger. For a long time, she lived like a walking corpse.
'I learned about what happened to the Texas family, so I thought I'd help you kids out a little. Ain't no time for brooding when your feet are busy, so I founded this joint, and dragged her into it.'
'What's the matter?'
'Didn't think you had it in you to do something so decent, boss.'
'Hey! I get no respect around here!'
'So Columbia is the reason you like rap?'
'No, I'm the reason Columbia likes rap.'
ATK Interval
0.93 sec
18 sec


  • Texas Tradition
    Gains +20% ATK during the duration of the passive skill; When defeating an enemy for the first time, fully restores HP and reactivates the effects of the passive skill
  • Texas Swordsmanship
    Before defeating an enemy for the first time after each deployment, gains +8 ASPD and reduces all damage taken by 25%


Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
  • Silent Drizzle
    12 sec
    After deployment, gains ATK +70%; Attacks Silence the target for 10 seconds and cause them to take 400 Arts damage per second during that duration
  • Unrelenting Downpour
    10 sec
    After deployment, immediately deals 240% ATK as Arts damage to all surrounding enemies and inflicts -30% RES for 10 seconds; ATK +55%, attacks hit 2 times and deal Arts damage
  • Torrential Sword Rain
    8 sec
    After deployment, immediately deals 165% ATK as Arts damage twice to all surrounding enemies and Stuns them for 2 seconds, then releases a Sword Rain at up to 4 different targets within range every second that deals 130% ATK as Arts damage and Stuns for 0.2 seconds


    Texas the Omertosa's Badge
    Operator Texas the Omertosa has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude in repeated battlefield penetration.
    The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
    This operator shall be appointed a Specialist Operator during field operations to exercise Executor responsibilities.
    In witness whereof,
    This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
  • EXE-Y
    Blueberry & Dark Chocolate
    StageStatsUpgrade Description
    • HP +140
    • ATK +40
    Executor Trait
    Significantly reduced Redeployment Time
    When there are no allied units in the four adjacent tiles, ATK +10%
    • HP +160
    • ATK +53
    Texas Tradition
    Gains +25% ATK during the duration of the passive skill; When defeating an enemy for the first time, fully restores HP and reactivates the effects of the passive skill
    • HP +180
    • ATK +65
    Texas Tradition
    Gains +28% ATK during the duration of the passive skill; When defeating an enemy for the first time, fully restores HP and reactivates the effects of the passive skill
    Nothing could be more stupid than having to name your own weapon, Texas thinks, staring at the form in front of her.
    Nuova Volsinii forbids the carrying of weapons, even hidden ones, but Penguin Logistics is without a doubt a special case. Hence, their need to file a little additional registration. It doesn't mean they can use weapons in urban areas, but simply that under certain circumstances, their weapons will be returned to them.
    Which is not to say she has to go through something as dumb as weapon NAMING, of course, it's just—she sees Exusiai elatedly wracking the ol' noggin and filling in names she came up with a second ago for each one of her guns, and she catches the gaze Exusiai throws her way from time to time— appreciation mixed with eagerness—and she knows that if she doesn't do it herself, Exusiai will snatch away her paperwork and give her two new swords names so stupid you'd call them groundbreaking.
    She really can't say she's all that invested in these blades, given that she only reluctantly accepted them as a gift in the first place. Frankly, she's not even the type to get hung up on this stuff—if the swords she'd been using before weren't of fairly unique make, she'd probably have changed weapons several times over by now.
    Moreover, the maker of these twin swords was doubtlessly trying to draw some sort of... spiritual thing from the story of the Texas family name, which was then affixed squarely on top. And despite the fact that it made even more headache for her, it led even the official inspecting her weapons to cast her an expectant look, as if to say 'surely, arms such as these must have wonderful names.'
    The door opens with a groan, and in come Sora and Croissant toting bags of all sizes. Their new base is in dire need of dressing up, and the two of them have always been on decor duty.
    'Oh my gosh, Texas, you've been sitting there for three hours,' Sora can't help but exclaim when she finds, after moving to Texas's side, that the form is still in the exact same shape as when she left.
    Texas gives a shrug of the shoulders, hands the pen to her, and makes it clear: Texas is checked out.
    'I'm busy sorting out the base! I can't help you with this,' Sora says, mouth curling to one side. 'Besides, it's not like this family stuff has anything to do with me—I'm just some performer.'
    Texas rolls her eyes. She'd finally laid out her whole past to her friends, and now it was nothing more than a harmless joke between them. She shoots a look at Croissant, but the Forte raises her hands as if to say she's all tied up herself. Still, something seems to hit her immediately after, and she pulls something out of a bag and slings it to Texas.
    'Bought it on the way. Think it over nice 'n slow, now—ya got plenty time 'n all.'
    Texas catches it, looks down, and finds it's a box of chocolates.
    Having said her piece, Croissant heads into the kitchen. She's bought a bumper crop of cookware, and tonight will be her first time flexing her skills in Nuova Volsinii.
    Sora switches a new record onto the gramophone. Melodious music fills the new base, while she begins to read the script she has in hand. She's gotten a new job, no doubt.
    Exusiai's battle with her forms seems to be nearing a close, and one look at her face tells you she's pretty damn satisfied with what she's accomplished, but Texas knows the next time she fetches her weapons, she's not going to remember a single one of the names she thought up here.
    This is my life now.
    Texas tears open the packaging, pulls out a stick and begins to slowly chew on it, but the feel of the chocolate as it gradually melts in her mouth, on top of everything she sees and hears and senses right now, leads to a moment of inspiration.
    She promptly puts pen to form, fills in the name 'Blueberry & Dark Chocolate' a few times before tossing the pen aside.
    Exusiai leans in to steal a glance, and bluntly tells her, 'I gotta say, partner, those are really stupid names.'
    'I agree.' Texas leans back in her office chair, gives her body a stretch, and puts her earphones on. 'But that's just the right amount of stupid.'

RIIC Base Skills

  • Silence as a Sword
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Specialist and Vanguard Operators' Specialization training speed +30%
    Break the Shackles
    When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Specialist and Vanguard Operators' Specialization training speed +30%; if training a skill to Specialization Level 2, training speed will be further increased by +50%