- 图耶
- トゥイエ
- 투예

Medic — Medic
Restores the HP of allies
- SG08
- Ranged
- Healing
[Code Name] Tuye
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] None
[Place of Birth] Sargon
[Date of Birth] April 15
[Race] Forte
[Height] 153cm
[Infection Status]
Originium crystals distributed across surface of body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] None
[Place of Birth] Sargon
[Date of Birth] April 15
[Race] Forte
[Height] 153cm
[Infection Status]
Originium crystals distributed across surface of body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
[Physical Strength] Normal
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Normal
[Tactical Acumen] Excellent
[Combat Skill] Normal
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Normal
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Normal
[Tactical Acumen] Excellent
[Combat Skill] Normal
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Normal
Former trading company employee, responsible for logistical technology R&D along with transport route planning. Unfortunately infected with Oripathy due to an incident in a sandstorm during the course of her work. Holds a post at the Rhodes Island Medical Department on introduction from her previous employer, simultaneously undergoing necessary treatment for Oripathy.
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.
[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 7%
Some mild crystallization visible on the surface of the Operator's body, concentrated on the back and abdomen.
[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.29u/L
Operator was exposed to a high amount of constituent Originium within a short amount of time. Her situation itself is quite precarious; fortunately, discovery and treatment were both very prompt, and her present condition is stable. Her ensuing course of treatment will aim to further lower her internal blood Originium-crystal density levels.
[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 7%
Some mild crystallization visible on the surface of the Operator's body, concentrated on the back and abdomen.
[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.29u/L
Operator was exposed to a high amount of constituent Originium within a short amount of time. Her situation itself is quite precarious; fortunately, discovery and treatment were both very prompt, and her present condition is stable. Her ensuing course of treatment will aim to further lower her internal blood Originium-crystal density levels.
When Tuye had just come to Rhodes Island, and passed Human Resources' comprehensive interdepartmental assessments, she was an outstanding candidate for the Engineering Department.
However, on the day she was set to report to Engineering, we received an emergency mission. As the Medical Department was short-staffed that day, Tuye, possessing relevant aptitude, dove in impromptu to give critical and urgent care to operators returning aboard. Following, several senior operators from Medical gave high assessments of her emergency response capacity, and all agreed that though she wasn't proficient in healing Arts, her diverse fluency in the usage of tools—and her grasp on medical knowledge from years of work safeguarding transport logistics in the hostile wilds—qualified her to work as a Medic operator.
Upon notice of her transfer, Tuye had no complaints whatsoever, which was somewhat unexpected. Of course, we personally don't believe 'Closure furiously making for the Medical Department and starting a war of words with a section of its operators' needs to be recorded in detail for this file.
However, on the day she was set to report to Engineering, we received an emergency mission. As the Medical Department was short-staffed that day, Tuye, possessing relevant aptitude, dove in impromptu to give critical and urgent care to operators returning aboard. Following, several senior operators from Medical gave high assessments of her emergency response capacity, and all agreed that though she wasn't proficient in healing Arts, her diverse fluency in the usage of tools—and her grasp on medical knowledge from years of work safeguarding transport logistics in the hostile wilds—qualified her to work as a Medic operator.
Upon notice of her transfer, Tuye had no complaints whatsoever, which was somewhat unexpected. Of course, we personally don't believe 'Closure furiously making for the Medical Department and starting a war of words with a section of its operators' needs to be recorded in detail for this file.
Tuye has little in common with typical Forte. Her body displays none of the sturdiness of her race, and Oripathy is not the sole reason. Taking into account her constant seclusion in her room, her aversion to exercise, her lack of a strict three meals and her accompanying intake of overly sugary or salty snacks, the fact that she still just about met physical exam standards is owed to some of her innate ability.
Meanwhile, her social relations are also close to none. She regularly refuses other operators' invitations and doesn't participate in any group activities; she only occasionally pays visits to certain operators' laboratories. Prior to her visiting, she pays absolutely no mind to giving any notice. It's fortunate that these laboratories' owners don't tend to pick bones with 'impolite' manners, focusing entirely on the work at hand. Compared to chatting civilities, they're much more about storming up the perfect bright idea.
The one thing Tuye doesn't lack in that respect is bright ideas—whether reflected in her invention-tinkering ingenuity, or her occasional whim for pranks.
Meanwhile, her social relations are also close to none. She regularly refuses other operators' invitations and doesn't participate in any group activities; she only occasionally pays visits to certain operators' laboratories. Prior to her visiting, she pays absolutely no mind to giving any notice. It's fortunate that these laboratories' owners don't tend to pick bones with 'impolite' manners, focusing entirely on the work at hand. Compared to chatting civilities, they're much more about storming up the perfect bright idea.
The one thing Tuye doesn't lack in that respect is bright ideas—whether reflected in her invention-tinkering ingenuity, or her occasional whim for pranks.
She's not as unreasonable as others say.
I admit, when I first worked with her, I thought working with her was a nightmare too. Work often demanded that our department check in with her for transport routes; everyone pushed that off on everyone else, to the point we'd have to draw lots to decide who went to find her. The unlucky sap was always me. Every time I went off, I'd get keyed up like nothing else, scared I'd earn her contempt if I did a single thing wrong.
Afterwards... the incident. This sandstorm came especially rough. It wasn't her fault; desert weather's always changed faces on a whim. We were trapped in our transport car with the engine out, and I thought my own time was up. Stuck somewhere like that, to tell you the truth, nobody could make it out.
Then she came. She seriously pushed through the sandstorm, catching up with us from all the way back at the base. It was just her.
She brought water and nutritional fluid. We survived.
'Forcing me all this way to save your lives? I'm a logistics worker. You guys are beyond useless,' she was complaining, but she was so patient as she helped us fix our engine.
Afterwards, a very long time afterwards, work needed me to find her again, and I discovered she was long since gone.
I asked around as hard as I could. Only then did I learn she caught Oripathy. I know it, clear as day, it was because of that sandstorm, wasn't it? Nobody could stick their head into a storm like that and come out unscathed. The boss wasn't willing to tell me. Probably because she didn't want me to know.
I've heard she's posted at your company now, so I couldn't help writing this. You don't need to pass this letter on to her. I just wanted to tell you, having someone venerable as her on your staff, a colleague cute as her, you're all very lucky.
—Letter sent by Operator Tuye's former coworker.
I admit, when I first worked with her, I thought working with her was a nightmare too. Work often demanded that our department check in with her for transport routes; everyone pushed that off on everyone else, to the point we'd have to draw lots to decide who went to find her. The unlucky sap was always me. Every time I went off, I'd get keyed up like nothing else, scared I'd earn her contempt if I did a single thing wrong.
Afterwards... the incident. This sandstorm came especially rough. It wasn't her fault; desert weather's always changed faces on a whim. We were trapped in our transport car with the engine out, and I thought my own time was up. Stuck somewhere like that, to tell you the truth, nobody could make it out.
Then she came. She seriously pushed through the sandstorm, catching up with us from all the way back at the base. It was just her.
She brought water and nutritional fluid. We survived.
'Forcing me all this way to save your lives? I'm a logistics worker. You guys are beyond useless,' she was complaining, but she was so patient as she helped us fix our engine.
Afterwards, a very long time afterwards, work needed me to find her again, and I discovered she was long since gone.
I asked around as hard as I could. Only then did I learn she caught Oripathy. I know it, clear as day, it was because of that sandstorm, wasn't it? Nobody could stick their head into a storm like that and come out unscathed. The boss wasn't willing to tell me. Probably because she didn't want me to know.
I've heard she's posted at your company now, so I couldn't help writing this. You don't need to pass this letter on to her. I just wanted to tell you, having someone venerable as her on your staff, a colleague cute as her, you're all very lucky.
—Letter sent by Operator Tuye's former coworker.
There is no rain in the desert.
Tuye always carries an umbrella with her. Even aboard the ship, that doesn't change. A lot of operators are curious about the umbrella, but don't dare ask Tuye about it.
Perhaps this photograph sent from her mother and father can offer some clues. The Tuye in the picture is considerably younger than the present; perhaps only three or four years old. As we can see, the scene in the photo should be of her home. She's tucked entirely under the umbrella, holding some components in her arms. They are clearly Columbian-produced parts she has in a pile, assembled to imitate all sorts of items—some like chairs, some like beds.
From a developmental psychology perspective, many children have this same tendency—treating the space under an umbrella as an independent space, a home of just their own. This can be because the parents are overly busy, caring insufficiently for these children, and so cause them to feel lonely. For this reason, they seek a smaller, more controllable space, where they only need to get along with themselves. My belief is that Tuye is one such case.
Nowadays, she still carries this umbrella. Perhaps, and I do mean perhaps, she considers the cover of the umbrella to be her home, just as before. Could a person entice her to come out from underneath? I don't know about anyone else. But in my belief, the person reading this file now, in whom all of Rhodes Island has placed their unwavering trust, certainly can.
Tuye always carries an umbrella with her. Even aboard the ship, that doesn't change. A lot of operators are curious about the umbrella, but don't dare ask Tuye about it.
Perhaps this photograph sent from her mother and father can offer some clues. The Tuye in the picture is considerably younger than the present; perhaps only three or four years old. As we can see, the scene in the photo should be of her home. She's tucked entirely under the umbrella, holding some components in her arms. They are clearly Columbian-produced parts she has in a pile, assembled to imitate all sorts of items—some like chairs, some like beds.
From a developmental psychology perspective, many children have this same tendency—treating the space under an umbrella as an independent space, a home of just their own. This can be because the parents are overly busy, caring insufficiently for these children, and so cause them to feel lonely. For this reason, they seek a smaller, more controllable space, where they only need to get along with themselves. My belief is that Tuye is one such case.
Nowadays, she still carries this umbrella. Perhaps, and I do mean perhaps, she considers the cover of the umbrella to be her home, just as before. Could a person entice her to come out from underneath? I don't know about anyone else. But in my belief, the person reading this file now, in whom all of Rhodes Island has placed their unwavering trust, certainly can.
What, she pranked you? Congrats, that means you're in!
I mean, if you weren't, she'd treat you like air.
Well, duh, if I had to choose. Look. Either I get knocked out suddenly and tied to the testbed, getting a checkup while one of the big bosses lectures me, like I'm getting scanned inside and out by a computer with no heart. Or I get Tuye—uh, Dr. Tuye, who I think is obviously a way better option.
So, basically, you know the drill. Take care of your health, don't get injured, don't take a trip to Medical. That's the most important thing!
—Thoughts of a Guard Operator who ranks top in frequency of visits
I mean, if you weren't, she'd treat you like air.
Well, duh, if I had to choose. Look. Either I get knocked out suddenly and tied to the testbed, getting a checkup while one of the big bosses lectures me, like I'm getting scanned inside and out by a computer with no heart. Or I get Tuye—uh, Dr. Tuye, who I think is obviously a way better option.
So, basically, you know the drill. Take care of your health, don't get injured, don't take a trip to Medical. That's the most important thing!
—Thoughts of a Guard Operator who ranks top in frequency of visits
ATK Interval
2.85 sec
80 sec
- Water StorageAfter 4 seconds without healing, increase the amount of the next heal to 150% ATK
Enable advanced view in settings to display detailed data.
- Aqua LoopAuto RecoveryManual ActivationSP Cost12Immediately heals a target and grants them a Barrier that lasts for 5 seconds (Can absorb damage equal to 200% of Tuye's ATK)atk_scale2duration5
- Cardiac StimulantAuto RecoveryAuto ActivationInitial SP20SP Cost50ATK +60%, however only heal allies with less than 50% HP. When allies within range fall below 20% HP, immediately heal them for 300% of Tuye's ATK. The skill ends when this effect is triggered 3 times. Unlimited durationatk0.6max_hp_ratio0.2heal_scale3skill_interval1
- ORIGINALTuye's Badge
Operator Tuye has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for healing teammates in the field.
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Medic Operator during field operations to exercise Medic responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named. - PHY-XWater Still Device
Stage Stats Upgrade Description 1 - HP +40
- ATK +30
Medic Trait Restores the HP of alliesWhen healing allied units with less than 50% HP, increases heal amount by 15%2 - HP +65
- ATK +40
Water Storage After 4 seconds without healing, increase the amount of the next heal to 170% ATK3 - HP +80
- ATK +47
Water Storage After 4 seconds without healing, increase the amount of the next heal to 180% ATKBefore night has a chance to fall, daylight vanishes from outside the classroom window.
The twilight red is shoved forth by fierce storms, the sun blotted out by the turbid air leaving only a faint gold halo in the sky, the madder dusk dyed in thick, rich orange.
In the dry and flaming hot air, Tuye finds herself stifled. She tugs on her collar, and continues to observe as sand blankets the land and sky outside, wondering what's going to happen once class is out.
Brutal winds assail unabated, the sand within rattling and pattering against the glass with a great clamor. The long-bearded professor is forced to stop teaching, and wait for the noise to subside.
Amidst the dense sandstorm, Tuye notices a buckthorn plant shuddering about beneath a dilapidated wall, a flower bud somehow still surviving on its sparse branches. Tender, frail, liable to fall away in the wind at any time.
'Tch...' Tuye shuts her book and stuffs it in her bag, stooping low in preparation to slip out the back door.
'It appears you think you've already grasped this. Am I wrong, Miss Tuye?'
Tuye looks up, and sees the professor standing at his lectern, arms folded, giving her a look of annoyance.
'What was I saying just now? Answer correctly and I won't deduct credits.' The old professor strokes his beard.
'It's caused by the steam trap having an insufficient pressure differential, leading to steam leaking from the condenser.'
'I hadn't gotten that far yet, Miss Tuye.'
'You were about to, weren't you?' Tuye wiggles her eyebrows and lets out a smile.
Faced with such an irrepressible student, the professor can only heave a sigh and give his begrudging reply.
'Fine, get out of here. You're not helping me.'
'What about my course credit?'
'*sigh* Just this once, I'll let you off the hook.'
Clearing his throat, the professor is about to continue where he left off, when Tuye's next remark suddenly angers him to the point his beard stands on end.
'You know, you can dock some if you really wanna—I'm way above a pass, anyhow.'
Tuye hoists her bag and is sprinting out of the door by the time she finishes, leaving only the hinges slowly shutting, and an ear-piercing grumble.
'Get back here, you little goddamn lout!'
The professor's bellowing is loud enough to be heard outside the lecture hall, and fades away in the hallway along with Tuye's cackles.
Many years later, Tuye still regularly thinks back to her student days and cracks a smile—to this day, she and the professor have unfailingly kept in touch by letter. And every time she finishes writing one, she takes the condenser still off her backpack and pours the water into the planter on the windowsill, where a lush and beautiful buckthorn grows.
RIIC Base Skills
- Logistics Planning αWhen this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, order acquisition efficiency +5%; Furthermore, increase order acquisition efficiency by an additional +15% for every 4 Pure Gold Production Line>Logistics Planning βWhen this Operator is assigned to a Trading Post, order acquisition efficiency +5%; Furthermore, increase order acquisition efficiency by an additional +15% for every 2 Pure Gold Production Line>